Jason Blicker

Jason Blicker


Jason Blicker


O Mistério das Palavras Cruzadas: Um Enigma para Morrer
Tess Harper comanda a editora de palavras cruzadas em um grande jornal. Quando alguns de seus enigmas são relacionados a crimes, sua vida vira de cabeça para baixo enquanto tenta ajudar a polícia.
The Joke Thief
William McCabe
The Joke Thief takes us on a journey of one man's last hurrah. Simon McCabe is a stand up comedian who has been making people laugh for 35 years. All his life he has been the life of the party, but now he is tired, miserable and almost washed up since he's never got a lucky break due to a reputation of joke stealing. One faithful night, his longtime friend and fellow comedian convinces a comedy club owner to give Simon some stage time and one last shot at redemption. On the ride down to his gig, Simon takes us on a whirlwind journey of his life, as he replays back special moments in an emotional series of flash backs that made him the sad, funny man that he is today.
Tough Guys
A feature length documentary that delves into the hearts and minds of legitimate Tough Guys. Focusing on individuals at the top of their fields, from a retired Master Sniper... to a 75-year-old 10th Degree Karate Master, the film examines what ultimately constitutes their humanity.
The Walk - O Desafio
Officer Daley
A história verídica de um jovem sonhador, Philippe Petit, e um grupo de improváveis aliados que juntos conseguem o impossível: colocar um fio ilegal no tremendo espaço entre as torres do World Trade Center, em Nova Iorque. Com pouco mais do que coragem e ambição cega, Petit e o seu pouco convencional grupo ultrapassam intimidantes obstáculos físicos, traições, inúmeras tentativas falhadas e probabilidades esmagadoras na sua luta para vencer o sistema e executar o seu louco plano...
Life: Um Retrato de James Dean
Às vésperas do lançamento do filme "Vidas Amargas" (1955), James Dean ainda não é um ator famoso. Os estúdios têm grandes planos para transformá-lo em um astro, mas ele não se sente à vontade com a vida de festas, eventos e autógrafos. O fotógrafo Dennis Stock, apostando no sucesso iminente de James Dean, pede para fotografá-lo em um ensaio para a revista Life, mas recebe apenas respostas negativas. Um dia, para fugir da promoção de "Vidas Amargas", Dean esconde-se na fazenda de sua família, e leva o novo amigo Stock junto dele. Neste local, o fotógrafo registra as imagens mais famosas de toda a carreira do ator.
No Deposit
Jake Coleman
Mickey Ryan falls from grace due to a series of downward spiraling events beyond his control. With his life turned upside down, Mickey tries valiantly to resolve his issues but hooks up with the wrong people who blind him with anger and hate.
Bark Ranger
Larry Festrunk
Two kids and their trusty dog, Ranger, stumble across a treasure map while playing in an abandoned ranger station. They set out on the adventure of a lifetime in search of a forgotten gold mine, but things take a turn for the worst when they come across a pair of bumbling crooks hiding out from the police.
À Procura
Canadá. Matthew (Ryan Reynolds) estava dirigindo seu carro e parou para fazer uma rápida compra, deixando a filha de nove anos, Cass (Peyton Kennedy/Alexia Fast), no banco de trás. Ao retornar, ela havia desaparecido sem deixar pistas. Os policiais Nicole (Rosario Dawson) e Jeffrey (Scott Speedman) assumiram o caso, mas nada descobriram. A primeira pista sobre a garota apenas surge seis anos depois, quando os policiais estão investigando uma grande rede de pedofilia. Para a surpresa de todos, Cass tem um importante papel na organização, já que é ela quem entra em contato com as crianças pela internet para atraí-las. Apesar disto, ela segue sendo mantida em cativeiro por seu raptor, Mika (Kevin Durand).
The Big Fat Stone
Prosecutor Jeremy Levine
Frank D'Angelo's drama about a homeless man's roller coaster ride of success and failure.
Real Gangsters
Mob Thug
Real Gangsters tells the story of the Lo Giacamo family, one of the most successful crime syndicates in New York City. Run by cousins Vincent Lo Giacamo and Jack Lo Giacamo, Real Gangsters shows how these two men maintain control of their dangerous extended family and volatile business ventures by very different means.
Do No Harm
Detective Wallers
Emily Edmunds has a great job and a great guy, Mark. But when Mark is killed in a plane crash, a distraught Emily attempts suicide.
Filhos da Escuridão
Certo dia, BrianCarter recebe uma inesperada herança, um centro de recuperação para viciados, no qual sua mãe desenvolveu um misterioso tratamento experimental. Du­rante uma visita, ele percebe algo sinistro no prédio aban­donado e então encontra um equipamento utilizado para a cura dos internos, que tinha como efeito colateral gerar crianças que se alimentam de vidas humanas, crianças mu­tantes que ainda vivem entre aquelas paredes. Com os mu­tantes à caça de suas novas vítimas, Brian e seus amigos lu­tam para sobreviver ao inacreditável e logo percebem que é melhor que certos segredos nunca sejam descobertos.
Steam is Steam
Samuel's dad
Montreal 1952, teenager Samuel brings his friend Julien to the neighbourhood steam bath for his weekly routine with Dad. Julien’s first time will be a day to remember.
The Santa Suit
Norm Dobson
Drake Hunter, the president of Hunter Marketing, has the perfect plan to boost sales for his father's toy company over the holiday season--hire department store Santas to promote his father's merchandise. When the real Santa Claus turns Drake into a Santa lookalike, Drake finds himself working as a dress-up Kris Kringle to make ends meet. Stripped of power and position, Drake discovers the importance of honesty, compassion, and respect as he helps an unprivileged girl enjoy the magic of Christmas. Stars Kevin Sorbo.
Harriet, a Espiã: Guerra de Blogs
Harriet, “a espiã” (Jennifer Stone) quer se transformar na blogueira oficial da escola e está disposta a fazer de tudo para conseguir esse disputado título. Harriet compete com sua rival, a popular Marion Hawthorne, em uma guerra de blogs que acaba durando um mês inteiro, com o objetivo de conseguir o apoio de seus colegas de turma.
The Puck Hogs
Albert Mankins
Puck Hogs follows a men's recreational hockey team, The Puck Hogs, through a brutally hilarious weekend tournament. In the tradition of the cult classic This is Spinal Tap, Puck Hogs is a hocku-mentary comedy about ice-prone boys turning into real-life men, and stick handling the puck over the goal line of life.
Dante Montanari
A drama centered around Patty Montanari, the widowed mother of two who went to work for her lover Frank Russo, a captain in a Brooklyn crime family.
Crown Heights
After the Crown Heights riots, an orthodox Rabbi and a community activist help two youths--one a Hasidic Jew, the other African-American--form a hip-hop group to heal their neighboorhood.
Um Time de Fé
Marshall Schlotsky
Um ex-jogador de basquetebol, negro, obrigado a abandonar o esporte por causa de uma lesão no joelho, é convocado para ser o treinador do time de uma escola de judeus, gerando conflitos culturais que desafiam sua relação com os alunos.
Incrível Obsessão
Dave Quinson
Desde os 12 anos, Dan Mahowny (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) é viciado em jogo e não passa um dia sem efetuar algum tipo de aposta, seja em cassinos, corridas de cavalos ou outros esportes. Seu prazer, no entanto, não está no lucro, mas no excitante ato de jogar. Perante sua namorada e seus amigos Mahowny é apenas um devotado funcionário de banco, visto como extremamente eficiente por seus superiores. Apesar de sua aparente ingenuidade, durante um ano e meio ele conseguiu desviar mais de 10 milhões de dólares para financiar suas compulsivas apostas.
Sol Friedman
The story begins at the height of Gleason's career. He has it all: women, wealth, and extraordinary power. But he is haunted by memories of his childhood. Gleason spends his formative years entering amateur contests, performing in sleazy night spots. Along the way, he steals gags from the best comics in town and finds love with Genevieve, a dancer whom he marries. But Gleason isn't the ideal husband or even a responsible father as he abandons his family to answer the call of Hollywood. Brash, arrogant, and egotistical, he alienates his directors and the man who discovers him. When he ends up back in New York, Gleason gets one of those rare second chances in the new medium of television, creating some of its most unforgettable characters. But even as Gleason becomes the talk of the tube, his life - ruled by demons of rage, booze, and insecurity - unravels.
The Tracker
Jack 'Chick' Cicollini
Spears, a private detective working in L.A. receives word from an old friend that the friend's sister (and Spears' ex-girlfriend), Kim, has been kidnapped by a criminal gang. At first, Spears doesn't want to get involved, especially when he finds out that his friend's family is mixed up with the Chinese Mafia, but the feelings he still has for Kim lead him to return to New York and try to rescue her. When he arrives, he learns that Kim is caught in the middle of a war with the Russian Mafia, and that her life now depends on him.
A história de três irmãs que se unem para dar apoio a uma delas, que foi diagnosticada com uma grave doença fatal conhecida como Síndrome de Lou Gehrig ou Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica.
Superstar: Despenca uma Estrela
Mary Katherine Gallagher (Molly Shannon) é uma adolescente hiperativa, que estuda numa escola católica e tem como maior sonho beijar Sky (Will Ferrell), o garoto mais charmoso da escola. O problema é que ele tem uma namorada, a belíssima Evian (Elaine Hendrix). Mas para conseguir realizar seu sonho, Mary Katherine tem um plano: tornar-se uma estrela de Hollywood, pois todos querem beijar uma grande estrela. E o primeiro passo é vencer o concurso de talentos promovido em sua escola, que irá dar como prêmio uma ponta em um filme católico politicamente correto.
Naked City: A Killer Christmas
Officer Alonzo
An ambitious reporter gets in the way of two cops assigned to investigate a serial killer who becomes active around Christmas time..
O Fenômeno da Filadélfia
Peter Gorman
Um lixeiro, leva uma vida simples e feliz em Filadélfia, até que seu poderoso chute é descoberto pelo time de futebol americano da cidade. É a oportunidade de um homem humilde, chegar ao estrelato.
Pra lá de Bagdá
Amigos de infância, três caras loucos envolvem-se em grandes confusões quando tentam arrumar um jeito para livrar um companheiro da prisão. Sem muitos recursos, eles vão fazer de tudo, o que inclui a venda de maconha e por consequência, o envolvimento numa briga com um traficante da cidade que não gosta de concorrência.
Pale Saints
Betting Clerk
Two small time hoods pretend to be serious henchmen in order to get to do a job in Toronto that they think will get them serious recognition in the mob. Things soon get out of control.
Charlie Runnels
After explosions destroy all the bridges connecting Manhattan to the rest of New York, the authorities attribute the disaster to a terrorist organization. New York cop Jake Gorki, flying over the Federal Reserve Bank in his helicopter, suspects something else: a robbery.
Águia de Aço IV: O Combate Final
Sgt. Osgood
Após aposentar-se, o piloto Charles Sinclair abre escola de vôo com a ajuda do comandante Doug Masters. Mas volta à ação quando dois de seus pupilos esbarram em militares corruptos.
Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story
Adam Murphy
The story of one of America's first female reporters.
Getting Gotti
Though she grew up in the same neighborhood with him, the new Assistant U.S. Attorney is determined to prosecute Mafia boss John Gotti. Uncooperative FBI agents and bureaucrats will not deter the driven young prosecutor as her quest culminates in the memorable and controversial trial of the "Dapper Don."
La Florida
Jay Lamori
Tired of rough winters, a Quebec family buys a motel in south Florida. But life is not easy down where motels grow faster than grass. Two bigger businessmen are out to get them for invading their turf. However, that is not even the beginning of their troubles...
The Taking of Beverly Hills
Cop / Thief #3
A chemical spill has caused the occupants of Beverly Hills to be forcibly evacuated. A retiring football player left behind, finds that the toxic gas emulating from the spill is a bogus front for a heist set up by fired police officers out to plunder the city of all its valuables. Finding himself siding with a corrupt cop who was once apart of the plan until he discovered the city's mayor had just been blown away, by one of the chief crooks in charge. Now both on the run with no help in sight...both must do whatever they can to stop these murderous looters.
American Boyfriends
Marty Kaplan
A Canadian college student learns about life and love during a trip to her cousin's wedding in California.
When a volatile young street tough with a talent for singing and dancing is tapped by the high school music teacher to lead the upcoming senior "Sing," he is forced to come to terms with his defiant self-destructive lifestyle and his growing attraction to his co-star.
Águia de Aço II
Charles Sinclair é chamado para comandar um grupo de pilotos americanos e soviéticos, unidos em uma missão no Oriente Médio. Porém Sinclair logo descobre que conseguir a total colaboração entre os pilotos soviéticos e americanos é o seu menor problema, pois alguém do Pentágono planeja sabotar a missão.
Troca de Maridos
Sound Man
A television news chief courts his anchorwoman ex-wife with an eleventh-hour story.
Many Happy Returns
Dave Kemp
In this satire of the I.R.S., George Segal plays an Average Joe targeted for the Audit from Hell. His bank accounts are frozen, his home and business are attached by the government, and his wife leaves him. Segal is forced to move into the house of his obnoxious brother-in-law where lot of Odd Couple-type comedy ensues. Segal then plots to turn the tables on the I.R.S., and win back his wife and life.
As Is
Hospital Worker
Story of a homosexual man who finds out he has AIDS and how people react. Ex-lovers are brought together when the former is stricken with AIDS. Often humorous and never morose, author William Hoffman doesn't pull his punches with either his portrayal of a gay lifestyle or of the emotional toll the disease takes.
Finding Hannah
Ryan Dorfman
On December 13th 1942, 3000 Jewish men, women and children deported from France were gassed on arrival in Auschwitz. Among them reportedly was a 14 year old girl, Hannah Cohen. She had left behind in Paris a young boyfriend who would spend a lifetime trying to find out what happened to her.