Wanda Zeman

Nascimento : 1952-04-07, Lublin, lubelskie, Polska

Morte : 2012-12-27


In this mixture of fiction and documentary Krzysztof Zanussi invites a number of Poland’s great actors—Maja Komorowowska, Daniel Olbrychski, and Jan Nowicki—to "revisit" characters they played in the director's earlier works.
Um Coração Caloroso
Até o homem mais rico do mundo pode estar doente. Em Um coração caloroso, o diretor Krzysztof Zanussi conta a história de Konstanty, um empresário sem escrúpulos que, apesar de sua imensa riqueza, não pode comprar uma solução para um problema de coração raro e mortal. No entanto, isso não significa que ele não vai tentar solucioná-lo e que não vai ter problemas com quem se interponha em seu caminho. O segredo para a sobrevivência de Konstanty está no corpo de um homem chamado Stefan, um perdedor de tempo integral que, após ser abandonado por sua namorada, está procurando uma maneira de acabar com tudo. Ele já tentou se matar uma vez, e Konstanty, que precisa do coração de Stefan para um transplante, tem de convencer o coitado de tentar viver de novo, e, desta vez, para ter sucesso.
A Few People, a Little Time
The unusual bond between a blind female writer and an acclaimed poet changes their lives and forms an exceptional creative cooperation, free of politics and the complexities of mundane life.
A nearly illiterate woman becomes one of the founders of Poland's Solidarity union.
Persona non grata
A Polish ambassador (Zbigniew Zapasiewicz) finds his life falling into ruin following the death of his wife.
All The Saints
As every year, the celebration of All Saints Day brings Polish families together at the graves of their loved ones. On this special day Maria, 80-year-old widow, visits the graveyard with her son, his wife and their children.
A Vingança
A winter day at a Polish castle, half owned by a fatalistic notary and half by a volcanic old soldier's niece. The old soldier, Cupbearer, and the notary are sworn enemies, which may doom the love between the niece, Klara, and the notary's son, Waclaw. On this day, the tongue-tied Cupbearer asks a braggart courtier, Papkin, to sue on his behalf for the hand of the widow Hanna. Papkin succeeds and
The Supplement
An examination of the relationship between an indecisive medical student and his fiancee.
The Hexer
O filme e a série de TV foram ambos vagamente baseados no enredo da série de livros Wiedźmin (A Saga do Bruxo Geralt de Rívia), de Andrzej Sapkowski.
Coyote's Morning
Kuba, a young cartoon artist who works as a waiter at sophisticated parties, falls in love with beautiful Noemi and accidentally gets involved in gangster affairs
Boys Don't Cry
One of the best Polish comedies of the late 1990s, "Boys Don't Cry" is a satirical look at the gangsters of Poland and some teens who accidentally get involved with them.
Pan Tadeusz
A grand and patriotic tale of Poland's struggle for freedom just before Napoleon's war with Russia. Written in poetic style by Adam Mickiewicz, this story follows two feuding Polish families as they overcome their old conflicts and petty lives. However, they are able to unite as one with their patriotic and rebellious efforts to free the country they deeply love from Russian control.
Kroniki domowe
In the life of Ula, a twenty-year-old very pretty girl, nothing good has happened so far. Poverty, her father an alcoholic abuser to his family, finally an illegitimate child, raised alone ...
Poznań 56
Anthropology professor Michal develops two overwhelming obsessions. The first one is a mummified, 3,000 year-old, perfectly preserved body of a shaman he and his colleagues have recently dragged out of a swamp. The second is an enigmatic student he meets by chance at a railway station.
Nothing Funny
One day, hospital orderlies, watching corpse in the morgue, recognize film director. Man, even though he died, he begins to remember his life. He made a career making movies, had numerous mistresses, but never realized their dreams. His life was interspersed with many setbacks that enfeebled him from the inside. Although he made a career in film, he was not happy with his life.
Semana Santa
During the Nazi era, a Jewish woman on the run takes a trolley which passes near the Warsaw ghetto, where the uprising battle is taking place, and some passengers are struck by stray bullets. They take temporary refuge in an empty building, and there she has a chance meeting with her ex-fiancé. He offers to put her up--that is, hide her--for a few days. He's now married, a professional who lives in an idyllic suburb reached by a trolley that runs through the woods. His wife seems more committed to putting up the fugitive than he is. The story involves the neighbors, the building owner who avoids involvement and seeks solace in classic poetry, and the super and his suspicious wife.
Psy 2: Ostatnia krew
Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
A film based on a simple situation: several men talk in the sauna.
Wedding Guests
A female photographer from Western Europe drives through Poland and stops in a village. By chance, her eye is caught by the arrival of a wedding party. This marks the point of departure for several stories which unfold during the course of the wedding.
A young Varsovian runs away from the Nazi’s attack on the East. He falls into the hands of the NKVD. Suspected of espionage, he ends up in a camp in Siberia. He will spend the war in a psychiatric hospital.
Based on a true story of a Polish musician who survived the concentration camp only because he could play on the accordion the title melody.
Bal na dworcu w Koluszkach
Podczas "zimy stulecia" na dworcu w Koluszkach zniecierpliwieni pasażerowie oczekują na przybycie pociągu. Łączność kolejowa zostaje zerwana. W tym samym czasie niedaleko Koluszek w zaspach śnieżnych utknął pociąg. W jego wagonach panuje wesoła atmosfera. Niektórzy pasażerowie, którym śpieszy się na połączenie z innymi stacjami, wysiadają i idą piechotą do dworca w Koluszkach. Jest wśród nich Andrzej Roszak - młody chłopak śpieszący do Warszawy, oraz prawdopodobnie jego rówieśnica Basia. Niedługo po nich do dworca w Koluszkach docierają pan Walerek - działacz polityczny, który jechał na bal do KC; pan Rozbicki z żoną, tuż po kontrakcie w Iraku; Matyjak - gwiazdor telewizyjny; dziennikarz Przoniak oraz inni. Na wyludnionym dworcu pasażerowie sprawnie organizują sylwestrową zabawę. Podczas wspólnej hulanki jej uczestnicy stopniowo obnażają ukryte kompleksy, frustracje i nadzieje.
The Tribulations of Balthazar Kober
Story about the young Balthazar thrown from one remarkable event to the other. On his way through a plague hit the landscape, he meets the Kabbalists, priests - and himself.
The Magnate
This Polish historical drama film traces the fascinating saga of a wealthy, princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935.
Memoirs of a Sinner
Based on an 18th Century novel by James Hogg. Tells the story of a young man whose memories, recounted after death, are supposed to be a series of wrong moral choices ending up with him killing himself.
Gra w ślepca
The former head of the Institute of Science - Professor Molnar, returns to the Institute to seek treatment for his heart condition. The new director of the Institute, and his former assistant, Dr. Egberg had a falling out with Molnar after the latter considered his research unethical. However, after waking up from surgery, Molnar makes a horrifying discovery; Egberg has swapped their brains!