Stuart Asbjornsen


Director of Photography
Três mercenárias: Trixie (Julia Voth), Hel (Erin Cummings) e Camero (America Olivo), estão no meio de um remoto deserto tentando extorquir Gage (Michael Hurst), um impiedoso chefão do submundo, mas as coisas saem rapidamente de controle, fazendo com que verdades sejam reveladas e fidelidades quebradas. Com o destino do mundo na balança será que elas serão forçadas a confrontar um perigo maior do que o imaginado?
O Anti-Cristo
Director of Photography
A jovem Mary Elizabeth (Alison Brie) vai para a cama e acorda na manhã seguinte misteriosamente grávida. O susto não se dá apenas por conta do rápido desenvolvimento do bebê, mas sim por que o que ela carrega em sua barriga é um feto demoníaco. Ele consegue manipular os instintos de Elizabeth e faz com que a garota de 12 anos sinta um desejo ardente de matar. Quando a “criança” nasce, a Terra vira um verdadeiro inferno de canas horripilantes e monstruosas. Enquanto isso, outros personagens sombrios surgem no caminho de Mary dando um tom aterrorizante à história.
Lobisomem Solteiro Procura...
Director of Photography
Jovem garçonete torna-se alvo de lobisomem sanguinário que está solto nas ruas de Los Angeles à procura de uma mulher para proliferar sua espécie.
Fitness Fun with Goofy
Sport Goofy takes the class through a complete workout that includes both warm-up and cool-down exercises, illustrating them with clips from Disney films.
What's an Abra Without a Cadabra?
Justin and his sister Kim are magically transported to Figonia by reciting the magic words in a mysterious magic kit. Once there, Figment hesitantly informs them that he doesn't know the magical words to return them home, so they enlist the help of Merlin to figure out a solution. Comparing and contrasting the sound, spelling, and meaning of words is the key to getting them back home again.
Where Does Time Fly?
Figment needs a story for the story contest he wants to win, and flies through time to find the inspiration to write a wonderful story. In original animation, he visits dinosaurs, the Wild West, and outer space, but can't seem to come up with an idea he likes. He invites two young children, Nick and Jessie, to help him. Nick's favorite stories are about pirates, so they decide on a pirate story-- which a pirate helps them write.
Mickey's Safety Club: What to Do at Home
The film gives home-safety information and tips to children home alone.
Reading Magic with Figment and Peter Pan
Figment is visited unexpectedly by Peter Pan who has lost his way back to Wendy's house and is in need of assistance. Apparently, he temporarily got pixie dust in his eyes. When Figment begins to write down directions for Peter, the boy who refused to grow up reminds him that he never learned to read. Figment agrees to bring Wendy to Figonia, but a miscalculation brings Amy instead. Through reading, Figment and his friend Amy vividly make the point that books can transport you to faraway lands, transform you into other characters, and open you up to innumerable adventures. By program's end, Peter agrees that being able to read is wonderful and magical. He may even learn to read himself!
Mickey's Field Trips: The United Nations
Mickey Mouse tours the United Nations complex.
Lethal Pursuit
A rock star babe and her hunky honey find themselves targeted by her psychotic ex, whose insane jealously sparks a deadly game of desert cat-and-mouse.
When I Am King
Associate Producer
Two children move to a dream world of magicians, witches and an evil Gypsy.
The Forest
Director of Photography
A cannibal hermit living in the woods preys on campers and hikers for his food supply.