Scott Ziehl


Scott Ziehl is an American film director. He has directed numerous films from 1998 to now.


Shadow Witness
When a detective finds himself in the snarls of an Internal Affairs investigation, he has to turn to the only person he can trust, a young girl who holds all the answers he needs. The only problem is that she's been reported missing and he's the main suspect.
Fuga Impossível
Na véspera de Natal, dez estranhos a bordo de um ônibus que viaja pelo Texas atropelam um motoqueiro. Forçados a sair da estrada por outros motoqueiros, os passageiros refugiam-se numa sucata abandonada. Eles usam armas improvisadas e a sua coragem para montarem uma defesa contra o gang dos motoqueiros, mas, com o seu número a diminuir, eles percebem que a sua sobrevivência depende de fazer o impensável! Eles devem tomar a ofensiva!
Matador de Aluguel 2
Shane Tanner (Johnathon Schaech) é um agente da DEA disfarçado que sabe o que faz. Ele já afastou a sua cota de traficantes da sociedade, mas ainda não fez nenhuma grande prisão. Quando um perigoso traficante de drogas começa a aterrorizar o bar de seu tio Nate em Louisiana, Shane sai de Nova York e vai para o sul, determinado a acertar o placar. De lutadores bêbados a briguentos em geral, o Black Pelican é conhecido por sua atmosfera nua e crua. É considerado também o local primordial para o tráfico de drogas – e um traficante local, Wild Bill (Jake Busey), está determinado a fazer do bar seu escritório de qualquer jeito. Mas quando Shane assume o Pelican no lugar de seu tio que foi espancado, ele está a ponto de descobrir que este ringue é maior e mais mortal do que ele havia imaginado. Com a ajuda de uma estonteante loura (Ellen Hollman) e o suporte do DEA, Shane está disposto a realizar a maior prisão de sua carreira e utilizar uma dose letal de vingança no caminho.
Caçador de Demônios
Jake é um ser meio-demônio, meio-homem que tem um único propósito na vida: exterminar demônios e proteger a raça humana. Seu último inimigo, Asmodeus, chegou à Terra com a intenção de povoar o mundo com seus seres demoníacos. A missão de Jake é perseguir e destruir Asmodeus. Mas o demônio também tem seus planos para fugir do guardião e usará de todas suas artimanhas para destruí-lo e transformar o mundo num inferno.
Sequestro, Chantagem e Morte
Lew is a small time loser with a troubled past and a very big secret. Overhearing a couple plan a kidnapping, Lew is tempted to come up with a scheme of his own. He decides to get to the victim first and then blackmail the real criminals. His plan soon spins out of control.
Segundas Intenções 3
Quando uma maliciosa aposta de sedução e abandono de dois amigos fica só no papel, Jason e Patrick, dois estudantes da Faculdade Prestridge, se concentram no prêmio final: Cassie Merteuil, uma mulher fria e calculista ao extremo, que leva a manipulação para um outro nível de prazer e dor.
Earth vs. the Spider
A shy comic book fan is injected with an experimental serum and starts turning into a spider. When web covered bodies start appearing a policeman starts to investigate the strange case.
When William Conroy (Rob Lowe), a former college professor, is sentenced to life in prison for vehicular manslaughter it seems his life is over. But when a fellow inmate tells him that in the past two years fourteen inmates have died at the prison, and then turns up dead the next day, Conroy realizes he is in more danger than he ever imagined. Conroy's suspicions are confirmed when the van carrying the inmates crashes. Seizing the opportunity, Conroy flees the scene and elicits the help of his lawyer. What the two discover is a grisly murder ring set up within the prison walls that incriminates those at the highest levels of the correctional system.
Broken Vessels
A young Pennsylvania man moves to Los Angeles to begin work for an ambulance service. There he is teamed with a supremely confident vet who seemingly has gone through a large number of partners. Initially the novice is awed by the more experienced man's capabilities to deal with the high pressure situations they encounter. However, gradually he discovers that all is not as it seems. While the vet is ice on the surface, he actually gets through the ordeals by heavy drug use and avoids commitments. Soon the younger man finds himself pulled into the same world and has to decide what direction he wants to take.
Red Line
A car thief is seen stealing, and is blackmailed into stealing more cars for someone else's profit.
A security guard using video surveillance to watch a parking lot sees a man stash a suitcase in a car immediately before he is apprehended by the police. After everyone is gone, the guard gets the bag from the car and discovers it has $300,000 in it. He and his pals then set off on a spending spree. Of course, the bag belongs to mobsters who soon come after the men who stole their bag.
A security guard using video surveillance to watch a parking lot sees a man stash a suitcase in a car immediately before he is apprehended by the police. After everyone is gone, the guard gets the bag from the car and discovers it has $300,000 in it. He and his pals then set off on a spending spree. Of course, the bag belongs to mobsters who soon come after the men who stole their bag.
Boiler Room
The boiler room is where telemarketers make their sales pitches. This film depicts an uncaring profession - where getting the almighty dollar is the primary objective - inside or outside of the law.