Ralph Misske

Ralph Misske

Nascimento : 1959-09-22, Wiesbaden, Germany


Ralph Misske


Verräter - Tod am Meer
Just Married - Hochzeiten zwei
For more than 20 years, the entrepreneur Bernhard and the eco-conscious gardener Claire have been divorced people - in every respect: the former couple are consistently avoiding each other. But now they have to call each other for good or ill because their daughter Sophie wants to marry. But before Sophie is confronted with a challenge of a completely different kind: surprisingly emerges after many years, her once great love Hans and twisted her head.
Schenk mir dein Herz
After a heart attack, a singer recovers in a sanatorium.
Groupies não Ficam Para o Café da Manhã
Security Mann Flughafen
Este é um filme alemão e é sobre uma história de amor entre uma garota normal e uma estrela do rock. Lila, que voltou a Berlim depois de um ano de intercâmbio nos Estados Unidos, se apaixona por Chris, o vocalista da banda agora mega-famoso chamado "Berlin Mitte". A primeira vez Lila o conhece em um jardim por acidente, ela não sabia que ele era famoso, o que surpreendeu Chris e desperta um certo interesse por ela. Os dois precisam lidar com a imprensa e a vida tumulada de Chris para ficarem juntos.
Summertime Blues
The life of 15 year old Alex is turned upside down, when his parents are divorced and find new partners right away. After a fight at school, the mother takes him over to England, where Alex chaotic life continues.
Woran dein Herz hängt
The single parent Sandra Lindt lives in the Hamburg harbor district, where she defends herself as the spokesman for a small tenant community against the demolition of their residential street. In order to finally get the residents to give up, the sympathetic lawyer Siegfried Hübner is set on Sandra and her fellow combatants. In fact, Sandra has a very personal reason not to vacate her apartment: The young woman is a messie. As a delicate love between her and Siegfried approaches, Sandra gets into an ever greater conflict
Vater aus Liebe
Georg Klinkhammer
The single Christine Arnold, who works with great success as a commercial lawyer in a Cologne law firm, is on her way to her old friend Judith, who is going through a very difficult phase of her life: recently she has parted company with her longtime friend Felix. They have a son, Marco, who is very attached to his loving father. Whenever possible, the boy spends time with his dad. However, Judith would like to see that Marco also develops a friendly relationship with her new life partner Georg.
Schlaflos in Oldenburg
Einmal Toskana und zurück
Dr. Töpfer
After many years of happy marriage, Juliane and her husband Max have grown apart and are now close to divorce. Actually, the two still understand each other quite well, but when Max shows up at the graduation party of their son together with his much younger girlfriend, it comes to a scandal. Annoyed and disappointed by her still-husband, Juliane travels to Tuscany, where she meets the German olive grower Nikolaus. From the first moment, it seems to spark huge between the two. But when Max shows up, old feelings come back to life.
O Barão Vermelho
Apesar de ser considerado um herói pelos alemães, sendo reconhecido pelos seus esforços na Primeira Guerra Mundial, Manfred von Richthofen fica dividido entre seu desgosto pela guerra e a responsabilidade com seus homens.
Max Minsky and Me
Nerdy Jewish Nelly Sue Edelmeister, daughter of a New York mother and Berlin musician in Berlin gets straight A's, except for gym. When she hears her dream prince, actual royal Edouard, a fellow astronomy buff who studies in Luxemburg, patronizes the basketball tournament hosted there by a European school she wants to join her school's girls team.
Schuld und Unschuld
Prof. Ludwig
Die Mauer – Berlin ’61
Mitarbeiter Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge
Der Mörder meines Vaters
Die Nachrichten
Redakteur Peter
Jan Landers made it: Grown up in East Berlin, he quickly made his career after the turnaround: from the weatherman of a local station to the newsreader in Hamburg.
Noch einmal lieben
Die Diebin und  der General
Because of shoplifting and property damage Jessie Fischer, a single mother with a rather big mouth, is sentenced to charitable work in a nursing home. There she meets Walter Voss, known as the General. The fate of the grumpy pensioner, who was disenfranchised by his adult children and deported to the home, touches her and she decides to fight for him. But when the general's expensive pocket watch disappears, Jessie, already convicted of theft, is suspected. But the general stops by and they both embark on an adventurous journey to the sea.
Mutter aus heiterem Himmel
Contra a Parede
Sibel (Sibel Kekilli) é uma bela muçulmana de 20 anos. Em uma clínica de recuperação, após uma tentativa de suicídio, ela conhece Cahit (Birol Ünel), um turco quarentão e sua vida sofre uma reviravolta.
Experiment Bootcamp
Dann kamst du
Gestern gibt es nicht
Karsten Hollmann
Royal Children
Adam & Eva
Mann gesucht, Liebe gefunden
Moderator Hannes Hönig
A história se passa em 1964. As personagens Rosa e Romano decidem abandonar o povoado de Solino, no sul da Itália, e viajar para Alemanha. O casal chega a Duisburg, próximo a Düsseldorf, levando seus dois filhos Giancarlo e Gigi. Lá abrem uma pizzaria, que se torna um sucesso. Os problemas da família começam quando os filhos crescem e se adaptam à vida no novo país, enquanto os pais se mantêm fiéis às tradições.
Gefühle im Sturm
Stefanie von Nauenstedt begins a passionate affair with David, her brother-in-law, and realizes only too late how much her husband André and her son mean to her.
Der Solist - In eigener Sache
O Que Fazer em Caso de Incêndio
Na década de 80 seis amigos ocuparam um prédio na Alemanha, desafiando as autoridades locais. 15 anos depois eles mudaram bastante, com alguns nem lembrando seu passado de anarquia. Porém, quando uma bomba caseira por eles colocada em uma mansão abandonada em 1987 apenas agora explode, eles precisam se reunir novamente para evitar que a polícia local descubram que são eles os responsáveis pelo ato.
Blondine sucht Millionär fürs Leben
François Villon
Revolution in Frankfurt
Jörg Baur