Brian Donlevy

Brian Donlevy

Nascimento : 1901-02-09, Portadown, County Armagh, Ireland [now in Northern Ireland], UK

Morte : 1972-04-06


Brian Donlevy  (February 9, 1901 – April 5, 1972) was an Ulster-born American film actor, noted for playing tough guys from the 1930s to the 1960s. He usually appeared in supporting roles. Among his best known films are Beau Geste (1939) and The Great McGinty (1940). For his role as Sergeant Markoff in Beau Geste he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. His obituary in The Times newspaper in the United Kingdom stated that "any consideration of the American 'film noir' of the 1940s would be incomplete without him". Description above from the Wikipedia article Brian Donlevy, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Brian Donlevy


James Stewart: A Wonderful Life
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about James Stewart's long career as an actor and positive personal life.
Hammer: The Studio That Dripped Blood
(archive footage)
A retrospective of the films of Britain's Hammer Studios, renowned for making stylish horror films in the 1950s, '60s and '70s. Included are clips from Hammer productions and interviews with actors, actresses, directors and producers who worked on these films.
Cliente Morto Não Paga
(in "The Glass Key") (archive footage)
Juliet Forrest está convencida de que a morte de seu pai em um acidente de carro nas montanhas não foi um acidente. Seu pai era um proeminente cientista trabalhando em uma receita secreta de queijo. Para provar que foi assassinado, ela contrata os serviços de detetive Rigby Reardon. Ele encontra um pedaço de papel com uma lista de pessoas que são "Os Amigos e Inimigos da Carlotta". Procurando por respostas, Rigby se encontra com diversos personagens do submundo: homens e mulheres perigosos que foram as principais personagens dos clássicos filmes de detetive dos anos 40 e 50. Filmado em preto e branco para permitir o uso de cenas de filmes antigos entremeadas com as do novo. É através deste recurso que o assistente de Rigby não é outro senão o próprio Philip Marlowe.
Pit Stop
Grant Willard
Rick Bowman, a drag racing street punk, comes to the attention of crafty businessman Grant Willard. Willard bails him out of jail and offers him sponsorship as a stock car driver. Bowman accepts and enters the demolition derby-adjacent world of "figure eight" racing. As Bowman moves up in the ranks, his regard for his friends slips-- giving way to outright obsession with becoming the best.
Arizona Bushwhackers
Mayor Joe Smith
During the Civil War, a Confederate spy takes a job as marshal of a small western town as a cover for his espionage activities. However, he soon finds out that a local businessman is selling weapons to a band of rampaging Indians.
Rogue's Gallery
Detective Lee
A private eye gets in trouble when he tries to help a woman in distress.
Cinco Dragões Dourados
Dragon #3
While travelling through Hong Kong, Bob Mitchell accidentally stumbles into the middle of criminal negotiations between a mean gang, the Five Golden Dragons and the local mobsters.
Hostile Guns
Marshal Willett
US Marshal Gid McCool leads a wagon train of convicted felons to Huntsville prison. The only female among the crooks is the dancehall girl Laura Mannon, McCool's former flame. When McCool cannot be swayed from completing his lawful duty, Laura tries to endear herself to shotgun rider Mike Reno in hopes he will set her free.
Gammera the Invincible
Gen. Terry Arnold
An atomic explosion awakens Gammera, a giant fire breathing turtle monster from his millions of years of hibernation.
Ace Ross
Preacher Sam Stone and his new beautiful wife Jill stand by the grave of Sheriff Billy Kelly, who died trying to bring law-and-order to Emporia, Wyoming. Among the mourners are businessman George Gates, mayor Ned West and his daughter Patricia. The mayor rejects Gates' suggestion that he release gunfighter Waco from jail to clean up the town. When Patricia is attacked by a cowboy after leaving her boyfriend Scotty Moore, the mayor finally decides it is time accept the governor;s offer of amnesty for Waco. Jill Stone's first reaction, when learning that Waco has been released, is to leave town before Waco finds out that she, his former fiancée, has married the town preacher while Waco was in jail. Town boss Joe Gore is not overjoyed, either, but Ike and Pete Jenner eagerly await the chance to shoot Waco for the death of their brother. Written by Les Adams
The Fat Spy
George Wellington
A mostly-deserted island, which is believed to be the home to the fountain of youth, is off the coast of Florida. The island gets some visitors in the form of a teenage boy band, "the Wild Ones", and their gang of swimsuit-clad young people, who head there in a crowded powerboat ostensibly for a scavenger hunt.
Como Rechear um Biquíni
B.D. 'Big Deal' MacPherson
When he's stationed in Tahiti, a sailor hires a witch doctor to keep an eye on his girlfriend.
A Maldição da Mosca
Henri Delambre
A Maldição da Mosca é a terceira parte da série de ficção científica que começou com o clássico "A Mosca". A história gira em torno da família Delambre, mas desta vez com o filho do primeiro cientista, Henri Delambre (Brian Donlevy), que fica obcecado com as experiências de teletransporte e causa receio em seus dois filhos, que querem viver uma vida normal e esquecer a invenção do avô. Martin (George Baker), filho mais velho de Henri, casa-se com uma jovem que acabou de sair de uma clínica para doentes mentais e Henri é contra esses casamento. Ele sabe que interesses externos podem prejudicar sua pesquisa científica. Quando a nova esposa de Martin descobre seres humanos mutilados em suas experiências de teletransporte, a polícia é chamada e Henri tenta escapar usando a própria invenção. Infelizmente, para o cientista louco, o teletransporte ainda tem defeitos não corrigidos.
The Big Parade of Comedy
(archive footage)
Film clips highlight the funniest scenes and brightest comic stars in MGM's history.
The Pigeon That Took Rome
Col. Sherman Harrington
An American Infantry officer assigned to a cloak-and-dagger role in Rome uses homing pigeons for outside contact, with humorous results.
Mocinho Encrenqueiro
Tom 'T.P.' Paramutual
Em um dos grandes estúdios de Hollywood, a Paramutual Pictures, o big boss da companhia, T.P. (Brian Donlevy), está muito irritado, pois a empresa dia a dia está perdendo dinheiro. Porém isto não acontece na bilheteria, e sim dentro do próprio estúdio. Durante uma reunião de diretoria, onde o assunto é levantado, T.P. apresenta para os diretores um técnico em eficiência, mas Irma (Isolbel Elsom), uma das sócias da companhia, se indispõe com ele, dizendo que isto não ira funcionar. O técnico se retira irritado, então T.P. e a diretoria concluem que precisam de uma pessoa totalmente desconhecida para fazer esta inspeção. Eles acabam escolhendo um colocador de cartazes, Morty S. Tashman (Jerry Lewis), que é uma pessoa muito boa e honesta, mas com uma incrível capacidade de arrumar confusões.
A Moça do Quarto 13
Steve Marshall
Detetive norte-americano vem a São Paulo em busca de uma mulher fugitiva, suspeita de assassinato.
Quando Explodem as Paixões
Gen. Sloan
O Capitão Tom Reynolds e seu bando de agentes OSS especializados estão na Birmânia durante a WW2 para treinar os nativos Kachin em guerra moderna. Mas o combate de selva, especialmente contra um exército japonês tão familiarizado com o terreno como o de Kachin, é mais cansativa do que Reynolds imaginava. Um pouco de descanso é encontrado nos braços da bela Carla, mas depois que os rebeldes chineses atravessam a fronteira para roubar e assassinar soldados americanos, Reynolds abandona todas as noções de "protocolo militar" e sai em busca de vingança.
Juke Box Rhythm
George Manton
An European princess visiting America helps a record producer organize a big concert.
Como Nasce um Bravo
Doc Bender, Trailhand
Frank Harris, funcionário de um hotel em Chicago, sonha com a vida de cowboy, e tem sua chance quando, abandonado pelo pai da mulher que ama, se junta a Tom Reece com sua roupa de vaqueiro. Logo, porém, o novato descobre que a vida nas trilhas de gado não é nem um pouco o que ele esperava e muito menos o que ele está em busca.
Escape from Red Rock
Bronc Grierson
Pursued by a posse, a rancher and a young woman, partners in crime, are chased into Indian country.
Usina de Monstros
Prof. Bernard Quatermass
In England, a group of space scientists led by Bernard Quatermass, who have developed plans for the first Moon colony, learn that a secret, ostensibly government-run, complex of identical design has been built in a remote part of England and is the focus of periodic falls of small, hollow "meteorites" originating in outer space. Quatermass determines to investigate and uncovers a terrifying extraterrestrial life form which has already begun action to take over the Earth.
A Cry in the Night
Ed Bates
A police captain's emotions get in the way when his daughter is kidnapped.
Terror que Mata
Prof. Bernard Quatermass
A primeira espaçonave tripulada, lançada de uma plataforma de lançamento inglesa, some do radar, depois de volta à Terra, cai no campo de um fazendeiro, e é encontrada com apenas um dos três tripulantes. Ele é incapaz de falar, mas parece estar passando por uma metamorfose física e mental torturante.
Império do Crime
Joe McClure
O Tenente de polícia Diamond recebe a ordem de parar de investigar o chefe da máfia, Sr. Brown, porque está custando muito dinheiro ao departamento, e sem obter resultados. Diamond faz uma última tentativa de descobrir evidências contra Brown indo até a namorada de Brown, Susan Lowell.
Woman They Almost Lynched
Charles Quantrill
Laying on the Missouri-Arkansas border, the neutral Border City, its female mayor and city council, take no side in the ongoing Civil War and they're prepared to hang any troublemaker, Yankee or Confederate, who stirs the townsfolk up.
Ride the Man Down
Bide Marriner
After Celia's father dies, a war erupts over control of his land.
Hoodlum Empire
Sen. William J. 'Bill' Stephens
It's a deadly play for power when a Mafia chieftain's top gun goes straight and threatens to testify against the big boss and his cruel, nationwide network of crime. The picture, which was shot in a semi-documentary style, was inspired by the Kefauver investigations of 1950-51.
Fronteiras da Crueldade
Capt. Dempster
Three outlaws rob the stage and then flee. When their horses give out they murder some Indians to get fresh ones. But this puts the Indians on the war path and they have to take refuge in an Army fort to avoid them. The Indians then arrive offering peace if the three men are turned over to them. The fort's commanding Officer wants peace but the rules say the men must be tried in a white man's court leaving the Indians no choice but to attack.
Fighting Coast Guard
Cmdr. McFarland
Story of how the Coast Guard trained to help win World War II.
Cavaleiros da Bandeira Negra
Os irmãos Jesse e Frank James, além de Cole e James Younger e ainda Kit Dalton, juntam-se ao bando de Quantrill, um Confederado que após a Guerra de Secessão dedica-se a saquear e matar civis, pretensamente em nome da causa. Quando percebe que todos não passam de simples bandidos, Jesse tenta ir embora, mas é convencido a ficar por Kate, a amante de Quantrill. Entre um ataque e outro, os passos da quadrilha são descobertos pelos soldados Ianques, que se aprontam para desbaratá-la.
Nick Palmer
Jack Early is a photographer who will stop at nothing to climb his way to the very top of the success ladder. On the strength of his sheer tenacity, he gets a job with a major newspaper, and it's not long before he's made a name for himself by charming a notorious crime boss, Nick Palmer, into allowing himself to be photographed. Palmer takes him under his wing, but Early decides to bite the hand that feeds him and sets Palmer and another crime boss, Colton, against one another.
The Lucky Stiff
John J. Malone
A lawyer spooks gangsters by faking a framed singer's electrocution.
Walter Williams
After surviving a murder attempt, an auto magnate goes into hiding so his wife can pay for the crime.
Trágica Decisão
Brigadier General Clifton I. Garnet
Os generais do exército lutam com a decisão de priorizar o bombardeio das fábricas alemãs que produzem novos caças a jato devido às baixas extremamente altas que a missão custará. O general Dennis da Força dos EUA na Inglaterra na Segunda Guerra Mundial acha que ele deve mandar seus aviões cada vez mais fundo na Alemanha para impedir a produção de caças a jato que mudarão a maré da batalha para os alemães. Ele deve lutar contra congressistas e sua própria cadeia de comando para vencer a batalha política antes que possa enviar seus aviões. Seu problema fica mais complicado por causa de uma janela muito estreita de bom tempo, necessária para permitir que seu esforço seja bem-sucedido. Nossa história tenta olhar para os desafios de comando numa arena política. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
A Southern Yankee
Kurt Devlynn
Red Skelton plays Aubrey Filmore, a feather-brained but lovable bellboy who dreams of becoming an agent for the Union's secret service during the Civil War.
Punhos de Ouro
Jim Caighn
Tommy McCoy grew up poor and scrappy. As a young man he discovers that he can fight with his powerful right arm. He becomes successful at boxing, however he has an alcoholic father.
Heaven Only Knows
Adam 'Duke' Byron
Also released as Montana Mike, Heaven Only Knows is an offbeat western with fantasy overtones. Hard-bitten gambling boss Brian Donlevy rules his frontier community with brawn and bullets. To his dismay, Donlevy discovers that he has a guardian angel (Robert Cummings), who shows up in the guise of an Eastern tenderfoot. The angel has been sent from Above to save Donlevy's soul, and to that end encourages the one-time villain to squire a minister's daughter (Jorja Curtwright) rather than his usual dance-hall girls. Donlevy is also given tips on winning against his enemies without resorting to gunplay. The gambler finally redeems himself with Heaven by rescuing the angel from a lynch mob (how can you lynch an angel?) Heaven Only Knows deserves an "E" for Effort for bringing a fresh twist to the venerable western genre.
O Beijo da Morte
Assistant D.A. Louis D'Angelo
An ex-con trying to go straight must face a crazed criminal out for revenge.
The Trouble with Women
Joe McBride
A psychology professor comes up with a theory that women have a desire to be subjugated. A newswoman, using a pseudonym, accuses him of advocating wife-beating. There is trouble, when he falls in love with her, unaware of who she is.
Song of Scheherazade
Capt. Vladimir Gregorovitch
A beautiful cabaret dancer inspires composer Rimsky-Korsakov.
O Fim ou o Princípio
Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves
The research, development, and deployment of the first atomic bomb, as well as the bombing of Hiroshima, are detailed in this docudrama.
Two Years Before the Mast
Richard Henry Dana
In 1834, Charles Stewart (Alan Ladd), the spoiled, dissolute son of a shipping magnate, is shanghaied aboard the Pilgrim, one of his father's own ships. He embarks upon a long, hellish sea voyage under the tyrannical rule of Captain Francis Thompson (Howard Da Silva), assisted by his first mate, Amazeen (William Bendix). One of his crewmates is Richard Henry Dana Jr. (Brian Donlevy).
Paixão Selvagem
George Camrose
O homem de negócios, Logan Stuart (Dana Andrews), está escoltando a noiva de seu amigo, Lucy Overmire (Susan Hayward), de volta para sua casa na distante cidade de Jacksonville, no Oregon. No trajeto de sua dura jornada Lucy se sente atraída por Logan cujo coração parece pertencer a outra pessoa.
Louca Inocência
Tony Minnetti
Russell and Lynn are a pair of college students in the 1920s. They get mixed up with kind-hearted bootlegger Donlevy who helps them get their boy friends back.
The Virginian
Arriving at Medicine Bow, eastern schoolteacher Molly Woods meets two cowboys, irresponsible Steve and the "Virginian," who gets off on the wrong foot with her. To add to his troubles, the Virginian finds that his old pal Steve is mixed up with black-hatted Trampas and his rustlers...then finds himself at the head of a posse after said rustlers; and Molly hates the violent side of frontier life.
Duffy's Tavern
Brian Donlevy
The staff of a record factory drown their sorrows at Duffy's Tavern, while the company owner faces threats of bankruptcy.
Papai Por Acaso
Governor McGinty
A small-town girl with a soft spot for American soldiers wakes up the morning after a wild farewell party for the troops to find that she married someone she can't remember.
Um Romance Americano
Stefan Dubechek aka Steve Dangos
A European immigrant becomes a master of industry but almost loses his family.
Twenty Years After
This short celebrates the 20th anniversary of MGM. Segments are shown from several early hits, then from a number of 1944 releases.
Os Carrascos Também Morrem
Dr. Franticek Svoboda
Durante a ocupação nazista da Checoslováquia, o cirurgião Dr. Franticek Svoboda, um patriota checo, assassina o brutal "Carrasco da Europa", o Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich e é ferido no processo. Na tentativa de escapar, ele é ajudado pelo professor de história Stephen Novotny e sua filha Mascha. Versão totalmente ficcional do episódio. Foi o único projeto Hollywoodiano bem sucedido de Bertolt Brecht; o dinheiro que recebeu permitiu escrever "As visões de Simone Marchand", "Schwyk na Segunda Guerra Mundial" e a adaptação da "Duquesa de Malfi" de Webster. Hanns Eisler ganhou um Oscar por sua partitura musical. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Stand by for Action
Lieut. Cmdr. Martin Roberts
U. S. Navy Lieutenant Gregg Masterman, of The Harvard and Boston Back Bay Mastermans, learned about the sea while winning silver cups sailing his yacht. He climbs swiftly in rank, and is now Junior Aide to Rear Admiral Stephen Thomas.
Daniel Shane
An ex-gambler helps a beautiful widow, and becomes involved with a murder, secret agents, and saboteurs.
Capitulou Sorrindo
Paul Madvig
A crooked politician finds himself being accused of murder by a gangster from whom he refused help during a re-election campaign.
Nossos Mortos Serão Vingados
Maj. Geoffrey Caton
In late 1941, with no hope of relief or re-supply, a small band of United States Marines tries to keep the Japanese Navy from capturing their island base.
A Gentleman After Dark
Harry Melton
A greedy woman betrays her jewel thief husband to the police, for the reward. Her husband's friend, a detective, adopts the couple's child and raises her as his own. Eighteen years later the husband, still in prison, finds out that his ex-wife is now blackmailing their daughter. He vows to break out and put a stop to her once and for all.
Até Que a Morte nos Separe
Steely Edwards
In Hoyt City, a statue of founder Ethan Hoyt is dedicated, and 100 year old Hannah Sempler Hoyt (who lives in the last residence among skyscrapers) is at last persuaded to tell her story to a 'girl biographer'. Flashback: in 1848, teenage Hannah meets and flirts with pioneer Ethan; on a sudden impulse, they elope. We follow their struggle to found a city in the wilderness, hampered by the Gold Rush, star-crossed love, peril, and heartbreak. The star "ages" 80 years.
Two Yanks in Trinidad
Vince Barrows
The Two Yanks in Trinidad are gangsters Tim Reardon (Pat O'Brien) and Vince Barrows (Brian Donlevy), who split up over a disagreement and join the army, Tim to escape Vince's wrath and Vince to get his lunch-hooks on Tim. Both of our heroes run afoul of Army discipline and protocol in general, and tough top sergeant Valentine (Donald MacBride).
The Remarkable Andrew
General Andrew Jackson
When Andrew Long, hyper-efficient small town accountant, finds a $1240 discrepancy in the city budget, his superiors try to explain it away. When he insists on pursuing the matter, he's in danger of being blamed himself. In his trouble, the spirit of Andrew Jackson, whom he idolizes, visits him, and in turn, summons much high-powered talent from American history...which only Andrew can see.
Birth of the Blues
Jeff grows up near Basin Street in New Orleans, playing his clarinet with the dock workers. He puts together a band, the Basin Street Hot-Shots, which includes a cornet player, Memphis. They struggle to get their jazz music accepted by the cafe society of the city. Betty Lou joins their band as a singer and gets Louie to show her how to do scat singing. Memphis and Jeff both fall in love with Betty Lou.
South of Tahiti
Three men survive a plane crashes on an uncharted Pacific island, south of Tahiti. One falls in love with the the daughter of the tribe's leader, heiress to the throne after the death of her brother, who is as savage as her pet leopard. The others try to devise a plan to rob the tribe's gold.
A Porta de Ouro
Movie Actor (uncredited)
Romanian-French gigolo Georges Iscovescu wishes to enter the USA. Stopped in Mexico by the quota system, he decides to marry an American, then desert her and join his old partner Anita, who's done likewise. But after sweeping teacher Emmy Brown off her feet, he finds her so sweet that love and jealousy endanger his plans.
Gentil Tirano
Jim Sherwood
Baseado no livro "The Saga of Billy the Kid", de Walter Noble Burns, sobre o pistoleiro William Bonney, ou apenas Billy the Kid, que passa a ser perseguido pelo xerife quando decide se vingar daqueles que assassinaram seu protetor. Filmado antes por por King Vidor em 1930.
I Wanted Wings
Capt. Mercer
Told in flashback, this drama follows the training and personal lives of three recruits in the Army Air Corps: a wealthy playboy, a college jock, and an auto mechanic. Love interest is supplied by a female photographer and a sultry blonde.
O Filho dos Deuses
Angus Duncan
Based on the story of the famous Mormon leader, it follows Brigham Young and his challenge to transport his people across the Rocky mountains to settle in Salt Lake City. The plot focuses on two fictitious characters, Jonathan Kent and Zina Webb and the hardships they have to face along the way.
When the Daltons Rode
Grat Dalton
Young lawyer Tod Jackson arrives in pioneer Kansas to visit his prosperous rancher friends the Daltons, just as the latter are in danger of losing their land to a crooked development company. When Tod tries to help them, a faked murder charge turns the Daltons into outlaws, but more victims than villains in this fictionalized version. Will Tod stay loyal to his friends despite falling in love with Bob Dalton's former fiancée Julie?
O Homem Que Se Vendeu
Daniel 'Dan' McGinty
Told in flashback, Depression-era bum Dan McGinty is recruited by the city's political machine to help with vote fraud. His great aptitude for this brings rapid promotion from "the boss," who finally decides he'd be ideal as a new, nominally "reform" mayor; but this candidacy requires marriage. His in-name-only marriage to honest Catherine proves the beginning of the end for dishonest Dan...
Atire a Primeira Pedra
Homem que controla pequena cidade mata xerife e elege um vagabundo para substituí-lo. O que ele não sabe é que o rapaz não irá se dobrar.
O Primeiro Rebelde
Ralph Callendar
Na América colonial, a revolta contra os ingleses começa a aumentar. Quando descobre que um contrabandista está vendendo armas aos índios, James Smith decide disfarçar seus homens e interceptar os carregamentos, fazendo justiça com as próprias mãos.
Behind Prison Gates
Agent Norman Craig / Red Murray
An agent for the state attorney general poses as a convict to learn about bank loot.
Beau Geste
Sergeant Markoff
Michael "Beau" Geste deixa a Inglaterra depois de acontecimentos que o deixaram frustrado, e se junta a infame Legião Estrangeira Francesa. Lá, ele se reúne com seus dois irmãos no norte da África, onde enfrentam mais perigo com seu comandante sádico do que com os árabes rebeldes.
Aliança de Aço
Sid Campeau
Sinopse: Cecil B. DeMille nos leva de volta ao ano 1860, então reconstrói a primeira ferrovia intercontinental, a Union Pacific. Um dos últimos feitos do Presidente Lincoln foi autorizar a expansão da Union Pacific para o oeste dos EUA. Um espetáculo real e histórico, que as vezes mescla as aventuras fictícias do inspetor ferroviário (McCrea), a bilheteira (Stanwyck), e o melhor amigo de McCrea, Preston. Infelizmente, Preston une-se a Donlevy, que está empenhado a destruir a ferrovia, em nome de um cartel de políticos corruptos. Durante um ataque indígena, McCrea e Preston lutam lado a lado para salvar Stanwyck, então o inspetor tenta convencer Preston, a tornar-se um homem honesto.
Jesse James
Jesse James e seu irmão Frank juram vingar a morte da mãe, morta por um representante da companhia ferroviária de Saint Louis. Eles começam a carreira criminosa roubando os passageiros dos trens, mas logo expandem suas atividades cometendo assalto a bancos.
Steve Mitchell
Ace newsreel cameraman is working in a mythical European country when the king is assassinated. He gets his negatives out of the country and finds the young crown prince who is also in danger.
We're Going to Be Rich
Yankee Gordon
A perpetual dreamer talks his wife into moving with him from their home in Australia to South Africa, where he hopes to discover gold and finally become wealthy.
Battle Of Broadway
Chesty Webb
The wealthy owner of a Pennsylvania steel business travels to New York to break up his son's romance with a showgirl. Director George Marshall's 1938 comedy stars Victor McLaglen, Brian Donlevy, Gypsy Rose Lee, Raymond Walburn, Hattie McDaniel, Lynn Bari, Robert Kellard, Jane Darwell, Andrew Tombes, Esther Muir and Frank Moran.
In Old Chicago
Gil Warren
The O'Leary brothers -- honest Jack and roguish Dion -- become powerful figures, and eventually rivals, in Chicago on the eve of its Great Fire.
Born Reckless
Bob Kane
Racketeer Jim Barnes is trying to force the independent taxicab-drivers to join his "protection service" at the cost of five bucks a day. Champion race-car driver, Bob Kane, joins with his friends Lee and "Dad" Martin in a fight for the street rights of a big city.
A Força do Coração
Batiste Duryea
President McKinley asks Lt. Richard L. Perry to go underground to identify some obviously very well briefed Mid-Western bank robbers based in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Midnight Taxi
Charles 'Chick' Gardner
A federal agent goes to work for a taxi company believing it to be a front for a gang of counterfeiters.
Ace Martin
Betrayal and espionage abound as an experimental aircraft is readied for its maiden voyage.
36 Hours to Kill
Frank Evers
Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended
High Tension
Steve Reardon
Brawling cable layer Steve Reardon doesn't want to marry girlfriend Edith but he also doesn't want her to date other men.
Half Angel
Duffy Giles
Allison Long is acquitted on charges of poisoning her father but then her benefactor is poisoned. Reporter Duffy Giles has faith in her innocence.
Carga Humana
Packy Campbell
Bonnie Brewster and "Packy" Campbell, rival reporters on competing newspapers, team up to put an end to a smuggling gang that brings illegal aliens to the United States, and then makes further victims of them by extortion payments. They go to Vancouver, Canada and board a ship carrying aliens. But the gang recognizes them as reporters and gang-henchmen Tony Scula (Ralf Harolde) and Ira Conklin take them off the ship. But Campbell recognizes Scula as the gunman who killed Carmen Zoro.
13 Hours by Air
James Evarts
Womanizer and airline pilot Jack Gordon must fly the world's fastest airliner from New York to California while dealing with dangerous jewel thieves on the run from the law.
Strike Me Pink
Meek Eddie Pink becomes manager of an amusement park beset by mobsters.
Another Face
Broken Nose Dawson / Spencer Dutro III
The surgeon who did the job was dead. Only the nurse knew what this gangster looked like in his new face. He learned about women from her!
Mary Burns, Fugitive
A young woman who owns a coffee shop falls for a handsome young customer, unaware that he is a gangster.
Duas Almas se Encontram
Knuckles Jacoby
Numa corrida do ouro californiano que atraiu aventureiros dos quatro cantos do mundo, chegam por terra ou por mar. Na véspera do ano novo em São Francisco chega um barco com pessoas só com um pensamento: ouro, mas igualmente está a bordo Marcus Aurelius Cobb (Frank Craven), um jornalista que pretende fundar um jornal na cidade, e Mary Rutledge (Miriam Hopkins), que veio da cidade de Nova Iorque. Mary quer se casar muito brevemente com Dan Morgan, que foi responsável pela greve no Vale dos Colonos, mas ela tem uma desagradável surpresa ao ter conhecimento que o mesmo vale e Dan já não existem. Uma história que fala da febre do ouro e das diferentes maneiras que o homem com sede de riqueza arranja para o conseguir.
A Modern Cinderella
Charlie the Chauffeur
Anita Ragusa, the daughter of a costume company owner, delivers a dress for a costume ball at the last minute. The snobbish customer doesn't like the design at first, but agrees to let Anita model it for her to decide whether to keep it. Charlie, a drunk partygoer, sees Anita in the dress and invites her to attend the festivities. She reluctantly agrees and sings for the other guests.
Drunk (uncredited)
Singer Irene is in Reno for a divorce, though her friend Bob tries to convince her it's all a mistake. Then husband Cliff shows up.
Mother's Boy
Harry O'Day
Young Irish lad Tommy O'Day lives in a poor section of New York's Lower East Side, and is blessed with a beautiful singing voice. After an argument with his father, who accuses him of stealing the family's life savings, Tommy leaves home and gets a job singing in a cabaret. He is successful and soon lands the lead in a Broadway revue. On opening night, just as he is about to go on stage, he receives word that his mother, who he has not seen since he left home, is dying and wants to see him.
Gentlemen Of The Press
Kelly - Reporter (uncredited)
A newsman is drawn away from family life by the needs of his paper until a new woman enters his life.
A Man of Quality
Richard Courtney
Jack Banning is a motorcycle cop by day and undercover agent by night. Disguising himself as "Strongarm Samson," Banning infiltrates a gang of smugglers headed by Richard Courtney.
Monsieur Beaucaire
The Duke of Chartres is in love with Princess Henriette, but she seemingly wants nothing to do with him. Eventually he grows tired of her insults and flees to England when Louis XV insists that the two marry. He goes undercover as Monsieur Beaucaire, the barber of the French Ambassador, and finds that he enjoys the freedom of a commoner’s life. After catching the Duke of Winterset cheating at cards, he forces him to introduce him as a nobleman to Lady Mary, with whom he has become infatuated. When Lady Mary is led to believe that the Duke of Chartres is merely a barber she loses interest in him. She eventually learns that he is a nobleman after all and tries to win him back, but the Duke of Chartres opts to return to France and Princess Henriette who now returns his affection.
Damaged Hearts
Jim Porter
Orphaned as children, David and his sister are sent to live with separate families, where both are abused, and his sister dies. Filled with hostility, David now an adult, goes on a mission to seek vengeance on the adopting family.