Eric Rognard


A Raposa e a Menina
Uma mulher (Isabelle Carré/Kate Winslet na versão inglesa) conta uma história de sua época de criança: em uma manhã de Outono, ela ficou fascinada por uma raposa, e, passados alguns meses observando-a, resolveu se aproximar e desenvolver uma amizade. A partir de seu relacionamento com a raposa - a qual ela chama de Lily - e seus filhotes, a então menina (Bertille Noël-Bruneau) aprende duras lições sobre a vida e sobre como é difícil lidar com animais selvagens.
Boy Crush
Seven short films in which gay youths and young men negotiate society, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. In several, teen boys come out, perhaps first to a close friend - how will the friends react? For some youths, coming out risks violence. In two films, love is thwarted - by mother, in one, and by immigration, in another. The collection includes "Summer" (Great Britain), "Night Swimming" (USA), "Running Without Sound" (USA), "Out Now" (Germany), "Œdipe N+1" (France), "Hitchcocked" (USA), and "The Bridge" (Australia).
Oedipus N+1
In a nightmarish future, the wealthy elite maintain The Circle, a stratum of society that can use technology for regeneration, although it's unclear if a person is regenerated into reality or if this New Life is a cyber world. Thomas Steiner is regenerated, thanks to his mother, and it seems her goal is for him to lose his homosexuality. He awakens from his regeneration with memories of Kazo, a man he loved. He goes in search of him. But, was Kazo ever real? And what will mother make of this son who leaves the safety of The Circle in search of something else?
Oedipus N+1
In a nightmarish future, the wealthy elite maintain The Circle, a stratum of society that can use technology for regeneration, although it's unclear if a person is regenerated into reality or if this New Life is a cyber world. Thomas Steiner is regenerated, thanks to his mother, and it seems her goal is for him to lose his homosexuality. He awakens from his regeneration with memories of Kazo, a man he loved. He goes in search of him. But, was Kazo ever real? And what will mother make of this son who leaves the safety of The Circle in search of something else?