Ross Brown


Halloween - A Ressurreição
Um grupo de adolescentes ganha uma estadia na casa de infância do serial-killer, Michael Myers. Eles pensavam que iam passar uma noite divertida, mas as coisas correm assustadoramente mal quando o próprio Michael Myers decide entrar na festa!
Halloween H20: Vinte Anos Depois
Depois de escapar do assassino mascarado, Laurie Strode forjou sua morte e reconstruiu sua vida mudando de nome e cidade. Agora, vinte anos mais tarde, Laurie e Lichael Myers estão prestes a se encontrarem novamente. Ele volta em busca de vingança, mas não é somente atrás dela que ele está. O terror começa para toda uma nova geração...
Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story
The take-down of an infamous leader of a small polygamous Mormon fundamentalist group, who ordered assassinations of his opponents.
Summer, 1984: 30 years after Duane captained the high school football team and Jacy was homecoming queen, this Texas town near Wichita Falls prepares for its centennial. Oil prices are down, banks are failing, and Duane's $12 million in debt. His wife Karla drinks too much, his children are always in trouble, and he tom-cats around with the wives of friends. Jacy's back in town, after a mildly successful acting career, life in Italy, and the death of her son. Folks assume Duane and Jacy will resume their high school romance. And Sonny is "tired in his mind," causing worries for his safety. Can these friends find equilibrium in middle age?
Gypsy Angels
Vanna White is a stripper who falls for a stunt pilot who develops amnesia after a crash.
Do You Know the Muffin Man?
Roger Dollison, a police officer, and his wife, Kendra, are living the American dream. They have two children, Teddy and Sandy, a lovely home, and a dog named Rex. What they know and how they live as a family is irreparably changed one day when it is discovered that a classmate of Teddy's is the apparent victim of sexual abuse and molestation at the respected neighborhood daycare center. Like all other parents, the Dollisons are tormented — "we should have known, we should have seen" — but their devastation is complete when Teddy tells his own story, one he promised his abusers he would never tell.
Broken Angel
A man combs Los Angeles for his missing daughter, and discovers she belongs to a gang dealing in crack.
The Charters family falls into despair over their drug-addicted son Gary. They discuss his problems through the "Toughlove" program in searching for answers.
Diário de uma Coelhinha
Uma dramatização da investigação secreta de Gloria Steinem sobre as condições de trabalho que as Coelhinhas enfrentavam nos Clubes da Playboy.
O Assassinato da Garota da Capa
O milionário Richard Trainor está comemorando o fato do seu novo calendário ser um sucesso, pelo motivo de ter uma das mulheres mais lindas estampando a capa deste mês. No entanto sua vida foi arruinada quando a garota de janeiro foi jogada de um edifício e posteriormente a de fevereiro encontrada morta à facadas. O tenente Dan Stoner da polícia é posto ao cargo de investigar esses estranhos incidentes.
O Dia Seguinte
O filme retrata uma guerra fictícia entre as forças da OTAN e o Pacto de Varsóvia que rapidamente se transforma em uma troca em grande escala de mísseis nucleares entre os Estados Unidos e a União Soviética. A maior parte da atividade se concentra nos moradores de Lawrence - Kansas e Kansas City, Missouri, bem como vários fazendas situadas ao lado de silos de míssil nuclear.
Intimate Agony
Anthony Geary (General Hospital) stars as a compassionate doctor who must treat an STD outbreak at an upscale vacation resort. Judith Light (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) co-stars as an afflicted resident whose heart is broken by this personal tragedy. A despicable real estate tycoon played by Robert Vaughn (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.) is determined to keep the scandal from the press, thus protecting his investment.
Pennies from Heaven
During the Great Depression, a sheet music salesman seeks to escape his dreary life through popular music and a love affair with an innocent school teacher.
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way.
O Guerreiro do Vento
Um antigo guerreiro indiano que chegou ao fim de sua vida é trazido de volta de sua “morte” para salvar sua família de um grupo de invasores de índios inimigos nesta história única de “índios sem um único caubói”.
Maratona Final
A runner, serving a life sentence at Folsom Prison, works at becoming the world's fastest miler and wins a chance to compete for a spot on the Olympic team.
Morte no Inverno
19 years after President Timothy Keegan was assassinated, his brother Nick discovers a dying man claiming to have been the gunman. While trying to avoid his wealthy and domineering father's attempts to control his actions, Nick follows the clues that have been handed to him. As he progresses, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern the real trails from the dead ends, and increasingly dangerous as unknown parties try to stop Nick from uncovering the truth.
Gator, O Implacável
After his release from prison, notorious ex-con and moonshine distiller Gator McKlusky moves in with his father in a cabin in the Okefenokee Swamp. His bootlegging plans are cut short, however, when a federal agent tells McKlusky that he will lose custody of his 9-year-old daughter unless he helps bring down local crime lord Bama McCall. McKlusky enlists the help of reporter Aggie Maybank and a few local eccentrics to bring down McCall's empire.
The Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon
Tired of being short, a sixth-grader buys a magical book that enables him to "Think Big".
At Long Last Love
Four socialites unexpectedly clash: heiress Brooke Carter runs into gambler Johnny Spanish at the race track while playboy Michael O. Pritchard nearly runs into stage star Kitty O'Kelly with his car. Backstage at Kitty's show, it turns out she and Brooke are old friends who attended public school together. The foursome do the town, accompanied by Brooke's companion Elizabeth, who throws herself at Michael's butler and chauffeur Rodney James.
Reflections of Murder
The wife and mistress of the abusive headmaster of a boy's school plot and carry out his murder. They dump his body in the murky swimming pool at the school and await for it to surface. After several days, some unusual circumstances point to clues that he is not dead after all.
As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn
Versão musical do livro de Mark Twain sobre as aventuras de um menino que vive às margens do rio Mississipi.
Sob o Signo da Vingança
Um ex-presidiário se une com agentes federais para derrubar uma rede de fabricação clandestina de bebidas alcóolicas em uma região rural dos Estados Unidos.
As Aventuras de Tom Sawyer
No Missouri de 1850, Tom Sawyer é um menino que vive com a Tia Polly, e seu meio irmão Sid. Tom faz todas as estrepolias que se espera de uma criança e até se apaixona por Betty Thatcher, que acabou de chegar à cidade. Depois, junto com Huck Finn, filho do vagabundo Pap Finn, ele testemunha Injun Joe matar o Doutor Robinson no cemitério. Com medo de Injun Joe, os dois fogem para uma ilha, mas retornam quando são dados como mortos. Quando tem início o julgamento pelo assassinato do doutor, em que o réu é Muff Potter, eles incriminam Injun Joe. Em seguida, Tom resolve fazer um piquenique com Betty nas famosas Cavernas McDougal, onde são perseguidos por Injun Joe, que fugira da corte...
A Última Sessão de Cinema
O amadurecimento de um jovem chamado Sonny em uma pequena cidade do Texas nos anos 50.
Uma Cidade Contra o Vício
Reverend Brooks leads the town in a contest to stop smoking for a month, But some tobacco executives don't want them to win, and try everything they can to make them smoke. If townspeople don't go nuts, from wanting a cigarette, or kill each other from irritation and frustration, they will win a huge prize.
The Navy vs. the Night Monsters
US Navy battles monsters unearthed from the frozen arctic.