When the mummified remains of an evil Egyptian queen are brought back to life, she resurrects an army of living dead to help fulfill the prophecy that promises her all the powers of the Underworld.
For decades, Freddy Krueger has slashed his way through the dreams of countless youngsters, scaring up over half a billion dollars at the box office across eight terrifying, spectacular films.
Executive Producer
Dan Swift (Jesse Bean) has a perfect life: a successful career, the cozy suburban home and the lovely pregnant wife. When Dan loses a promotion to co-worker Bill (Christopher Atkins), tension mounts in the normally sedate office, and Dan's only refuge becomes Herb (John Doe), the coffee-shop owner. When Dan loses his baby, wife and job all in the same week, his perfect life takes a fast, downward spiral' Overwhelmed with stress and hallucinations, he blames work for his problems and targets his fellow workers for death.
Teenage Freddy Krueger
Justamente quando você achava que estaria a salvo indo dormir, Freddy Krueger retorna para assombrar seus sonhos e congelar seu sangue! Maggie Burroughs é uma garota psicologicamente atormentada por pesadelos recorrentes. Até que ela encontra um outro paciente com os mesmos sonhos horripilantes. Lisa, então, decide procurar por respostas, e acaba chegando à casa da rua Elm – onde um Mal que desafia o além-túmulo está prestes a derramar-se sobre o mundo.
Traído pelos colegas quando era criança, John Radley sofreu um acidente que o marcou física e mentalmente. Adulto, torna-se um assassino psicopata, que se dedica a matar violentamente os amigos de infância.