John Howell

Nascimento : 1914-08-14, Hampstead, London, England, UK

Morte : 1993-01-01


Production Design
A KGB assassin infiltrates the American embassy in Beirut in an attempt to eliminate a Russian defector being protected by the CIA.
Os Contos de Beatrix Potter
Art Direction
As personagens mais adoradas de Beatrix Potter's ganham vida neste clássico.
There's a Girl in My Soup
Art Direction
TV personality Robert Danvers, an exceedingly vain rotter, seduces young women daily, never staying long with one. He meets his match in Marion, an American, 19, who's available but refuses any romantic illusions.
The Walking Stick
Production Design
A young woman's highly ordered and structured life is turned upside-down when she meets a handsome stranger at a party. Friendship soon develops into romance and for the first time in her life she is truly happy. This happiness is short lived, however, as little by little she discovers her partner has been lying to her about his past. It is soon revealed that he and his friends have been planning to rob the auction house that she works for and they require her inside knowledge in order to pull off the crime.
A Primavera de uma Solteirona
Production Design
Edinburgh, 1932. Jean Brodie (Maggie Smith) é uma professora em uma escola para meninas, que inspira suas estudantes com suas idéias sobre arte, música e política, sendo que a última é baseada em noções românticas, que a levam a expressar sua admiração pelo fascismo na Itália.
Um Golpe das Arábias
Art Direction
George Lester (Jerry Lewis) sonha em enriquecer, e para isso vive planejando um modo de conseguir isso. O resultado são dívidas e dificuldades com sua esposa Pamela (Jacqueline Pierce), que já está pensando em pedir o divórcio. Tudo piora quando ele conhece o vigarista Willy Homer (Terry Thomas), que lhe diz que conhece um modo de ganhar dinheiro fácil: vender planos para um grupo de árabes. Só que eles são enganados, e George envolve-se em mais uma confusão.
Cassino Royale
Art Direction
Sir James Bond aposenta-se no auge da fama. A CIA, a KGB e a Scotland Yard imploram que ele volte à ativa para uma última missão. Em meio a uma multidão de imitadores e aproveitadores, Sir James provará que ainda é o único, e verdadeiro, Bond. Sátira ao agente criado por Ian Fleming. Este filme não é considerado um legítimo representante da antologia "James Bond" no cinema. Ele também é notável pelos inúmeros problemas e brigas que ocorreram durante as filmagens (incluindo discussões entre Orson Welles e Peter Sellers, que chegou a abandonar a produção, deixando as suas cenas inacabadas), chegando ao ponto do filme ter tido vários roteiristas e cinco diretores!
Art Direction
Depois que o exército egípcio, comandada por oficiais britânicos, é destruído em uma batalha no Sudão em 1880, o governo britânico está em um dilema. Ele não querem enviar uma força militar britânica para uma guerra estrangeira, mas eles têm o compromisso de proteger os egípcios em Cartum. Eles decidem pedir o general Charles "Chinês" Gordon, que era uma espécie de herói popular no Sudão por ter acabado com o comércio de escravos na área, para providenciar a evacuação. Gordon concorda, mas também decide defender a cidade contra as forças do Mahdi - O Esperado - e tenta forçar os britânicos a enviar tropas.
Chamada para um Morto
Art Direction
O MI5 recebe uma carta datilografada anônima acusando Samuel Fennan do Foreign Office de ser comunista durante sua juventude na Universidade de Oxford. Depois do agente Charles Dobbs ter uma conversa amigável com Fennan o homem comete suicídio. Foi surpreendente porque a conversa durante a caminhada no parque foi muito amável. Altos funcionários querem a coisa toda varrida para debaixo do tapete e ficarão felizes em encerrar como um suicídio. Mas Dobbs não está com a mesma certeza pois há uma série de inconsistências que simplesmente não podem ser explicadas. Dobbs também está tendo problemas em casa com sua esposa, a quem muito ama, que vem tendo casos com muita frequência. Ele tem também o prazer de rever o velho amigo Dieter Frey, que ele recrutou depois da guerra para o serviço de espionagem, o MI6. Com a ajuda de um colega e um policial aposentado, Dobbs tenta juntar as peças para descobrir quem é o espião e quem de fato assassinou Fennan.
Onde os Espiões Estão
Art Direction
A local doctor is recruited as a cold war spy to fulfill a very important secret mission in the Middle East, only to experience that his mission is complicated by a sexy female double agent.
O Rato na Lua
Production Design
Sequel to The Mouse that Roared; The Tiny Country of Grand Fenwick has a hot water problem in the castle. To get the money necessary to put in a new set of plumbing, they request foreign aid from the U.S. for Space Research. The Russians then send aid as well to show that they too are for the internationalization of space. While the grand Duke is dreaming of hot baths, their one scientist is slapping together a rocket. The U.S. and Soviets get wind of the impending launch and try and beat them to the moon.
Ato de Misericórdia
Art Direction
Committed pacifist Tom Jordan's decision to help former President Rivera escape a military coup is a simple act of mercy that takes him and his wife to the edge of despair. It turns them into outlaws and fugitives, hunted by a vicious regime; yet it could also bring them together in a way they have never been before.
A Cidadela dos Robinsons
Production Design
Depois de um naufrágio, a família Robinson fica abandonada em uma ilha habitada apenas por uma impressionante variedade de vida selvagem. Num verdadeiro espírito de pioneiro, eles rapidamente se sentem em casa, mas logo enfrentam um perigo ainda maior do que a natureza: piratas assustadores. É uma aventura estimulante, adequada para toda a família, adaptação Disney do romance clássico de Johann Wyss. Com as estrelas Dorothy McGuire e John Mills como mãe e pai Robinson.
O Terceiro Homem na Montanha
Production Design
Filme sobre um jovem aventureiro que apesar de perder seu pai escalando uma montanha irá tentar subir uma montanha jamais escalada.
Nor the Moon by Night
Art Direction
When Alice Lang flies out to Kenya to marry gamekeeper Andrew Miller she is met by his brother Rusty, who is initially opposed to the marriage. The two become attracted to each other, but when Andrew is attacked by a lion, Alice nurses him back to health. Now torn between affection and duty, she must decide which path to follow.
Ordem de Matar
Art Direction
A grounded American fighter pilot is switched to espionage on a special job in which he must kill a small-time Paris lawyer suspected of double-crossing France by selling out radio operators to the Nazis.
A Clandestina
Art Direction
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
Loser Takes All
Art Direction
Bertrand, an accountant employed by a large London firm, is called to the office of the Managing Director, Dreuther, to explain a mistake in the accounts. Dreuther is highly impressed by the young accountant's skilful explanation of the error and, hearing that Bertrand is soon to marry his spirited young fiancée, tells him to spend the honeymoon not in Bournemouth, but Monte Carlo at the company s expense! However, events in the fabulous Mediterranean paradise do not work out quite as Bertrand had envisaged...
A Encruzilhada dos Destinos
Art Direction
Anglo-Indian Victoria Jones seeks her true identity amid the chaos of the British withdrawal from India.
Fast and Loose
Art Direction
An unmarried couple are forced to adopt a series of pretexts when they stay at a country inn together with only one spare room.
Heróis de Malta
Art Direction
In 1942 Britain was clinging to the island of Malta since it was critical to keeping Allied supply lines open. The Axis also wanted it for their own supply lines. Plenty of realistic reenactments and archival combat footage as the British are beseiged and try to fight off the Luftwaffe. Against this background, a RAF reconnaissance photographer's romance with a local girl is endangered as he tries to plot enemy movements.
The Net
Art Direction
A secret jet aircraft capable of traveling three times the speed of sound is being developed by a group of scientists. On the day of the test flight, one of the scientists dies in a mysterious accident, and there are many arguments concerning the flight itself; some think it should be ground-controlled while Heathley (James Donald) wants it to be a manned flight with himself at the controls. Conflict also arises when one of his fellow scientists, taking advantage of Heathley's lack of attention toward his wife, Lydia (Phyllis Calvert), makes some moves on her. Then there is the question of just who is the enemy agent on the project.
O Mundo a Seus Pés
Art Direction
B.G. Bruno, a rich bachelor, the head of a successful greeting-card company in Scotland, is essentially a kind man but respectable to the point of stodginess and extreme stuffiness. An American troupe visiting Edinburgh wants to produce a musical in town but has trouble getting backers. Bruno meets several of the leading ladies of the show; through a misunderstanding he doesn't correct they think that he's a newspaper reporter. He falls in love with one of the women, who reciprocates; he grows more lively and friendly, to the surprise of his employees. After a series of mishaps and comic incidents comes a happy ending: a successful show and true love.
A Valsa Eterna
Art Direction
The episodic story of a composer of operettas, Rudi Kleiber, in in old Viennese days, and the two women in his life; Maria Zeitler, his sweetheart, later mistress, lost love, an operetta star, and his first patron, and the mother of a son he did not know he had; and of Greta, his first love and companion in later years
Private Angelo
Art Direction
Angelo has been drafted into the Italian Army in World War II. He does not like people shooting at him, so he tries all sorts of tricks to avoid being caught up in the action. However, events always seem to lead him back to the fighting.
The Guinea Pig
Art Direction
A working-class boy wins a scholarship to a public school, as part of a post-World War Two experiment in bringing boys of different social classes together.
O Pior dos Pecados
Art Direction
Centring on the activities of a gang of assorted criminals and, in particular, their leader – a vicious young hoodlum known as "Pinkie" – the film's main thematic concern is the criminal underbelly evident in inter-war Brighton.