Minister of Defense
An Italian policeman investigates a series of murders involving people in prominent positions. Left behind at each murder scene is a drawing of a salamander. The policeman begins to suspect these murders are linked to a plot to seize control of the government.
An ex-Vietnam vet is forced to become a hit-man and gets caught in the middle of a conspiracy.
During a press conference, international star Nina remembers simpler times, flashing back to her days as a maid in a run-down Italian hotel. As a young woman, Nina befriends Contessa Sanziani, an elderly woman who entertains Nina with memories of her vibrant, wealthy life with Count Sanziani. Inspired by her tales of success, young Nina fantasizes about her own adventures and seeks to find the same excitement in her life.
Após o sequestro e morte de sua esposa,um homem encontra uma segunda chance numa mullher que se parece muito com sua esposa. Mas tudo se complica quando decidem se casar.
Uomo al Bar
Belle Duke, in order to get revenge on her former lover Philip Bang, organize his jail break. But instead of Philip is the Italian Felice Brianza, AKAS Felix, to escape. Now Felix is obliged to help Philip to escape. He will succeeded and from that moment on the two will join to defraud Belle. The swindle plot become more complicate when Felix falls in love for Philip's daughter.
American Tourist (archive footage) (uncredited)
A total re-edit of Mario Bava's gothic classic Lisa and the Devil (1973) for US release in 1975. Cheesy exorcism scenes were shot to try to capitalize on the success of The Exorcist (1973).
Cliente del bordello (uncredited)
1936. In a village in the Bassa Padana, a beautiful and shapely forty-year-old girl is aunt of some boys in the middle of their sexual maturity.
Comte d'Arnoud
Barbara gets secret plastic surgery in Switzerland in an attempt to save her marriage to Mark, but he doesn't seem interested in meeting her. She checks in to a ski resort to wait for Mark, and begins getting attention from young men. Her daughter tries to warn her that even though she has had the surgery it might be too late for her marriage, but she clings to the hope that Mark will come back once he sees her new look. Meanwhile, she must decide whether or not have an affair with a young man she's met.
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Wendell Armbruster, um empresário de sucesso em Baltimore, vai para a Itália providenciar a devolução do corpo de seu pai magnata. E acaba descobrindo que ele morreu junto com sua amante de longa data.
An American commando who's the sole survivor of a parachute jump into WWII-era Italy leads a group of children in a campaign of sabotage against the Nazis.
Minister (uncredited)
Young bank employee is very surprised by his bride behavior...
Man in Nightclub
Anna plays the personal secretary of a rich industrialist who falls in love with her boss' daughter's leftist boyfriend, Carlo. Anna pretty much severs her ties with her boss (who she also had romantic moments with) and after she moves in with the college student Carlo she attempts to provide for both, but soon fails in finding job opportunities and sinks into the sleazy world of drugs and prostitution. Carlo's right wing brother demands Carlo begins his relationship with daughter of the powerful businessman in order to guarantee financial freedom for the rest of his life.
A detective gets involved with the beautiful daughter of an old friend. The daughter turns out to be a jewel thief, who in turn gets the detective involved in a caper in Austria.
de Villemont Party Guest (uncredited)
In 1960s Paris, an American boxer stumbles upon an international fascist conspiracy that aims to create a new world order.
Prof. Stevens
A heroic expedition braves snow-whipped precipices and discovers the dreaded humanoids. But wait – these are extraterrestrial yetis who zipped in from outer space to conquer Earth by melting the polar ice caps with high-energy proton fields. Will mankind be global-warmed into surrender?
A Carthaginian general attempts to cross the Alps with an army of elephants in order to conquer Rome.
Embassy Aide (uncredited)
A Princesa Anne embarca em uma turnê por diversas capitais europeias e que é altamente explorada pela imprensa. Quando ela e sua comitiva real chegam em Roma, ela começa a se rebelar contra o seu horário extremamente regrado. Uma noite Anne dá uma escapulida de seu quarto, pula na traseira de um caminhão de entregas e escapa seu luxuoso confinamento. No entanto, um sedativo que ela foi forçada a tomar mais cedo começa a fazer efeito, e logo a princesa está prestes a dormir em um banco público. Ela é encontrada por Joe Bradley, um repórter de um jornal americano correspondente em Roma. Ele a leva até o seu apartamento. Na manhã seguinte, Joe corre para cobrir a conferência de imprensa da princesa Anne, sem saber que ela está dormindo em seu sofá. Na hora em que ele percebe a sua boa sorte, Joe promete ao seu editor uma entrevista exclusiva com a princesa.