Ron Osborn


Conhece Joe Black?
O magnata da mídia Bill Parrish tem tudo: sucesso, riqueza e poder. Mas, dias antes de completar os seus 65 anos, conhece Joe Black, um homem estranho e misterioso que lhe revela ser a Morte, num corpo humano, disposta a conhecer melhor a Terra em troca da concessão de mais alguns dias de vida ao milionário.
Assassinatos na Rádio WBN
In 1939, WBN, a fourth radio network, is about to take to America's airwaves. As if the confusion of the premiere night wasn't enough, Penny Henderson, the owner's secretary, must deal with an unhappy sponsor, an overbearing boss and a soon-to-be ex-husband who desperately wants her back. As the broadcast begins, a mysterious voice breaks the broadcast and suddenly members of the cast turn up dead. It's up to her husband Roger, to find out whodunit as the police chase him through the halls of WBN.