Mircea Andreescu

Mircea Andreescu

Nascimento : 1939-12-30, Suceava, Romania


Mircea Andreescu


No Rest for the Old Lady
This is Emil’s story, the man who doesn’t believe in ghosts, and his best friend, Titi. The plot unfolds in a remote hamlet, a place looking like a slice of heaven. However, the story begins at the 40-day memorial service for Smaranda, the late wife of Emil. Days pass by, and Emil realizes that Titi looks like his days are numbered. He wants to brighten him up, but nothing helps. That’s because 40 days after her death, Smaranda moves into Titi’s house and starts haunting him.
The Christmas Gift
A neighbour
A son's letter to Santa for Christmas turns his father's evening into a thriller he did not ask for.
The Cardinal
In the fifties, the leaders of the Greek-Catholic church are arrested and sent to the Sighet prison.The soviet regime has banned any church except the orthodox. Tortured and dehumanized, the only choices are conversion or death. The bishop Iuliu Hossu stands up in front of the torturers and through courage and stature becomes an inspiration for the other priests.
A Bitter Taste
An old man is in need of a surgery. He goes to the hospital pushed by his wife who has arranged everything. What it should be a simple medical intervention turns into a meeting with the destiny. Will the old man understand the meaning of this encounter?
The Blind Squad
Matthew is a 23 years old young man who likes to spend his time doing nothing else than sleeping. He has no purpose in life, being a complete ignorant to everything around him. He lives with his mother, who tries her best to persuade him to get a job and make something of his life. After one fight, he finally decides to take the interview at the military unit his mother has arranged for him.
Dreaming Apecar
Cinzas e Sangue
Há dez anos exilada do seu país, desde o assassinato do marido, Judith vive em Marselha com os seus três filhos. Ao longo de anos recusou-se a voltar a ver a família, mas agora Judith, apesar dos seus medos e segredos, deixa-se convencer pelo desejo dos filhos e aceita o convite para irem ao casamento de uma prima. Leva os filhos para passarem o verão no país. Estes irão em busca das raízes e história. Mas o regresso de Judith reanima velhos ódios entre clãs rivais. Inexoravelmente, a engrenagem da violência é desencadeada, o sangue apelando ao sangue.
A Leste de Bucareste
Emanoil Piscoci
Apresentador de TV resolve chamar figuras do povo para um debate sobre o aniversário da deposição do ditador romeno Ceaucescu, mas só consegue um professor de história de ressaca e um aposentado que ganha a vida como Papai Noel.
The Snails' Senator
Arch Guardian
This Romanian dramatic comedy offers metaphorical commentary on life after Ceausescu's reign as it tells the story of a rural community turned topsy-turvy in their mad quest for the snails a prominent senator has requested for his dinner. The trouble begins when a rather imposing, pompous senator comes to visit a small rural Romanian town for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new hydro-electric dam. After he finishes his speech, the senator is accosted by a Swiss film crew eager to interview him. The senator is inordinately concerned with presenting a positive image of Romania to the world at large and so when he learns that he and the journalists are to stay at the same villa, does everything he came to make sure that they see nothing scandalous.
The Eleventh Commandement
Livre adaptação do livro "O fenômeno Pitesti" de Paul Goma.
O vară cu Mara
Six carpenters from Maramureș go to a village in Bărăgan to build some stables. These are the head of the family, 4 brothers and their sister, Mara. Her beauty attracts local suitors.
The Extinct Volcano
Romulus Strejan
A young geologist who believes strongly in the existence of a huge copper deposit. He will fight to prove this, while his mentor suffers a serious accident.
Passo Doble
Two friends, closer than brothers, working together, staying in the same room, playing together.