John Qualen

John Qualen

Nascimento : 1899-12-08, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Morte : 1987-09-12


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia John Qualen (born Johan Mandt Kvalen, December 8, 1899 – September 12, 1987) was a Canadian-American character actor of Norwegian heritage who specialized in Scandinavian roles. Qualen was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, the son of immigrants from Norway; his father was a Lutheran minister and changed the family's original surname, "Kvalen", to "Qualen" – though some sources give Oleson, later Oleson Kvalen as Qualen's earlier surnames. His father's ministering meant many moves and John was 20 when he graduated from Elgin High School in 1920. Though he was awarded a scholarship to Northwestern University after he won an oratory contest he never attended college. In a Milwaukee Journal interview he said he needed to start working and did so with the Chattaqua Circuit. Eventually reaching Broadway, he gained his big break as the Swedish janitor in Elmer Rice's Street Scene. His movie career began when he recreated the role in the film version. This was followed by his appearance in John Ford's Arrowsmith (1931) which began a more than thirty year membership in the director's "stock company", with important supporting roles in The Searchers (1956), Two Rode Together (1961), The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) and Cheyenne Autumn (1964). Appearing in well over one hundred films, and acting extensively on television into the 1970s, Qualen performed many of his roles with various accents, usually Scandinavian, often intended for comic effect. Three of his more memorable roles showcase his versatility. Qualen assumed a Midwestern dialect as Muley, who recounts the destruction of his farm by the bank in Ford's The Grapes of Wrath (1940), and as the confused killer Earl Williams in Howard Hawks' classic comedy His Girl Friday (also 1940). As Berger, the jewelry-selling Norwegian resistance member in Michael Curtiz' Casablanca (1942), he essayed a light Scandinavian accent, but put on a thicker Mediterranean accent as the homeward-bound fisherman Locota in William Wellman's The High and the Mighty (1954) Qualen was treasurer of The Authors Club and historian of The Masquers, Hollywood's social group for actors. John Qualen was blind in his later years. He died of heart failure in 1987 in Torrance, California, and was interred in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale. He was survived by his three daughters.


John Qualen
John Qualen


A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
La Classe américaine
V12 (archive footage) (uncredited)
George Abitbol, the classiest man in the world, dies tragically during a cruise. The director of an American newspaper, wondering about the meaning of these intriguing final words, asks his three best investigators, Dave, Peter and Steven, to solve the mystery. (Sixteen French actors dub scenes from various Warner Bros. films to create a parody of Citizen Kane, 1941.)
Getting Away from It All
Charlie Erickson
Two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country, but find that rural living isn't quite what they thought it would be.
Hail, Hero!
Billy Hurd
Carl Dixon decides to quit school and enlist in the Army, even though he's already run afoul of the law as a Vietnam protestor. It is our hero's intention to use love, rather than bullets, to combat the Viet Cong. Needless to say, his idealism is no match for the harsher realities of war.
An aging doctor in a small town decides to pack up his little black bag, but when a young doctor assumes his practice, the older practitioner can't resist butting in with comic results.
Reluctant New York City private eye P.J. Detweiler is hired as a bodyguard to protect Maureen Preble, the mistress of shady millionaire William Orbison. In truth, Orbison plans a deadly intrigue in which P.J. is to play a central part. Meanwhile, complications ensue as P.J. gradually falls in love with Maureen. (Wikipedia)
A Hora da Fúria
Cinco perigosos foragidos chegam a uma insignificante localidade do Arizona. E, enquanto o seu chefe recebe tratamento a um ferimento no peito, os seus apaniguados entregam-se aos prazeres da bebida, acabando por molestar a pacífica população da terra. O que esgota a paciência do inexperiente xerife local e provoca a sua intervenção...
Jogada Decisiva
Jesse Buford
No Velho Oeste, durante uma viagem até a Califórnia, um ingênuo casal e uma criança chegam a uma cidade onde um grande jogo de pôquer está para acontecer, entre os homens mais ricos da região. O homem não pode resistir a isto e, apesar de ser um péssimo jogador de pôquer, entra no jogo e aposta todo o dinheiro da sua família. No clímax do jogo ele sofre um ataque cardíaco, o que faz com que sua esposa tome o lugar dele na mesa, pois este é o único modo de recuperar as economias deles. Mas há um pequeno problema: ela não sabe jogar pôquer.
Quando Só o Coração Vê
Mr. Faber
Homem negro e experiente passeia pelo parque quando encontra uma jovem linda, branca e cega. Eles ficam amigos e passam a se encontrar todos os dias. Aos poucos eles vão se tornando cada vez mais íntimos, mas a mãe da moça está convencida de que qualquer homem se interessaria pela filha apenas por sexo.
Os Filhos de Katie Elder
Charlie Biller
Os quatro filhos de Katie Elder voltam a sua cidade natal para o funeral da mãe. John (John Wayne), o mais velho, é um notório pistoleiro. Tom é o jogador, Matt, o mais quieto, e Bud, o mais novo. Chegando lá, eles descobrem que seu pai, bêbado, apostou a fazenda da família num jogo e foi morto na mesma noite. Apesar das recomendações do xerife, os irmãos resolvem investigar o caso. Morgan Hastings e seu filho Dave, únicas testemunhas do assassinato, matam o xerife para se protegerem e os Elder são considerados culpados. O xerife substituto, Ben Latta, se une aos Hastings contra os irmãos Elder.
I'll Take Sweden
Bob Holcomb will do anything to stop his daughter JoJo from tying the knot with her lazy boyfriend, even move her all the way to Sweden! But once they're "safely" out of the country, JoJo falls for a sly Swedish playboy.
Somente os Fracos Se Rendem
Ernie Evans
História de Cam Calloway e sua família, que vive numa área densamente florestada em New England. Cam sonha em construir um santuário para os gansos que voam sob a área todos os anos, e ele tenta vários projetos de comprar um lago próximo para esse santuário. Todas as tentativas são frustradas, aparentemente; ele e o filho tentam conseguir peles o suficiente para conseguir o dinheiro, mas os preços caem no mercado de peles. Ele usa o pouco dinheiro que conseguem para pagar uma parcela do lago, assim perdendo a casa quando não conseguem pagar a hipoteca a tempo.
As 7 Faces do Dr. Lao
Luther Lindquist
Um chinês gentil e idoso (possui 7322 anos), Dr. Lao (Tony Randall) chega em Abalone, Arizona, com seu circo, que tem atrações únicas (o Abominável Homem das Neves, Merlin, Medusa, Pan, Apolônio de Tiana e outros seres fantásticos). Ele constata rapidamente que a cidade é dominada por um rico rancheiro, Clint Stark (Arthur O'Connell), que alega que em seis meses não haverá água na cidade, pois o aqueduto está quase inutilizado e o conserto seria de US$ 237 mil. Assim, Stark propõe comprar toda a cidade e só Ed Cunningham (John Ericson), o dono do jornal local, se opõe à idéia. Mas em poucos dias o Dr. Lao irá alterar a vida dos moradores de Abalone.
Criminosos não Merecem Prêmio
Por alguma razão, o prêmio Nobel de literatura deste ano foi concedido ao jovem escritor Andrew Craig, que parece estar mais interessado em mulheres e bebidas do que em escrever. Outro vencedor é o Dr. Max Stratman, famoso físico germano-americano que vem a Estocolmo com sua jovem e bela sobrinha Emily. O Departamento de Relações Exteriores dá a Craig uma assistente, a Srta. Andersson. Craig logo percebe que o Dr. Stratman está agindo de forma estranha. Na segunda vez em que eles se encontram, o Dr. Stratman nem sequer o reconhece. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
O Aventureiro do Pacífico
Deckhand (uncredited)
'Guns' Donovan prefere farrear com seus amigos Doc Dedham e 'Boats' Gilhooley até que Amelia, filha de Dedham e da alta sociedade, aparece em seu paraíso dos Mares do Sul. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
O Homem que Matou o Facínora
Peter Ericson
Equiparado a No Tempo das Diligências como um dos maiores do gênero, este filme é um faroeste atual que se sobrepõe a todos faroestes clássicos. John Ford, cujo próprio nome é sinônimo do gênero, dirigiu o elenco perfeito. Jimmy Stewart interpreta o desajeitado mas charmoso advogado da cidade grande, decidido a livrar o vilarejo de Shinbone de seu encrenqueiro e mau caráter número um: Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). E como se não bastasse, o maior astro que já apertou o gatilho interpreta o homem do título: John Wayne. O supersincero Stewart e o rústico rancheiro Wayne também dividem a mesma paixão (Vera Miles). Um pega o pistoleiro e o outro pega a garota.
Terra Bruta
Ole Knudsen
Uma tribo no território dos Comanches mantém colonos não indígenas como reféns. O exército americano está sob pressão para libertá-los e o marechal Guthrie McCabe (James Stewart) é persuadido pelo oficial Jim Gary (Richard Widmark) a auxiliar nas negociações com os índios.
Fúria no Alaska
Faroeste que mistura comédia e aventura, cuja ação ambientada durante a corrida do ouro no Alasca, conta a história dos amigos Sam (Wayne) e George (Stewart Granger) se aventurando no garimpo. George pede a Sam que busque sua namorada Jennie em Seattle. Mas quando Sam descobre que ela casou-se com outro, ele arquiteta um plano para levar um novo amor para George e convida uma bela dançarina (Capucine) para ser a substituta de Jennie.
Entre Deus e o Pecado
Sam - Storekeeper
Elmer Gantry (Burt Lancaster) é um caixeiro-viajante oportunista, imoral e alcoólatra que é convertido pela Irmã Sharon Falconer (Jean Simmons) e passa a viajar em sua companhia pelos Estados Unidos pregando e explorando novos fiéis. Ricos e famosos, eles constroem um templo, mas Gantry é abalado pelo reencontro com um antigo amor.
Com o Dedo no Gatilho
Old Ben
Quando Clay Santell faz uma parada na cidade de Sutterville depois de ter o seu cavalo roubado, ele é confundido pelos moradores locais com um assassino chamado Travers. Eles capturam Santell e o entregam para o oficial Harry Deckett. Deckett, que está cansado de perseguir o verdadeiro Travers, decide matar Clay Santell e fazê-lo passar pelo malfeitor. Santerll consegue fugir e leva como refém a bela Janet Gifford. Janet acredita na inocência de Clay, e decide ajudá-lo a provar a sua verdadeira identidade.
Anatomia de um crime
Deputy Sheriff Sulo
Em um julgamento de assassinato, o advogado do réu alega que ele teve insanidade temporária, depois que a vítima estuprou sua esposa. Qual é a verdade?
Fúria de um Condenado
A crime boss tries to cause a riot and prison break while behind bars.
Contrabando de Armas
Baseado em conto de Ernest Hemingway, o filme mostra um capitão de barco que se envolve com contrabando de armas, durante a Revolução Cubana, em busca de dinheiro para saldar suas dívidas.
My World Dies Screaming
Jonah Snell
A newlywed is terrified when her husband brings her to live in the old house that figures in her recurring nightmare.
The Big Land
Sven Johnson
Back home in Texas following the Civil War, former Confederate officer Chad Morgan (Alan Ladd) leads a cattle drive to Missouri, assuring fellow ranchers that their stock will bring $10 a head at auction. Instead, ruthless cattle baron Brog (Anthony Caruso) has scared off all competition and offers much less.
Redenção de Um Covarde
In Johnny Concho, Frank Sinatra plays a man who goes from the town bully to town coward!
Rastros de Ódio
Lars Jorgensen
O veterano da Guerra Civil Ethan Edwards chega ao Texas em 1868 e encontra o seu irmão e a família dele. No dia seguinte, Comanches invadem o rancho, matam o seu irmão e Martha, a esposa dele, e raptam as duas filhas do casal. Ethan parte então em uma busca vingativa junto com o companheiro Martin, um mestiço que logo percebe que Ethan está obcecado por matar os índios. Ao encontrarem o corpo da mais velha, saem em busca da caçula, por quem procuram mais 5 anos no deserto.
At Gunpoint
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
Leonard Haskins
This fact-based prison drama tells the tale of a band of prisoners living in the innovative 2,600-acre prison at Chino, California. The place takes a humanistic approach to reform and there are no armed guards, no lockups and no uniforms. The underlying philosophy is that if these things are not there, the prisoners will not want to escape, and will instead accept their punishment. A new inmate arrives and soon accustoms himself to the new idea. The story includes the Oscar nominated song Unchained Melody.
Mares Violentos
Chief Engineer Schmitt
No começo da Segunda Guerra Mundial o capitão de cargueiro alemão Karl Ehrlich tenta levar seu navio para a Alemanha em meio a um cerco de navios de guerra Aliados. Quando a Segunda Guerra Mundial explodiu, o capitão alemão Karl Ehrlich estava prestes a deixar Sydney, Austrália com seu navio cargueiro, o Ergenstrasse. Ehrlich, um alemão anti-nazista mas orgulhoso, espera conseguir escapar do navio de guerra britânico que o persegue. A bordo de seu navio está Elsa Keller, uma mulher que Ehrlich convidou a retornar à Alemanha com segurança, com qualquer segredo que ela carregue. Quando o feroz oficial nazista Kirchner comete uma atrocidade, a busca britânica torna-se mortal.
Man On A Bus
Second Prisoner
Six people who have emigrated to Israel from different countries are all on a bus traveling through the Negev Desert. They find themselves stranded overnight in the bus. To pass the time, each begins to tell the story behind their emigration to Israel.
The Other Woman
Bit player Sherry Stewart gets miffed when director Walter Darman turns her down after she reads for a small part in his picture. She and her boy friend, Ronnie, devise a plan to lure Darman to her apartment, where she gives him a drugged drink. She tells Darman they had been intimate and blackmails him for $50,000. More than a little distracted by his situation, his wife senses something is wrong and he gets into a violent argument with his father-in-law who owns the producing company Darman works for, and discontinues the picture. Sherry informs Darman she is going to tell his wife all about them. Darman tells his secretary that he is going to work late and is not to be disturbed, sets the moviola runnings, and exits by the back door and hot-foots it to Sherry's apartment.
Sob a Lei da Chibata
Gaspar Melo
In old Spanish California, dashing cattleman Juan Obregon returns to the rancho of his friend Gaspar Melo, to find he's fathered a son on Rosa, one of Gaspar's identical twin daughters. Overjoyed, he plans to formalize his "unofficial" marriage. But trouble brews; Melo's land is of unclear title and the new Don Domingo hopes to grab it for his own profit. Violence results. Without even knowing who survived, Juan (accompanied by Rosa's tomboy sister Tonya) rides for revenge, through spectacular pastoral and wilderness scenery.
Um Fio de Esperança
Jose Locota
Quando um avião comercial passa por problemas de motor durante um voo Transpacífico e o piloto perde o controle, é o copiloto veterano mas decadente Dan Roman (John Wayne) que consegue trazer o avião em segurança. Um problema atrás do outro acontece neste voo Transpacífico. Você tem o piloto que perde o controle! O copiloto decadente. O engenheiro de voo inseguro. O jovem segundo oficial atrevido. E uma lotada cabine de passageiros com toda a gama de problemas e personalidades possível. Aqui você tem o Duke em um papel que ele não queria, e um filme com o título da canção que se tornou tema de Duke. O que mais poderia qualquer fã de John Wayne querer? Está tudo aqui, e mais algumas coisas.
Eu, O Juri
Dr. R.H. Vickers, Veterinarian
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer in his first film adventure. Originally screened in 3D.
Os Mal Encarados
Jonas P. Travis
Hodiak, Brian, Derek and Teal have just been released from prison. They return to Tomahawk Gap, now a ghost town, to retrieve the money that they stole and was buried by a partner somewhere in the town. While hunting, the Indians attack, and a life and death battle ensues.
Hans Christian Andersen
A small-town shoemaker with a knack for spinning yarns, Hans encounters happiness and heartbreak on his road to becoming a full-fledged writer.
Goodbye, My Fancy
Professor Dingley
Agatha has fond memories of her romance with college president Dr. James Merrill, when she was a student and he was her professor, and wants to see if there is still a spark between them.
Belle Le Grand
Corky McGee
Upon her release from prison for a murder she didn't commit, a woman finds that her younger sister has been placed in an orphanage. Determined to do whatever it takes to get her out, she eventually becomes the proprietor of a notorious gambling establishment.
The Flying Missile
Lars Hansen
A Navy commander experiments with launching missiles from submarines.
Na Noite do Crime
Frank Johnson foge da polícia depois de se tornar uma testemunha ocular de um crime. Ele é perseguido pela cenográfica San Francisco por sua esposa, um repórter, a polícia, e ... o verdadeiro assassino. Frank Johnson (Ross Elliott), única testemunha de um assassinato de gangues, vai se esconder e é perseguido pelo inspetor de polícia Ferris (Robert Keith), na suposição de que Frank está tentando escapar de uma possível retaliação. A esposa de Frank, Eleanor (Ann Sheridan), suspeita que ele está realmente fugindo de seu casamento fracassado. Auxiliada pelo jornalista Danny Leggett (Dennis O'Keefe), Eleanor vai para as ruas tentar localizar seu marido. O assassino também está procurando por ele e faz marcação cerrada sobre Eleanor. e 12.
Mr. Ferguson
Bill Lawrence ganhou uma enorme quantidade de prêmios em um programa de perguntas e respostas no rádio. Mas sua felicidade dura pouco quando ele descobre que tem que vender todos os prêmios para pagar os impostos.
Buccaneer's Girl
Vegetable Seller
A New Orleans performer loves a pirate who robs only from the shipowner who ruined his father.
Captain China
The title character, played by John Payne, is a ship's captain whose embittered behavior after losing his lady love seemingly leads to tragedy. Accused of deliberately scuttling his ship during a typhoon, Captain China hopes to clear himself by signing on as a common seaman on a vessel captain by his former first mate Brendensen. There's no love lost between the two men, and their mutual animosity is intensified when both fall in love with beautiful passenger.
Cais da Maldição
Julius Seton
Army Lieutenant Halliday, accused of stealing the Army payroll, pursues the real thief on a frantic chase through Mexico aided by the thief's ex-girlfriend and is in turn being chased by his accuser, Capt. Blake.
The Scar
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
16 Fathoms Deep
Capt. Athos
A bitterly jealous sponge fisherman tries to sabotage a fellow diver.
My Girl Tisa
1905 was a period of heavy immigration from Europe to America before laws were passed restricting the flow of immigrants. Almost every character in this movie is a recent arrival. Tisa has been in America only four months, yet she is holding four jobs to save enough money to pay for her father's boat passage to America. She works in a garment factory in Greenwich Village owned by Mr. Grumbach, who is studying to pass his citizenship test. Denek, a brash young man, tries to help her but gets her into trouble and her deportation is ordered by an immigration judge.
Alias a Gentleman
No End
Aging ex-con tries to stop his daughter from getting involved with shady characters.
Reaching from Heaven
The Stranger
Just as church services are letting out, a shabbily-dressed stranger is run over by an automobile in front of the church. The stranger is helped mentally and physically by the minister and congregation members, who help him regain his self-confidence and also to accept the death of his wife as she was about to embark from Europe, as a displaced person, to join him in America.
Domínio de Bárbaros
A Refugee Doctor
Anti-Catholic and anti-cleric policies in the Mexican state of Tabasco lead the revolutionary government to persecute the state's last remaining priest.
High Conquest
Peter Oberwalder Sr.
Love and adventure on the Matterhorn mountain.
Song of Scheherazade
A beautiful cabaret dancer inspires composer Rimsky-Korsakov.
Model T
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
River Gang
Uncle Bill
An orphan girl lives with apparently kind uncle who turns out to be a murderer.
O Preço da Felicidade
Svend Olsen
In the 1920s, enterprising Louise Randall is determined to succeed in a man's world. Despite numerous setbacks, she always picks herself back up and moves forward again.
Dark Waters
Uncle Norbert
Leslie Calvin, the sole survivor of a submarine accident, goes to her relatives in order to recover emotionally. Unfortunately, she encounters various scam artists led by Mr. Sydney who intend to kill her and steal the family assets. Dr. George Grover helps Leslie to defeat Sydney.
Um Romance Americano
Anton Dubechek
A European immigrant becomes a master of industry but almost loses his family.
The Impostor
The story concerns a condemned murderer named Clement (Jean Gabin), who is "liberated" when the Nazis bomb the French jail that holds him. During his escape, Clement comes across the body of a French soldier; he steals the dead man's uniform and identification papers, then hides from the law by joining the Resistance movement. Clement's new identity and purpose in life reforms him, and in due time he has sacrificed himself in service of his country.
Swing Shift Maisie
Horatio Curley
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
As Mil e Uma Noites
Neste incrível épico das Arábias, os personagens das histórias que encantaram leitores no mundo todo ganham vida com toda a sua paixão e glória através da história de irmãos que lutam entre si pelo poder político e pelo amor de Sherazade (interpretada pela encantadora e carismática Maria Montez). Contando com um elenco memorável, cenários suntuosos e figurinos exóticos, “As Mil e Uma Noites” é um clássico imperdível que já encantou platéias de todas as idades no mundo todo!
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, muitos fugitivos tentavam escapar dos nazistas por uma rota que passava pela cidade de Casablanca. O exilado americano Rick Blaine encontrou refúgio na cidade, dirigindo uma das principais casas noturnas da região. Clandestinamente, tentando despistar o Capitão Renault, ele ajuda refugiados, possibilitando que eles fujam para os Estados Unidos. Quando um casal pede sua ajuda para deixar o país, ele reencontra uma grande paixão do passado, a bela Ilsa. Este amor vai encontrar uma nova vida e eles vão lutar para fugir juntos.
Tortilla Flat
Jose Maria Corcoran
Danny, a poor northern Californian Mexican-American, inherits two houses from his grandfather and is quickly taken advantage of by his vagabond friends.
Larceny, Inc.
Sam Bachrach
Three ex-cons buy a luggage shop to tunnel into the bank vault next door. But despite all they can do, the shop prospers...
Mogli: O Menino Lobo
The Barber
Adaptação da eterna aventura na floresta escreita por Rudyard Kipling. Estrelando Sabu, o jovem indiano que ganhou fama internacional como Mogli, um órfão criado por lobos e amigo de todos os animais selvagens. Quando Mogli volta para sua terra natal, já crescido, ele descobre os estranhos modos dos homens. Lá ele encontra Mahala, uma aldeã encantadora, que fica impressionada com seus amigos animais. Juntos, eles fazem uma viagem através da floresta, até encontrarem ruínas cheias de tesouros de uma civilização perdida.
Breakdowns of 1942
This is a collection of bloopers and film manipulation by The Warner Studio Club for an annual dinner for the staff at Warner Brothers.
O Homem Que Vendeu a Alma
Miser Stevens
Baseado no conto "Fausto" de Goethe, "The Devil and Daniel Webster" conta a história do pobre fazendeiro Jabez Stone (James Craig), que após diversos infortúnios vende a alma ao Diabo (Walter Huston) em troca de sete anos de boa sorte e dinheiro.
New Wine
Hasslinger's Clerk
The romantic story of Franz Schubert 's fight for recognition of his music. The 1941 Reinhold Schunzel biographical musical composer melodrama.
O Morro dos Maus Espíritos
Coot Royal
Um estranho misterioso chega às colinas do Missouri e se torna amigo de uma jovem garota do interior. Muito para o desgosto de seu noivo que prometeu encontrar e matar seu próprio pai. O jovem Matt Masters, um destilador clandestino de Ozark Mountains, odeia o pai que ele nunca viu, que aparentemente abandonou sua mãe e a deixou para morrer. Sua obsessão contribui para o ódio desenfreado nas montanhas. No entanto, a chegada de um estranho, Daniel Howitt, começa a afetar positivamente as pessoas da montanha, que aprendem a abandonar seu ódio sob sua influência gentil. Ainda assim, Matt não confia muito em Howitt.
Quando a Noite Cai
Olaf Johnson
A Brooklyn pier racketeer bullies boat-owners into paying protection money but two fed-up fishermen decide to eliminate the gangster themselves rather than complain to the police.
Million Dollar Baby
Dr. Patterson
A sudden windfall has unexpected consequences on a working class girl during the Great Depression.
Model Wife
The Janitor
Complications in a dressmaking firm when a model has to hide her marriage.
Youth Will Be Served
Clem Howie
A precocious youngster organizes a show to save a government youth camp from a local entrepreneur.
A Longa Viagem de Volta
A bordo do cargueiro Glencairn, a vida da tripulação é vivida com medo, solidão, suspeita e camaradagem. Os homens contrabandeiam bebida e mulheres para bordo, lutam uns com os outros, espionam uns aos outros, confortar uns aos outros quando a morte se aproxima, e ajudam o outro quando em perigo. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Knute Rockne All American
Lars Knutson Rockne
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Anjos da Broadway
Charles Engle
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. é Bill O´Brien, um futuro gângster que se associa a Nina Barona (Rita Hayworth), uma dançarina azarada, num esquema de fraude que os leva a ganhar mais do que planejaram.
Babies for Sale
Howard Anderson
A determined newsman pursues his hunch that a charitable maternity hospital is running a ruthless adoption racket.
On Their Own
The Jones family (without father) head for California to open a bungalow court. To increase business they advertise for families with children and pets. A neighbor threatens to sue.
Ski Patrol
In 1939, a group of Finnish soldiers defend the border from Russian invaders.
Saturday's Children
First Carpenter (uncredited)
An inventor and his bride get testy in the city as they try to make ends meet.
Vinhas da Ira
Muley Graves
Tom, filho mais velho de uma pobre família de trabalhadores rurais, retorna para casa após cumprir pena por homicídio involuntário. Ele planeja levar os parentes até a Califórnia, onde dizem que trabalho não falta. Durante a viagem eles passam por diversos tipos de provações e quando finalmente chegam na "Terra Prometida" descobrem que é um lugar bem pior do que aquele que deixaram.
Florisbella Quer o Divórcio
Ed Fuddle
Dagwood wants to join the trout club and Blondie wants a fur coat. Jealousy reigns when Dag's old girlfriend Joan shows up, but nothing else matters when a drawing at the movie theatre provides money for the coat.
Jejum de Amor
Earl Williams
Uma repórter (Rosalind Russell) anuncia que está deixando o trabalho para levar uma vida doméstica ao lado do noivo rico. Seu editor e ex-marido (Cary Grant) tenta convencê-la a mudar de idéia.
Quatro Esposas
In this sequel to Four Daughters, Ann struggles to move on after the death of her husband as she falls in love with Felix, but on the day of her engagement discovers that she carries Mickey's child.
Honeymoon in Bali
Meek Man (uncredited)
Bill Burnett, a resident of Bali, visits New York City, meets and falls in love with Gail Allen, the successful manager of a Fifth Avenue shop, who is determined to remain free and independent. Bill proposes, Gail declines and Bill goes home to Bali. But a young girl, Rosie, and Tony the Window Cleaner, who dispels advice on every floor, soon have Gail thinking maybe she was a bit hasty with her no to Bill's proposal. Ere long she discovers that she does love Bill and can't live without him. She goes down to Bali to give him the good news. He learns that he is soon to marry Noel Van Ness. She goes back to New York City.
Thunder Afloat
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Mickey the Kid
A bank robber and his boy make a run for it during winter in a bus full of children.
Let Us Live
Dan (uncredited)
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Amor de Um Espia
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
The Strange Case of Dr. Meade
In this drama, a New York physician takes a much-needed vacation down South. Unfortunately, he encounters a nurse working in the backwoods and ends up helping her to combat an epidemic that rages through the mountain communities. The doctor she works for prefers traditional herbs to modern medicine.
Quando Elas Teimam
Night Watchman at Subway Construction Site
When the murdered body discovered by beautiful, vivacious socialite Melsa Manton disappears, police and press label her a prankster until she proves them wrong.
Five of a Kind
Asa Wyatt
Rival reporters compete to sign the Wyatt Quintuplets to be guests on their radio shows.
The Chaser
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Joy of Living
Falling in love with the voice of Broadway chanteuse Margaret Garret, cocksure young tycoon Daniel Brewster decides to rescue the star from her hectic lifestyle of frenzied fans and mooching relatives. When Margaret has her ardent suitor arrested, the judge appoints her as Daniel's probation officer, forcing the duo to spend time together. As Daniel teaches Margaret to let her hair down and enjoy life, she begins to fall for her fun-loving admirer.
The Bad Man of Brimstone
A ruthless outlaw becomes very protective of a prizefighter when he learns the young man is his own son.
Nada é Sagrado
Fireman (uncredited)
Os jornais informam que Hazel Flagg (Carole Lombard) sofre de uma doença incurável. Wally Cook (Fredric March), um jornalista de Nova York passa a investigar o caso e acaba se apaixonando pela moça.
Fit for a King
Newspaper reporter "Scoops" is sent out on assignment, to investigate the failed assassination attempts on Archduke Julio. Trying to get the story, he runs into Jane Hamilton who is really Princess Helen. He doesn't realize that she is the story: a princess in exile, in danger of assassination; and, falling in love with "Scoops", while engaged to a prince.
She Had to Eat
An Arizona gas station owner faces comic adventures after traveling with an eccentric millionaire to New City, where he meets up with a small-time con woman and is repeatedly mistaken for a gangster.
Angel's Holiday
Waldo Everett
Lively June, teen-aged daughter of mystery writer Waldo Everett, who calls her "Angel," becomes involved in intrigue centering on movie star Pauline Kaye and her companion Stivers. Reporter Nick Moore, once sweet on Pauline, is convinced that her sudden disappearance is a publicity stunt, which is true -- until gangster Bat Regan decides to get involved.
Fifty Roads to Town
Sheriff Dow
A man on the lam in the Canadian wilds encounters a young woman in a remote lodge who is also on the run.
Seventh Heaven
Sewer Rat
A Parisian sewer worker longs for a rise in status and a beautiful wife. He rescues a girl from the police, lives with her in a barren flat on the seventh floor, and then marches away to war.
Asa Wyatt
Newspapers around the world proclaim the birth in Moosetown, Canada of the 3,000th baby brought into the world by the doctor, John Luke, known for delivering the famous Wyatt quintuplets. To honor the doctor on his retirement and to publicize their town, the Moosetown chamber of commerce decides to hold a reunion of all the babies delivered by the doctor, some of whom have become famous.
Girls Dormitory
When a busybody teacher in a girls' finishing school finds a love letter from a student to an unknown man, a minor scandal erupts.
A Astúcia de Nero Wolfe
Rex Stout's portly detective prides himself on solving crimes without venturing outside his comfortable home; here he relies on others to do the legwork in pinpointing who among a number of suspects is responsible for two sudden deaths, which the authorities at first are not convinced were murders.
The Country Doctor
Asa Wyatt
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
Mr. Jenkins (uncredited)
Magazine publisher Van Stanhope is a hard-working, dynamic executive very happily married to his beautiful wife Linda. Although their relationship is built on unconditional trust, friends, and even Van's mother, caution Linda about the dangers of allowing Whitey, her husband's extremely sexy secretary, to continue to have access to him. Although Whitey has a faithful boyfriend, she secretly harbors unrequited feelings for her boss. When they take a business trip to Havana, circumstantial evidence convinces Linda that the rumors she's heard may have a basis in fact.
Ring Around the Moon
Bill Harvey
Ring Around the Moon was based on the once-popular novel by Vera Hobart. The story endeavors to invite comparisons between the high-toned romantic adventures of wealthy Gloria Endicott and more earthy amours of low-born Kay Duncan. Caught between both ladies is confused hero Ross Graham.
Man of Iron
A construction company foreman's life changes--not necessarily for the better--when he is promoted to an executive position.
Will Dabson
Hot jewels from London make their way to New York, where they are stolen by racketeer Ed Dexter, who hides them with the help of his vivacious girlfriend, Vivian Palmer. Federal agent Ross McBride goes undercover to infiltrate the gang and, suspecting Vivian can lead him to the jewels, comes to her aid when she is chased by a rival gang. The two flee to the Midwest with both gangs in pursuit, but Vivian is not as gullible as Ross thinks.
The Three Musketeers
The young Gascon D'Artagnan arrives in Paris, his heart set on joining the king's Musketeers. He is taken under the wings of three of the most respected and feared Musketeers, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Together they fight to save France and the honor of a lady from the machinations of the powerful Cardinal Richelieu.
Thunder in the Night
Hotel Porter
A whodunit set in Budapest, starring Edmund Lowe as a detective investigating the murder of an unemployed vaudeville actor.
Orchids to You
An unlikely courtroom romance blooms between a flower-shop owner and her unscrupulous landlord's married attorney.
Silk Hat Kid
Mr. Fossbender
Eddie Howard, a fast-thinking, two-fisted bodyguard, is hired by nightclub-owner Tim Martin to protect him from chiseling gangsters operating an extortion-racket. But Eddie meets and falls in love with Laura Grant, Tim's sweetheart, and complications quickly arise.
Doubting Thomas
Von Blitzen
A husband makes fun of his wife's theatrical aspirations when she agrees to appear in a local production. When she begins to neglect him, he decides to retaliate by also going on stage.
Amor Singelo
Sol Tinker
A farmer tries to convince a girl to leave her life on a canal boat to live with him on his farm.
Inferno Negro
Mike Shemanski
A simple Pennsylvania coal miner is drawn into the violent conflict between union workers and management.
Chasing Yesterday
An elderly bachelor, feeling nostalgic for his youth, seeks out his late sweetheart's teenage daughter, now an orphan forced to attend a strict boarding school.
The Great Hotel Murder
Crime novelist Roger Blackwood competes with hotel house detective Andy McCabe in solving a murder by poisoning at a medical convention.
One More Spring
Three people live together in the maintenance shed at Central Park as an alternative to living on the streets.
Charlie Chan em Paris
Concierge, Dufresne's Hotel (bit)
Charlie's visit to Paris, ostensibly a vacation, is really a mission to investigate a bond-forgery racket. But his agent, apache dancer Nardi is killed before she can tell him much. The case, complicated by a false murder accusation for banker's daughter Yvette, climaxes with a strange journey through the Paris sewers.
365 Nights in Hollywood
Prof. Herman Ellenbogen
Down-on-his-luck film director Jimmie Dale takes a job at a fly-by-night acting school. He is drawn into the plans of the school's owner to bilk a wealthy young man out of the funds he has supplied to shoot a movie starring pretty student Alice Perkins. But Jimmie hopes to bilk the bilkers by actually completing the movie as ostensibly planned.
O Pão Nosso
Chris (as John T. Qualen)
John e Mary são citadinos duramente afetados pela crise financeira da Grande Depressão. Impulsionados pela bravura (e por puro desespero), eles fogem para o campo e, com a ajuda de outros trabalhadores, criam uma comunidade agrícola – uma minissociedade baseada nos ensinamentos de Edward Gallafent.
Servants' Entrance
Heiress Hedda Nillson certain that her family is about to lose all its money, takes a job as a maid. After the usual trials and tribulations, Hedda falls in love with humble chauffeur Eric Landstrom.
Straight Is the Way
Mr. Clapman (uncredited)
Just out of prison, Benny Horowitz tries to go straight. Things are complicated by his former girlfriend and his former gangster buddies.
He Was Her Man
Dutch, Santa Avila's Cabbie
A safecracker goes straight after doing a stretch for a bum rap. He agrees to do one last job for his "pals".
Sing and Like it
Oswald (as John M. Qualen)
While breaking into a bank safe, a gangster overhears a bank employee singing and decides to put her in a Broadway revue
Chris the Janitor
A railroad tycoon, disillusioned with his marriage, starts seeing a showgirl. Things go agreeably until the woman's manager decides to blackmail the millionaire.
Hi, Nellie!
Steve (uncredited)
Managing Editor Brad Bradshaw refuses to run a story linking the disappearance of Frank Canfield with embezzlement of the bank. He considers Frank a straight shooter and he goes easy on the story. Every other paper goes with the story that Frank took the money and Brad is demoted, by the publisher, to the Heartthrob column - writing advice to the lovelorn. After feeling sorry for himself for two months, he takes the column seriously and makes it the talk of the town. But Brad still wants his old job back so he will have to find Canfield and the missing money.
É Hora de Amor
Svente Bjorkman
A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.
É Hora de Amor
A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.
Counsellor at Law
A successful lawyer struggles to deal with his wife's unfaithfulness and his own hidden past.
Henry Novak (uncredited)
A medical researcher is sent to a plague outbreak, where he has to decide priorities for the use of a vaccine.
No Turbilhão da Metrópole
Karl Olsen (as John M. Qualen)
The setting is a city block during a sweltering summer, where the residents serve as representatives of the not-very-idealized American melting pot. There is idle chitchat, gossip, jealousy, racism, adultery, and suddenly but not unexpectedly, a murder.