A creative documentary focused on the work and musical career of the artist Carles Cases, an atypical and talented Catalan composer with a long career behind him and who has dedicated his entire life to his passion for music. His co-creators Lluís Llach, Antoni Verdaguer, Gonzalo Suárez, Jaime Chávarri take part.
Original Music Composer
The thirteen survivors of a catastrophe by a tunnel's collapse tries to balance their experience trapped along 15 days inside it with their day-by-day outside it.
Thirty years after exile, Francesc Lamban journalist returns to the city where he was born to reunite with an old friend, attorney Ernest Salesa. The event takes place on the beach that saw the end of their relationship, and this fact is not accidental: Salesa has a business at hand transcendental and mysterious and has to convince Lamban to be part of it, at whatever price . While that behave remove ghosts from the past and the terrible memory of a love lost tragically common.
Fifteen stories, contemporary and some historical, where humorous, sarcasm and courage passed bills to pain, old age, death and love, but above all with human stupidity, without concessions, watching her face the difficult life balance and human misery.
Lazlo Pearlman is a conceptual artist, an activist capable of dinamiting our prejudices about sex and identity. What it seems to be a reflexion about lies in our sexual lives suddenly turns out to be a sharp discourse about gender theory and the continuous evolution of our identitiy. Fake Orgasm, first part of an ambitious multidisciplinary project about sexuality and identity, hits our minds and forces a change of perspective to reconsider some concepts we've been educated with and grown up with.
Original Music Composer
6 characters—contemporary archetypes of urban solitude—in an old Barcelona building: an old husband and wife, her sister, and 3 tenants: a teacher of French, a young ex-footballer, now security guard, and a pregnant Latin American girl.
Original Music Composer
Pere Lluc is thirty five and is living an unclear period in his life. He finds out that one of his friends has death 5 months ago and to forget the sorrows he goes out and get drunk and he falls in love.
Original Music Composer
Quarenta anos atrás, um ser que vive nas trevas foi invocado em uma casa, que foi abandonada em seguida. Este ser permaneceu vivendo de forma oculta, fazendo planos e aguardando que novos moradores se mudassem para lá. Décadas se passaram, até que uma família se muda para o local.
Paul, um belo e talentoso estudante de música, tem um emprego como virador de páginas num dos concertos de piano de Kennington, um dos mais famosos pianistas do mundo, em São Francisco. Paul não é apenas diligente mas também extremamente atraente, um fato que não deixa Kennington nem o seu agente Mansourian, dois homens no topo das carreiras que escolheram, indiferentes. Kennington e Paul reencontram-se em Barcelona, onde o rapaz está de férias com a sua mãe, ocasionando implicações bem diferentes para cada um deles.
Original Music Composer
Baseado no Conto de H.P. Lovecraft. Dois jovens turistas, Bárbara e Paul, vão à procura de ajuda em uma pequena cidade chamada Imboca (Innsmouth), na costa de Galiza, na Espanha, depois que o barco em que estavam afundou. No entanto, os moradores da cidade não são amigáveis, nem mesmo humanos, com excessão de um bêbado chamado Ezequiel. Este último, diz a Paul como os habitantes da cidade derrubaram o cristianismo a favor do deus Dagon, que lhes trouxe riquezas do fundo do mar. Desde então, eles se tornaram obedientes à bela criatura Uxía. Estranhamente ela aparece a Paul em seus sonhos, e mesmo antes de se encontrarem, ela o salva da morte. No entanto, seus planos para ele e Bárbara desencadearão um horror além da imaginação.
Three students are sent by their families to Cadiz in 1965, his last chance to pass and become what is expected of them. The appearance of some dancers disrupts their commitments: boys lose the course and girls, their work. But together they learn to decide their future.
If one person's destiny were altered (in this case, not dying), how might that event change the lives of numerous other people, or in this case, prevent seven others from dying.
In the colonial New Spain Ana is a missionary who decides to support the indigenous people.
Original Music Composer
Cinco anos após o assassinato da filha, um casal recebe um telefonema misterioso que pode guiá-los até os responsáveis pelo crime.
Doctor Beiral, torn apart by the internal struggle between his social persona and the dark instincts that torment him, manages to use his investigations to give life to the monster that he has long held within him.
Original Music Composer
Rosita, a plump and temperamental opera diva, leaving the shooting of Tristan and Isolde in Hollywood, to learn that the producer does not offer the title role in the upcoming film Romeo and Juliet. And travel to Bulgaria after accepting an invitation from Frank, a childhood friend who has a restaurant.
The year is 1820, and trade between Cuba and Catalonia is a booming business, although the goods that arrive to Cuba are not always the products that were shipped, in some cases, they simply arrive "lumps" or "coal". As it appears in the logbooks of the ships. 'Havanera 1820' is a film that tells stories of love and adventure in a time when Cuba confronts the Spanish colonizers.
Original Music Composer
The film takes on a trip through a lively metropolis on the eve of a major holiday, witnessing the love lives, family situations, gender confusion and even a diamond traffic ring uniting some 14 different characters. They all have something in common - they're after love, money, live in or visit the same luxury apartment building, and speak Catalan, in the pulsating and hallucinating Barcelona of the 1990s.