Claude May

Nascimento : 1913-07-18, Le Raincy, Seine St Denis, France

Morte : 2009-07-03


Le bonheur des autres
The Midnight Witness
Madame Montet
Jacques Montet, a successful crime story writer, has already written a hundred books and would like to call it quits now to devote himself to loftier writing. But his wife, a cold-hearted, money-minded, bossy woman won't allow. All the more as she is the one who supplies Jacques with the plots of his detective stories. When Jacques, yearning for true love, meets young, pretty Muriel, he can't stand the situation any longer. Fortunately - for him - the plot of the 101st detective story imagined by his wife is about a ... perfect crime. He simply has to follow her instructions to ... get rid of her. Everything goes according to plan until Jacques discovers a scary detail: the presence of a mysterious witness on the scene of the crime.
Her Last Christmas
Lucie Vilardi
A very ill little girl having expressed the wish to live until Christmas, the whole neighborhood agrees to anticipate the celebration.
A Ilha da Bagunça
La secrétaire
Stan herda um iate e uma ilha do Pacífico Sul. Ollie e Stan navegam para lá com outros dois homens. Eles naufragaram em um novo atol e se estabeleceram ali. Uma ex-noiva se junta a eles. Eles declaram uma nação independente e surgem problemas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Master Love
The captain of the girls
Director of a music hall, the dubious Ribero, to save himself from bankruptcy, only hopes for the victory of his horse. An English lord enlists his crack Master Love in the race. Ribero will try to prevent its departure. He is thwarted in his dark projects by the lord's daughter, captain of a troop of girls, and by a wise and determined sportsman who does not hesitate, for the occasion, to become a jockey. Master Love wins the race, Ribero is confused, a few weddings are celebrated.
Le roi des galéjeurs
Because the shiner Titin has fallen in love with a singer, he braves the latter's protector, the baron, and passes himself off as an insurer in connection with a pearl necklace that is circulating. Bitters get involved, Titin kidnaps the beauty and leaves the pearls to the baron.
Narciso Aviador
Para herdar de uma defunta tia, Narciso é obrigado a conquistar o brevet de aviador. Um equívoco colocá-lo-á numa base aérea onde, apesar de ser como é, se tornará um ás das asas, com direito ao dinheiro e ao amor da filha do sargento-mor.
Prince de mon cœur
One of the subjects of the Prince of Slopoldavia, followed him to Paris, not out of love but to take revenge for the monarch's betrayal of one of his friends. Involuntary architect of a plot, she forces the prince to return to the throne and agrees to share the burdens of power with him.
Barnabé, an occasional flutist, goes to Mme Petit-Durand to organize her daughter's 20 years. But he is confused with the Count of Marengo whom Mme Petit-Durand wants to give as husband to her daughter, who has already made her choice.
Le Tigre du Bengale
Un scandale aux galeries
No overview found
Ignace Boitaclou, although sympathetic, is not very intelligent. Upon his arrival at the barracks to perform his military service, he was appointed colonel and had to take care of the latter's terrible wife.
Take the Road
Jacques is a jolly bachelor who lives a wild life with his a mistress Wanda and all he wishes is to go on living the way he does. But Father won't allow. He demands that Jacques get married. More or less reluctantly, Jacques decides to comply but on the way to his father's home - where he is to meet the bride Dad has chosen for him - the young man comes across the charming Simone and falls in love with her at first sight. He elopes her, determined to ignore his progenitor's orders. Little does he know that Simone, the girl of his heart, is none other than the one he was supposed to marry...
Generals Without Buttons
Separated by an ancestral hatred, two small villages of the South see their infant population engaging in war, while the teacher of the first village and the mayor of the second love each other.
Toi, c'est moi
Bobby Guibert and Pat Duvallon are the best of friends. They are also big party animals. Honorine, Bobby's aunt, is outraged by her nephew's bad behavior, all the more as it is with her money that the young man paints the city red, always accompanied by Pat. She then decides to send them both to the West Indies, where she owns a sugar-cane plantation, in the hope that far from temptation they will reform. Once there, the two revelers come up with nothing better than - swap identities, which will be the cause of a series of cheerful misunderstandings. Everything will end not in one, but several marriages.
Vogue, mon coeur
Ginette is always squabbling with her mother and she cannot take it any more. One day, she asks Jim Ashbury to intervene and this is how the son of a wealthy lord gets involved in the life of a pretty Jane Doe. Charmed by Ginette, Jim invites her to a cruise on the Mediterranean. It does not take long before Cupid sends his arrows at the two young people but things are not so simple for all that. Jim indeed fears Ginette might want to marry him for money, which is totally wrong. Fortunately, Lord Ashbury manages to persuade his stubborn son of his error.
Mysteries of Paris
Towards the end of the 19th century, the Duke of Gerolstein traveled to Paris. Sixteen years earlier he had a daughter who was taken from him by her mother who was chased out of the palace. After many dramatic adventures, the Duke finds his daughter in the person of Fleur de Marie, martyred throughout her childhood by the Owl and the schoolmaster.
A Bandeira
la femme ivre
Depois de cometer um assassinato em Paris, Pierre Gilieth foge para Barcelona. Na tentativa de arrumar dinheiro na capital da Catalunha, o francês se alista na Legião Estrangeira Espanhola, onde faz dois amigos, Lucas e Mulot. Pierre tenta esquecer suas culpas, mas os fatos não deixam.
Et moi, j'te dis qu'elle t'a fait de l'oeil
Suzanne Lambertier
When a young woman named Aurélie throws a fit of jealousy at her husband and her lover, daily life becomes more complicated.
A Night at a Honeymoon
The maid and the driver of Sidonie de Valpurgis have the absurd idea of ​​subletting the hotel of their boss during her absence, and precisely to Sidonie's ex-friend, who wants to spend his wedding night there.
What a Funny Kid!
Lucie turns the house of chic dandy Gaston upside down.
Un jour viendra
Quelqu'un a tué...
A Scotland investigation into the sinister Lamberton family castle, where a servant was mysteriously killed and then a doctor strangled a few nights later. The servants are wrongly suspected and the truth provokes the suicide of the real culprit.
L'oncle de Pékin
In this musical comedy, all the heirs of a recently deceased uncle must stay in his chateau until they find a buyer for it.If no one is found or if any of them leave, the place will be left to its Chinese servants, who devise tricks to cheat the heirs.
Plein aux as
Flipotte, driven out of his band of burglars, takes the name, personality, house and checkbook of Monsieur Pardigon. When the real Pardigon returns, he doesn't stop him because he has learned from Flipotte that money can make people happy.