Edouard Baer

Edouard Baer

Nascimento : 1966-12-01, Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Edouard Baer (born 1966-12-01, Paris, France) is a French actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Édouard Baer, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Edouard Baer
Edouard Baer


A French journalist meets Salvador Dali several times for a documentary project.
Adieu Paris
An old Parisian bistro with eternal charm. Eight gentlemen at the table, eight great figures. They were the “kings of Paris”… National treasures, masterpieces in peril. A well-honed ritual ... A sense of humor and self-deprecation intact. Tenderness and cruelty. Eight old friends who hate and love each other. And suddenly an intruder ...
Adieu Paris
An old Parisian bistro with eternal charm. Eight gentlemen at the table, eight great figures. They were the “kings of Paris”… National treasures, masterpieces in peril. A well-honed ritual ... A sense of humor and self-deprecation intact. Tenderness and cruelty. Eight old friends who hate and love each other. And suddenly an intruder ...
Poumon vert et tapis rouge
Jean Rochefort, l'irrésistible
Self (archive footage)
If Jean Rochefort remains so dear to our hearts, it is because this extraordinary actor alone embodies a cinema and a France imbued with freedom and carelessness. Through his films, archives and the testimony of those close to him, we discover a complex man, a sad clown saved by his taste for words and for fun.
A Boa Esposa
André Grunvald
Paulette Van Der Beck e seu marido dirigem a escola de limpeza de Bitche na Alsácia há muitos anos. Sua missão é treinar adolescentes para se tornarem donas de casa perfeitas no momento em que se espera que as mulheres sejam subservientes ao marido. Após a morte repentina de seu marido, Paulette descobre que a escola está à beira da falência e tem que assumir suas responsabilidades. Mas enquanto os preparativos estão em andamento para o melhor programa de TV da competição doméstica, ela e suas animadas alunas começam a questionar suas crenças enquanto os protestos de maio de 1968 em todo o país transformam a sociedade ao seu redor.
Uma Jornada Mágica
No dia do seu aniversário, Polina foge de casa em busca da verdade sobre si mesma, e descobre uma jornada mágica. Agora, ela tem até a meia-noite para desvendar mistérios através de mundos imaginários para conhecer seu passado.
Raoul Taburin
Hervé Figougne
If anyone knows anything about bikes, it’s Raoul Taburin, official bicycle dealer of Saint Céron, a lovely village in the South of France. But Raoul has a terrible secret: he has never been able to keep his balance on a bike without using stabilisers. His childhood and teenage years were spent trying to overcome his flaw - in vain. All attempts to tell his secret have also failed. Nobody believes him. When photographer Hervé Figougne moves to Saint Céron, the two men become fast friends. And when Figougne offers to photograph Raoul riding a racing bike along a mountain precipice, the moment of truth has arrived. He does all he can to avoid the photo shoot. But everything goes against him and he finally has to accept his destiny. “At least”, he thinks, “people will have to believe me”. But for Raoul Taburin, things are never that simple...
Astro Kid
Buck (voice)
O jovem Willy se perde de seus pais depois que a nave espacial deles é destruída por uma chuva de meteoros. Sua cápsula aterriza em um planeta selvagem e inexplorado, e Willy deve aprender a sobreviver nele. Graças à ajuda de Buck, um robô de sobrevivência, ele espera até a chegada da missão de resgate enquanto descobre a fauna, a flora e também os perigos do planeta com seu novo amigo alienígena, Flash.
A Luta de Classes
Sofia e Paul se mudam para uma pequena casa suburbana. Ela, uma brilhante advogada de origem magrebina, cresceu em uma cidade próxima. Ele, baterista de punk-rock e anarquista de coração, cultiva uma falta de ambição que chega a ofender! Como todos os pais, eles querem o melhor para seu filho Corentin. O menino estuda na escola primária local, mas quando todos os seus amigos abandonam a escola pública e seguem para a instituição católica São Benedito, Corentin se sente solitário. Como se manter fiel à escola republicana quando o seu filho não quer pôr os pés lá? Com seus valores e ansiedades de pais em conflito, Sofia e Paul vão ter sua família testada por uma verdadeira "luta de classes".
Black Snake: A Lenda do Serpente Negra
Henry Thouvenel
Filme cômico em torno do primeiro super-herói africano e francês que apresenta muitos clichês e uma paródia da jornada do herói.
Mademoiselle Vingança
Marquis des Arcis
O romance de uma viúva rica com um marquês sedutor toma um rumo desagradável. Agora, ela vai buscar vingança, com a ajuda de uma bela jovem.
The Pink Soldier 3
La Voix
The Pink Soldier is back for new adventures, starting where it all began: the toy factory!
Speak Up
Guest of Honour
Raise the voice, speak eloquently, construct and argue a discourse. Tools so necessary in life as exciting to build. In Paris, the date of Eloquentia, an oratory contest where young people —not exactly privileged— will measure their strength, is approaching.
Imprevistos de uma Noite Em Paris
Luigi tem uma noite para salvar seu teatro, um dos mais prestigiados de Paris. Uma noite para encontrar um macaco ator para subir no palco. Uma noite para recuperar a confiança da sua equipe e o respeito de seu melhor amigo. Uma noite, enfim, para provar a sua jovem e confiante estagiaria, que existe uma maneira diferente de resolver os (inúmeros) problemas: dando prioridade ao que você acha mais divertido.
Imprevistos de uma Noite Em Paris
Luigi tem uma noite para salvar seu teatro, um dos mais prestigiados de Paris. Uma noite para encontrar um macaco ator para subir no palco. Uma noite para recuperar a confiança da sua equipe e o respeito de seu melhor amigo. Uma noite, enfim, para provar a sua jovem e confiante estagiaria, que existe uma maneira diferente de resolver os (inúmeros) problemas: dando prioridade ao que você acha mais divertido.
Imprevistos de uma Noite Em Paris
Luigi tem uma noite para salvar seu teatro, um dos mais prestigiados de Paris. Uma noite para encontrar um macaco ator para subir no palco. Uma noite para recuperar a confiança da sua equipe e o respeito de seu melhor amigo. Uma noite, enfim, para provar a sua jovem e confiante estagiaria, que existe uma maneira diferente de resolver os (inúmeros) problemas: dando prioridade ao que você acha mais divertido.
On refait le boulevard
Encore heureux
Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.
Garoto Fantasma
Alex Tanguy (voice)
Leo é um menino de 11 anos que não está tendo uma infância fácil. Internado no hospital, ele descobre que tem o poder de levitar sem ser visto ou tocado, enquanto seu corpo físico permanece imóvel
La porte à côté
She is a psychiatrist. He sells yogurts. They are neighbors of level, they hate each other cordially, and like millions of singles lost in the city, they furtively explore the dating sites in search of love - someone who would be just at the antipodes of this infernal character who saw the door next to it. And when, at the end of the day, they find their soul mates, they do not resist the pleasure of announcing it. History of bowing again ... The last?
Invisible Ones
Stéphane Darcy
Momo has one dream buried for years: become a petanque champion. When an international tournament is announced, he drops his ordinary life to win the first prize and fulfill his dreams.
A group of friends in a Tel Aviv suburb get together to watch Universong, a Eurovision-like television song contest. They gather to watch and are depressed by the lifelessness of the Israeli entry, a parody of many recent offerings, a flashy, grating song about "amour." Realizing that Anat is distraught over the crisis in her marriage, they decide to compose a song to cheer her up. As a lark, they enters their cellphone video of it in next year's contest, and it becomes Israel's entry.
This is the story of four French friends: the Greek (an osteopath), Fifi (who lives with his mother), Fortuné (a West Indian) and Freddy (a gambler). They meet up regularly at a Parisian bookmakers’, their favourite haunt. Tired of frittering away the little spare cash they have, they agree to give up gambling. But no sooner have they taken this pledge than Fate intervenes, in the guise of the turf king, Monsieur Paul. The latter persuades the four friends to buy a champion racehorse, not knowing that it is in fact an old nag…
Le Grand Retournement
Le trader
... à la française !
Edouard Baer
Astérix e Obélix: A Serviço de sua Majestade
Asterix e Obelix voltam em uma nova aventura. 50 anos A.C. Júlio César tem um enorme desejo de conquista e a frente de suas legiões gloriosas, ele decide invadir a Grã-Bretanha, e em pouco tempo domina todo o território, faltando apenas a pequena aldeia de Breton. Seu povo resiste bravamente, mas vai enfraquecendo e eles, então, decidem buscar a ajuda de Asterix, Obelix e seu barril de poção mágica.
Frango Com Ameixas
Nasser Ali Khan, o melhor violinista de sua época, desmorona depois que sua mulher, após uma briga, quebrou seu instrumento. Ao não encontrar outro violino digno, decide morrer em sua cama, começando assim uma viagem de lembranças e alucinações.
Justine, também conhecida como Junior, é uma moleca com espinhas, senso de humor próprio e um toque de misoginia. Depois de ser diagnosticada com gastroenterite, o corpo de Junior passa por uma estranha metamorfose.
Mon pote
The story of a friendship between Victor, owner of a magazine, and Bruno, a car thief.
Miam Miam
Miam Miam
Miam Miam
Monsieur Luigi
The Great Restaurant
Un client du restaurant
Fragments of the lives of the customers of a great restaurant and the inconvenience of its manager.
A Execução
Durante os últimos dias do reinado de Stalin, uma médica (Marina Hands) tenta passar despercebida em uma sociedade dominada pelo pavor mútuo, onde um vizinho ou colega pode 'denunciá-lo' às autoridades a qualquer momento. Uma noite ela é levada, não para a infame prisão de Lubyanka, mas para o Kremlin, para atender o próprio doente Stálin, carinhosamente chamado de Tio Joe (André Dussollier), um velho atormentado pela dor, mas ainda tão atento e mortal quanto uma cobra. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Les Barons
Les Barons ont une devise : "glander plus pour vivre plus". Chaque être humain naît avec un crédit de pas. Chaque pas effectué te rapproche de la mort. Nous, les Barons, on le sait dès le départ.
Ervas Daninhas
Marguerite loses her wallet, and it's found by Georges, a seemingly happy head of family. As he looks through the wallet and examines the photos of Marguerite, he finds he's fascinated with her and her life, and soon his curiosity about her becomes an obsession.
La Traversée du désir
What was your first desire? What did you long for most? Arielle Dombasle put these questions to a wide circle of famous people.
A World of Ours
Noé comes into sixth grade at the same time he discovers a new city and a new house where he has just moved with his father, Marc. Coached by him, Noé takes intensive training of combat sport. And Mark does not hesitate to put him in a situation of attack. They are in danger, he must be prepared to respond to any aggression. While keeping the secret of his "double" life, Noé has to learn how to find a place in his new college. He becomes friend with Marine, a young girl full of energy. Noé discovers a world whose vision was shaped by his father so far. A father so near and yet so mysterious. Between them there is a history of complicity and confrontation.
Sozinhos em Paris
Le prêtre
Um policial parisiense desastrado está determinado a capturar o ladrão que o engana repetidamente, mesmo quando eles se tornam os dois últimos homens da Terra.
Amor e Outras Confusões
Darry Marzouki
Uma saída errada da auto estrada faz com que Darry Marzouki, um mágico desempregado, cruze o caminho de Irene Montier Duval, uma burguesa chique com uma mala cheia de dinheiro que seria usado numa negociação de armas entre o ministro francês e a Coréia. Irene seria apenas a intermediária do negócio, mas seu caso com o ministro acaba e ele pretende acusá-la. Ela, então, faz uma proposta para Darry: pagar-lhe para a ajudar numa fuga em direção a Genebra.
I Always Wanted to Be a Gangster
Gino - le braqueur
Told in four vignettes, this existential comedy relates the exploits of four aspiring criminals who hope to improve their lot, but find that they might not have what it takes for a life of crime.
Uma Garota Dividida em Dois
Uma bela jovem de 25 anos vive cercada por livros com sua mãe em Lyon, onde trabalha como a Garota do Tempo em um canal de TV a cabo. Certo dia, em um evento, ela conhece um grande escritor que é casado e trinta anos mais velho, e que acaba seduzindo a garota. Logo o homem se apaixona por ela, mas então descobre que terá de disputar o seu amor com um jovem milionário e desequilibrado. Assim, a garota se vê dividida, no meio de dois homens completamente diferentes, numa disputa pelo seu amor.
As Aventuras de Molière
Em 1658, o jovem dramaturgo e ator de teatro Molière excursiona pela França com sua trupe encenando tragédias. De volta a Paris, ertá endividado e é perseguido pela justiça. Ele vai para a prisão, mas suas dívidas são pagas pelo rico Monsieur Jourdain, que o liberta e pede um favor. Molière deve encenar uma peça para que Jourdain possa seduzir a jovem viúva Célimène. Mas como Jourdain é casado com Elmire e pai respeitável de duas filhas, tudo deverá ser mantido em segredo. Assim Molière será introduzido à casa de Tartuffe, um padre bastante austero.
Made in Paris
Diane lives with publisher Hermann but everything is spoiled when Worms, Hermann’s loyal author and friend, reveals in his new book the affair he once had with Diane, in a highly subjective manner. She soon discovers the contents of the work, which Hermann tries to hide from her, and takes on a lawyer to defend her privacy. But this is only the beginning of a mess that simply gets worse and worse, leading to an unexpected, brutal ending.
Brigadas do Tigre
Inspector Pujol
Em 1912 é formada a primeira Brigada Móvel por Georges "O Tigre" Clemenceau, conhecida como "As Brigadas Do Tigre" . Trata-se da primeira equipe de policia a utilizar automóveis para as operações policiais. Comandada pelo Comissario Valentin, eles tentam desbancar a perigosa Gangue Bonnot.
Por Amor ou Por Dinheiro?
Um homem acaba de ganhar uma bolada na loteria e faz uma grande proposta para uma prostituta, Daniela (Monica Bellucci, de “Matrix Revolutions” e “Irmãos Grimm”). Ele pagaria o triplo que ela ganharia trabalhando durante cinco anos como prostituta, a troco de casar-se com ele. O filme francês tem a direção do também francês Bertrand Blier (“Pédale dure”, “Os Atores”). Além da ja citada Monica Bellucci, que aperecerá em cenas para lá de sensuais, o elenco tem Bernard Campan (“Three Kings”) e o famoso ator Gérard Depardieu (“Last Holyday”).
Les vacances de Noël
Edouard Baer
Two men, fifty years young, seduce younger women at the Cannes Film Festival and are quite successful as long as there are no youngsters among them.
A disparate group of people meet at a hotel on a gorgeous and isolated Mediterranean island. Meanwhile, a woman schemes to get even with its owner.
Daniel Stain
A disparate group of people meet at a hotel on a gorgeous and isolated Mediterranean island. Meanwhile, a woman schemes to get even with its owner.
À boire
Pierre-Marie Archambault
Three disparate people meet in a bizarre skiing accident: an alcoholic doctor who has just been left by his wife, a beautiful but directionless woman, and the bumbling Algerian man who caused the accident. They become fond of each other, and of liquor.
The Story Of My Life
Raphaël Jullian
Raphael is a ghostwriter who takes a job writing for famous footy player Kevin. To his delight and his girlfriend, Murials horror, Kevins current girlfriend is an old (easily rekindled) flame of Raphaels. A freak accident leaves a close friend dead and Raphael is forced to reconsider his priorities.
Double zéro
le Mâle
Ben and Bill are the two worst, completely useless agents - real losers. But who else would you send on a super-difficult top-secret mission? The French have just sold a new high-power M51 rocket to the Russians for crazy money. Unfortunately for them, the rocket was hijacked before they could get it of their hands. However, not just any fool is up to neutralizing this threat, but only the craziest and most stupid of them can cope with such a task.
le vicomte de Wardes (not credited)
Milady De Winter, a beautiful femme fatale without scruples, plays with the feelings of her suitors. And sometimes very dangerously.
The Car Keys
Un comédien qui refuse de tourner avec Laurent
Who would think losing car keys could lead us that far ? Be careful, adventure is on every street corner...
Le Bison (et sa voisine Dorine)
Louis Le Bison
Isabelle Nanty is a Paris concierge, four children to look after and a fifth in gestation with a loutish and uncaring husband who runs off with the girlfried of one of the lodgers in her building. This same lodger called Le Bison has rather strange hours and both he and Dorine ( the concierge ) get on each other's nerves because each makes noise at the "wrong" time for the other ! The fact that their respective mates have run off together nevertheless bring the two together and with Dorine's children getting very attached to Le Bison, there are the makings of an "idylle" between the two of them which the return of the two offending mates fails to break
Le Grand Mezze
Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre Le comankonafé
Cravate club
Two architects and best friends have a difficult time sharing an office and their troubled private lives.
Demain et tous les jours après
In Africa, two occidentals, a man and a woman, with totaly different minds, are obliged to make a long trip together in a cab.
Astérix e Obélix: Missão Cleópatra
Cleópatra, rainha do Egito, acredita que pode construir um templo em tempo recorde e faz uma aposta com Júlio César. Seu arquiteto, no entanto, precisa da ajuda de Asterix e Obelix para lutar contra romanos que tentam impedir a construção.
좋은걸 어떡해
'Pelo Amor de Deus!!' narra a divertida história de Michèle (Audrey Tautou), uma garota de 20 anos que está arrasada por ter terminado com seu namorado. É quando ela conhece François, um judeu vegetariano. Apaixonada, Michèle decide converter-se ao judaísmo, porque ela tem de acreditar em algo ou pelo menos em alguém. Entre idas e voltas, Michèle descobre que nem sempre a fé remove montanhas e mantém namoros. Sejam com quem for.
Betty Fisher and Other Stories
Alex Basato
Grieving after the death of her young son Joseph, novelist Betty Fisher enters a dark depression. Hoping to bring her out of it, her mother Margot arranges to kidnap another child, Jose, to replace the son Betty lost. Although she knows it's wrong, Betty accepts Jose as her new son. Meanwhile, Jose's mother Carole is looking for her son with the help of her boyfriend Francois and some of his criminal cohorts.
Voix radio
Michel é um homem engraçado, uma espécie de intelectual. Com Pauline, uma mulher lindíssima que conheceu na praia, vão ficar nus e discutir o surrealismo, com sinceridade e sem malandragem. Mas quem são eles realmente?
The Soeur Brothers
Scenario Writer
The Soeur brothers would like to work in the film making business. They wrote a complex story that doesn't make any sense, and nobody wants to produce it. They're willing to do anything in order to make their film come to life.
The Soeur Brothers
The Soeur brothers would like to work in the film making business. They wrote a complex story that doesn't make any sense, and nobody wants to produce it. They're willing to do anything in order to make their film come to life.
La bostella
Taking its title from a popular 1960s dance craze, this digital video comedy concerns the exploits of a particularly odd fictional talk-show host, portrayed by real-life French talk-show sensation Edouard Baer. Baer -- who also directed and co-wrote the film -- plays a sarcastic TV personality who decides to gather together the panel members from his live show before they shoot the program so that they have a chance to rehearse. To this end, the absurd group -- including a lawyer, a transvestite, and a grown woman who acts like a child -- rents a villa for a month. It doesn't take long for resentment to fester among the motley crew.
La bostella
Taking its title from a popular 1960s dance craze, this digital video comedy concerns the exploits of a particularly odd fictional talk-show host, portrayed by real-life French talk-show sensation Edouard Baer. Baer -- who also directed and co-wrote the film -- plays a sarcastic TV personality who decides to gather together the panel members from his live show before they shoot the program so that they have a chance to rehearse. To this end, the absurd group -- including a lawyer, a transvestite, and a grown woman who acts like a child -- rents a villa for a month. It doesn't take long for resentment to fester among the motley crew.
La bostella
Taking its title from a popular 1960s dance craze, this digital video comedy concerns the exploits of a particularly odd fictional talk-show host, portrayed by real-life French talk-show sensation Edouard Baer. Baer -- who also directed and co-wrote the film -- plays a sarcastic TV personality who decides to gather together the panel members from his live show before they shoot the program so that they have a chance to rehearse. To this end, the absurd group -- including a lawyer, a transvestite, and a grown woman who acts like a child -- rents a villa for a month. It doesn't take long for resentment to fester among the motley crew.
Of Woman and Magic
Claire Weygand, a thirty-year-old young woman who is about to defend her anthropology thesis, unfortunately not only feels bad but even worse and worse with each passing day. The migraine attacks she suffers from indeed keep her from working as hard as she should and in despair she decides to consult Doctor Fish. When the medicine the physician prescribes for her fails, Claire, who can't take it any more, asks him to hospitalize her. In hospital, Claire shares her room with Odette, a young woman who has lost the use of her legs and Eléonore, a frightening old woman. The third episode from "The Blindfold" by Siri Hustvedt.
Terror Firmer
French Cool Cat
A low-budget film crew working in New York City find themselves being preyed upon by a sexually conflicted serial killer.
Nothing About Robert
Alain de Xantras
Didier never knew that a wrong film review of a film which he did not bother to watch would land him in numerous troubles.
Art critic
After fatally shooting a stalker, Parisian bar-maid Lea must live the life of the title reptile. At the time of the killing she was living with Francis, a much older American ex-con. After committing the murder, the fleeing and frightened Lea is saved by Paris paper boys Jean and Luc. Later she tells her sad story to hard-drinking Moskowitz, a middle-aged cop who secretly desires her. His unrequited love leads to tragedy. Meanwhile, Lea continues living with Francis, but also shacks up with Luc while trying to avoid the jealous cop.
Raï is about a gang of youths in a Parisian suburb.This is the multicultural environment in which Mezz, Aziz, Laurent, Nordine, Poisson and the others have grown up. There is no future in Garges-les-Gonesses. Unemployment is high, drugs and violence are a part of everyday life. The opportunity to escape seems nonexistent.
La folie douce
Edouard gives pieces of advice on a radio station, but when he tries to use them in real life with his friends, his skills are dubious.