Eva Ebner

Eva Ebner

Nascimento : 1922-01-14, Gdańsk, Poland

Morte : 2006-01-31


Eva Ebner


Unser Kindermädchen ist ein Millionär
Alte Dame
Max Helmer, son of Paul Helmer, a great businessman, must now work for a while as domestic help to know better what is work and the value of money.He will help Elena and her children.
Auf den Spuren Winnetous
Volta ao Mundo em 80 Dias: Uma Aposta Muito Louca
crazy lady
Phileas Fogg, inventor que vive na Inglaterra vitoriana, é desafiado por outro inventor a dar a volta ao mundo em 80 dias. Em sua jornada, ele é acompanhando por seu empregado fiel, Passepartout, e por Monique, sua bela navegadora.
The Trixxer
Miss Drycunt
A mysterious serial killer is shocking the underworld. Scotland Yard is investigating the case. Clues lead the detectives to Blackwhite Castle.
Thank God I’m in the Film Business!
Eva Ebner is a Berliner who gives the appearance of being rather eccentric. She knows the film business inside out – regardless of whether she’s work- ing behind the camera as an assistant director or in front of it as an actor. Her name is closely associated with a series of now-legendary adaptations of Edgar Wallace’s crime novels which were made in Germany during the 1960s. Upcoming young directors from local film schools have also profited from Ms. Ebner’s unbroken enthusiasm and passion for film. However, this eighty-year-old has a more than broken relationship to the events of her childhood and youth in Gdansk – a time when her life was characterised by an anti-Semitic step-mother and the dangers posed by the Nazi regime. This film portrait does not eschew any of the long dark shadows of that era, nor does it sidestep any friction between portrayer and his subject. (Lothar Lambert)
Edgar Wallace - Die unheimlichen Briefe
Miss Thinwhister
Strange, rhymed advertisements in the TIMES unsettle three London gangsters - and rightly so, because soon the first of them are killed. The mysterious killer also catches a shady lawyer. Higgins and Lane find out that the key to the crimes is an unsolved diamond heist from jeweler Bolden. It looks like those involved are fighting over the loot. Eventually, it turns out that the "robbery" was actually a set-up insurance scam that Bolden was personally behind and that killed his employee. Shortly before the last survivor is sent to the afterlife, Higgins and Lane are able to confront the "invisible" murderer.
Die Markus Family
This film tells the story of Markus Anatol Weisse, who, astonishingly enough, became an artist, in spite of being only very partially sighted. Markus also builds strange machine-like beings and wishes that he himself were a biological robot, or cyborg.
Now or Never
Mager Sinn
Three elderly ladies, Carla, Lilli and Meta, who, after their hard earned holiday money is stolen by bank robbers, decide to steal from their local bank. Along the way their are romances, arguments and a few other unexpected surprises.
From Here to Vanity
Anyone who is keen to capture Berlin’s most original characters on film is bound to end up at Sylvia Heidemann’s door. Sylvia has saved up every penny of her reparation money to appear just once in her life on the silver screen like Greta Garbo. It just so happens that the Viennese filmmaker Andersch and Madame Heidemann are staying at the same hotel and it’s not long before the two strike a bargain.
Die Rättin
A drama directed by Martin Buchhorn based on the novel by Günter Grass.
The sweetness of strangers
Once upon a time very much alike the twenties in Germany, a little town is frightened to death by an uncaught child murderer. Since somebody has to be blamed the townspeople turn against an inconspicious policeman, a family-man who becomes suspected of the crime and therefore loses his job. Strangely enough, the only work he can find is to distribute candy on children, dressed up as clown. When a bunch of kiddies, including his own son who doesn't recognize the father due to the masquerade, plays a nasty trick to him, things turn really ugly...
Der Blinde
An encounter with a blind man ends unexpectedly for Susan Howard. The supposedly helpless man stuns and kidnaps her. The case is handed over by the Home Secretary to Sir John, the head of Scotland Yard. He entrusts Chief Inspector Higgins and Superintendent Lane with the investigation. Their investigations quickly lead Higgins and Lane on the trail of murder, white slavery and blackmail.
Abbuzze! Der Badesalz-Film
Der Menschenfresser
Anna annA
Film by Kläy and Brauer.
Never Sleep Again - Never go back
Never Sleep Again is a drama that follows three girlfriends who wander through post-wall Berlin. As they discover the eastern part of town they meet new people and learn about the places' history.
Meeting Venus
Celebrated Swedish opera star Karin Anderson is slated to appear in an internationally-telecast production of Tannhauser. Ms. Anderson balks at the notion of working with obscure Hungarian conductor Zoltan Szanto. The much-anticipated production may never get off the ground, thanks to labor-management difficulties, intramural jealousies, and clashing egos. Amidst all this chaos, the mismatched Anderson and Szanto fall in love.
Life Is Like a Cucumber
Although too long by half, this documentary is subtitled "A Trip Through Lotti's Life" and that is essentially what it is. Although done in a style that keeps you guessing what is true and what isn't about her life -- everything from her Aryan lover and her stay in a concentration camp while he is killed for their forbidden love -- it is a fascinating look at this remarkable woman through the eyes and viewfinder of Rosa Von Prauheim.
The Passenger – Welcome to Germany
An American filmmaker travels to modern day Berlin to make a film based on a real-life incident from 1942 in which 13 Jewish prisoners from a concentration camp were promised freedom if they appeared in a German propaganda film. Unfortunately, the Germans lied. The psychological process undergone by the modern filmmaker while shooting the story provides the basis of this arty and challenging film.
Linie 1
Graue Pantherin
Film version of the musical by the same name: Sunnie, a girl from the province, comes to Berlin to meet rock star Johnnie who had given her his address after a concert. On the subway to Kreuzberg, Sunnie becomes acquainted with a couple of strange people, among them "asphalt cowboy" Bambi. Bambi tells Sunnie that Johnnie’s address in Kreuzberg does not exist. Together, Sunnie and Bambi try to find the rock star in bustling metropolitan Berlin.
Rosa Luxemburg
Assistant Director
Militante marxista, Rosa Luxemburgo foi uma das mais proeminentes representantes do partido social-democrata alemão. Em 1915, ela rompe com a sigla por esta ter apoiado a participação da Alemanha na Primeira Guerra e passa a lutar contra o conflito.
Im Land meiner Eltern
"Had it not been for Hitler, I would have been born a German-Jewish child, more German than Jewish, in a small village in the South of Germany. But as it happened, I was born in Argentina, my mothertongue is Spanish. I came to Germany 17 years ago." It is here, where author and director Jeanine Meerapfel starts searching for her own Jewish identity, being confronted time and time again with Federal Republic reality.
Freak Orlando
Ms Gorgo
FREAK ORLANDO is divided into five more-or-less distinct sections, all featuring "Freak" Orlando, a woman, played by the late Magdalena Montezuma, who appears in various guises, and deformities, throughout.
The Spy Who Never Was
Assistant Director
A diabolical tale of romance, murder, and mistaken identity as a treacherous terrorist organization hunts an enemy agent with the intention of killing him, but instead they set their sights on the wrong man. Left in the wake of their mistaken pursuit is a trail of broken lives and brutal murders.
To the Bitter End
Assistant Director
15 years ago Paul Jordan was a star in Hollywood musicals. But then he retired from showbiz and married the rich Joan. Now, after being dependent on his wife's money for many years, he's sick of it and wants to work again. A romantic affair with his stepdaughter, Shirley, gives him the guts to ask for a role. His former agent gets him one but it's with a small company in Vienna, Austria. The stress worsens his alcoholism; the tablets he takes to hide the effects lead him to hallucinations. When his wife and girlfriend appear at the same time, he's no longer capable of handling the situation.
Wer stirbt schon gerne unter Palmen
Assistant Director
The wealthy plantation owner Pinaud is brutally murdered in Ceylon. His attractive German wife Anne is suspected of the crime and arrested by Inspector Cerdan. He is ordered to take her to Colombo. But the plane on the way there gets caught in a heavy storm and crashes shortly afterwards. Anne Pinaud and Cerdan are the only survivors of the crew and save themselves on a desert island. There they come across Werner Becker, who has been shipwrecked with his yacht and is also stranded here. While Cerdan continues to believe Anne is guilty of the crime, Werner believes she is innocent. Soon the tension between the two men builds up and they become rivals for Anne's favor.
Gott schützt die Liebenden
Assistant Director
Tears of Blood
Assistant Director
A story of love between French student Alain and German high school student Christine.
Tears of Blood
A story of love between French student Alain and German high school student Christine.
O Horror do Passado
Assistant Director
A scientist is persuaded by the government to inject himself with the brain fluid of a dying colleague in order to preserve missile-defense secrets. However, he finds that he is now torn between his own wife and that of his dead colleague, who was a Nazi sympathizer.
The Zombie Walks
A serial killer who calls himself "The Laughing Corpse" dresses up in a skeleton costume and kills his victims with a poison-filled scorpion-shaped ring.
Xeque à Scotland Yard
Assistant Director
Arthur Milton aka Der Hexer (The Magician/Ringer) must return to London after his calling card was left at the scene of a murder he did not commit.
Mark of the Tortoise
Assistant Director
English millionaire Sir Cyrus Bradley is being blackmailed by “The Tortoise” Crime Syndicate. He is to pay £ 100,000.00 Pounds to stay alive and not be murdered. After his refusal to pay the money, he is quickly killed. Cyrus‘ nephew, Don Micklem, plans to avenge the death of his uncle and sets out on a quest to expose “The Tortoise“…
The Squeaker
Scotland Yard investigates a series of murders where the victims have died by snake venom poisoning.
The Curse of the Yellow Snake
Assistant Director
A Chinese cult bent on taking over the world uses an idol called The Golden Reptile that they believe can give them the power to achieve their goal.
The Door with Seven Locks
Ansagerin am Flughafen (voice)
A rich man bequeaths seven keys to seven of his friends, but only one will unlock the door to untold wealth.
Und sowas nennt sich Leben
Assistant Director
Menschen im Hotel
And That on Monday Morning
Assistant Director
Intended as a light farce this comedy by Luigi Commencini is a little plodding in its story about a bank manager who has had it with his buttoned-down, boring job. One Monday he can no longer face the tedium of both his work and his life and so he stays home and rebels by playing with toys and joining in on a radio concert with his own instruments. His erratic behavior does not go unnoticed and soon a winsome psychiatrist whom he knows and secretly admires, is right there trying to help him. The newly liberated bank manager logically grasps this opportunity to press forward his innermost feelings.
Sepulcro Indiano
Assistant Director
Seetha and Harold Berger are rescued from the desert by a caravan and brought to a small village. However, the greedy owner of the house where they are lodged betrays the law of hospitality and reveals their location to Prince Ramigani. The couple tries to escape but is hunted and captured by Ramigani and his men. Meanwhile Irene Rhode and her husband Walter Rhode suspect that Maharaja Chandra is not telling the truth about Harold's destiny. The conspirator Ramigani forces Seetha to accept to get married with Chandra to provoke the wrath of the priests and get the alliance of Prince Padhu and his army. In the meantime, Harold succeeds in escaping from the dungeon and seeks out Seetha to save her.
O Tigre da India
Assistant Director
In Eschnapur, a German architect saves the life of the Maharajah's favorite temple dancer and becomes Maharajah's friend but their friendship is tested when the architect and the dancer fall in-love, triggering the Maharajah's vengeful ire.
Meine 99 Bräute
Assistant Director
Senhoritas de Uniforme
Assistant Director
In a strict Prussian boarding school for girls, sensitive student Manuela von Meinhardis develops a forbidden love to one of her teachers, the compassionate Elisabeth von Bernburg.