Edda Seippel

Edda Seippel

Nascimento : 1919-12-19, Braunschweig, Germany

Morte : 1993-05-12


Edda Seippel


Gerda Tietze
Paul Winkelmann is the CEO of a successful business in Hamburg that he took over after the death of his father eight years ago. But he is still strongly dominated by his 78 year old mother who cares for him as a child, and who cannot understand why he took an apartment on his own after all these years. The real "problem" starts when Paul gets to know psychologist Margarethe Tietze whose relationship to her parents is also not so easy after all.
Wer erschoss Boro
Helene Häubel
Tür an Tür
Heiraten ist immer ein Risiko
Lydia Barbent
Sinfonia da Primavera
Mutter Schumann
"Spring Symphony" is the story of Robert Schumann and Clara Wieck. Both were music entities. Robert Schumann turns out to have been a second tier composer, if that, never rising to the heights of a Beethoven or Mozart. In contrast, Clara Wieck was a master technician in the playing of the piano, a composer (probably not at Schumann's level), and was a child prodigy.
Es bleibt in der Familie
Valentine Chantrel
Der Pfingstausflug
Heimleiterin Frau Schmidt
Der Fall Winslow
Grace Winslow
Haben Sie nichts zu verzollen?
Aus nichtigem Anlaß
Anneliese Streiter
A Marquesa d'O
Die Mutter, Die Obristin
A German Marquise has to deal with a pregnancy she cannot explain and an infatuated Russian Count.
Der Hofmeister
Frau von Berg
Der Spitzbubenhof
Ulrike 'Muttchen' Zierfuß
Die Kurpfuscherin
Baronin Berhardine von Reitzenberg
Der zerbrochene Krug
Frau Brigitte
Eine ungeliebte Frau
Die Gräfin von Rathenow
Frau von Quast
Der 21. Juli
Zweite Reporterin
Frau des Dorfpolizisten
Ditte Nansen
Einladung ins Schloß
Isabelles Mutter
O süße Geborgenheit
Frau Lachmann
Mathilde Möhring
Mutter Möhring
Love from a Stranger
Tante Loo-Loo
Der dritte Handschuh
Hildegard Klings
Jegor Bulytschow und andere
Xenia Bulytschowa
Die gelehrten Frauen
No Shooting Time for Foxes
Claras Mutter
Two old school friends, both in their late twenties. One lives on his parent’s rural estate and does nothing; the other half-heartedly pursues work as a journalist in Düsseldorf.
A Winter's Tale
Florence Goodman
Der Kardinal von Spanien
Dona Ines
Thomas More
Alice More
Am Herzen kann man sich nicht kratzen
Frau Kusnitzki
Der eingebildete Doktor
Die Feuertreppe
Mrs. Wright
Ein Augenzeuge
Mrs. Parsons
Zur letzten Instanz
Clemence Varambot
Die wunderschöne Galathee