Still depressed over the suicide of his mother, Bill has no idea that he's in for a wild ride when he and his wife Jennifer board the yacht owned by her bigoted lawyer brother. Along for the trip: a rock musician and his wife, as well as the newly sex-changed Tim, and the woman he's smuggling into the U.S.
Mrs. Boyle
Após testemunhar um crime praticado por uma gangue violenta, um garoto concorda em auxiliar nas investigações se permitirem que ele passe pelo menos um dia na polícia, acompanhando o trabalho de um detetive. Para tomar conta do jovem, é escalado o detetive McKenna, que tem de enfrentar uma série de confusões preparadas pelo menino.
When James admits to his mother that he is gay it strains her liberal attitude. A San Diego businesswoman, Audrey believes she is a modern, open-minded mother, but the news sends her reeling. However, the real shock comes when James asks her to travel to Arkansas and inform his lover's estranged mom, Luanne, that her son has AIDS. As Audrey and Luanne learn to put aside their prejudice toward each other, they soon discover how to share their thoughts, hopes and fears for their sons.
Birdie Jewel
Menina obrigada a se casar aos 14 anos é abandonada e, aos 15, vive nas ruas. Ela é violentada por todos os homens que conhece e acaba cometendo um assassinato. No corredor da morte, um advogado tenta salvar sua vida.
Mrs. Weeks
Gemma, uma adolescente com problemas afetivos e que vive com o avô desde que foi abandonada pela mãe. Quando ela vai para uma cidadezinha passar o verão, se reencontra com a mãe e cai de amores por um rude trabalhador rural.
Ruth Schmidt
Um antigo membro de uma seita secreta morre de forma misteriosa depois de um acidente com um trator. Sua viúva acaba sendo perseguida pelos membros remanescentes da seita, que parecem ter desígnios maléficos para ela.
Dorothy Truitt
The historic federal-state controversy over the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, as seen through the eyes of Elizabeth Huckaby, one of the teachers and girls' vice principal.
The adventures of two good old boys from Texas, no-account buddies who are finally forced to face reality for themselves and for their girlfriends.
Oswald's Mother
The bizarre story behind the man accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy and what might have happened had he been brought to trial.
A crazy woman who lives in an old mansion thinks she's with her brother/lover, who lures victims to her.
A dutiful grand-daughter goes home to take care of her elderly grandmother. Once there, she finds herself trapped inside the house with a homicidal maniac.
Geraldine Masters
A young psychiatric nurse goes to work at a lonesome asylum following a murder. There, she experiences varying degrees of torment from the patients.
Production Manager
A young psychiatric nurse goes to work at a lonesome asylum following a murder. There, she experiences varying degrees of torment from the patients.
Three eerie tales based on actual events are enacted in this film. First, three college students play a prank on a geeky classmate, who is accidentally shot and killed. His vengeful mother forecasts the deaths of the three young men she holds responsible, on 7, 14, and 21 days hence. And, one by one, her grim predictions come true. Next, a ghoulish sound emanates from a mist-shrouded hole in the Earth near where a Missouri boy has lost his dog. The boy's father is lowered into the hole and lets out an agonizing scream! Finally, a senator returning home from a party finds a lost girl on a bridge and learns from her father that she died years earlier
Three eerie tales based on actual events are enacted in this film. First, three college students play a prank on a geeky classmate, who is accidentally shot and killed. His vengeful mother forecasts the deaths of the three young men she holds responsible, on 7, 14, and 21 days hence. And, one by one, her grim predictions come true. Next, a ghoulish sound emanates from a mist-shrouded hole in the Earth near where a Missouri boy has lost his dog. The boy's father is lowered into the hole and lets out an agonizing scream! Finally, a senator returning home from a party finds a lost girl on a bridge and learns from her father that she died years earlier
A biography of Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd, a gangster who started his career at a young age after seeking revenge for his father's murder.
A farmer traps three people in a cave with his pet prehistoric monster.
Makeup Artist
Tommy Kirk leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Kirk proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his first conquests turns out to be sexy scientist Yvonne Craig.
Hotel Clerk
A mad scientist is conducting experiments with evolution on the locals deep in the rural swamps of Texas.
Mama Rosas
In Italy during World War II, an American headquarters is evacuated when German forces break through the front lines. A demolition squad is sent back to the abandoned headquarters to destroy valuable records that were left behind before they fall into German hands.
Assistant Director
A mad stage hypnotist Dr. John Basso reverts his beautiful assistant Doreena into the physical form of a prehistoric sea monster she was in a past life. Using this power he attempts to find fame and fortune by predicting a series of murders and then using the monster to carry them out.
Mrs. Crane
A mad stage hypnotist Dr. John Basso reverts his beautiful assistant Doreena into the physical form of a prehistoric sea monster she was in a past life. Using this power he attempts to find fame and fortune by predicting a series of murders and then using the monster to carry them out.
Bar Girl
A mentally unbalanced man is obsessed with the idea that a black cat is possessed. He tortures and kills it. Later, he comes to believe that the cat has returned from the dead to kill him.
Mrs. Martinson
A newlywed young woman learns that her husband is a pimp, and ultimately goes to work for him as a call-girl...thus begins her rapid downward spiral.
Mrs. Langley
Cynthia Wood, a 17-year-old, light-skinned black girl, tries to pass off as white after getting hired of a wealthy movie magnate Mr. Langley who has family problems with his spoiled wife and his promiscuous teenage daughter and son.
Fred's Mother
Young bright medical student Fred has a dark secret - he's a peeping tom!
The Dallas trial of Lee Harvey Oswald, President John F. Kennedy's alleged assassin, is enacted as it might have occurred. After the defense enters pleas of "not guilty" and "not guilty by reason of insanity," 23 witnesses for the prosecution testify. No verdict is returned.
Ruby Jenkins (as Anne McAdams)
A trial melodrama about a mother who encourages her 14 year old daughter to have sex with a 16 year old Mexican boy.
Shug, a rich old man, throws out his longtime live-in mistress and moves in his young, sexy niece, who's just returned home after making a living as a stripper in New Orleans. The mistress doesn't intend to go without a fight, however, and while Shug tries to make peace between the two women, he doesn't realize that his niece has her own plans for him.