Leonardo Brzezicki

Leonardo Brzezicki

Nascimento : 1978-08-21, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Leonardo Brzezicki


Coração Errante
Santiago, um homem dominado por seus demônios e paixões, embarca numa busca desesperada e frenética de uma única coisa: amar e ser amado.
Coração Errante
Santiago, um homem dominado por seus demônios e paixões, embarca numa busca desesperada e frenética de uma única coisa: amar e ser amado.
The Mad Half Hour
The mad half hour refers to a condition usually indoor house cats experience once a day. They are about expanding energy in one concentrated burst that goes from 15 to 30 minutes, without any apparent reason. The Mad Half Hour is an offbeat comedy following Juan (30) who is going through a period similar to the one of these cats.
The Mad Half Hour
The mad half hour refers to a condition usually indoor house cats experience once a day. They are about expanding energy in one concentrated burst that goes from 15 to 30 minutes, without any apparent reason. The Mad Half Hour is an offbeat comedy following Juan (30) who is going through a period similar to the one of these cats.
The Mad Half Hour
The mad half hour refers to a condition usually indoor house cats experience once a day. They are about expanding energy in one concentrated burst that goes from 15 to 30 minutes, without any apparent reason. The Mad Half Hour is an offbeat comedy following Juan (30) who is going through a period similar to the one of these cats.
Six friends return to the big farmhouse in the middle of a subtropical landscape where their best friend Miguel spent his last days. While the sound of his recordings fills the house and gardens, they pack the things he left behind. Brzezicki's directorial début is a haunting sensorial journey through memories, images and sounds.
Six friends return to the big farmhouse in the middle of a subtropical landscape where their best friend Miguel spent his last days. While the sound of his recordings fills the house and gardens, they pack the things he left behind. Brzezicki's directorial début is a haunting sensorial journey through memories, images and sounds.
Six friends return to the big farmhouse in the middle of a subtropical landscape where their best friend Miguel spent his last days. While the sound of his recordings fills the house and gardens, they pack the things he left behind. Brzezicki's directorial début is a haunting sensorial journey through memories, images and sounds.
Camas Desfeitas
Axl wants to find his long-lost father and rediscover his past. Vera just wants to forget hers as she tries to move on from heartbreak. Their stories come together in the melting-pot of 21st century London.
Retrata as férias de Verão de um trio de adolescentes, centrando-se especialmente na figura de Lucas (Nahuel Pérez Biscayart), um rapaz franzino de 16 anos cujos desejos e angústias são os de qualquer outro adolescente: a relação com o corpo, a exploração da sexualidade, a solidão, etc. O filme abre com uma frase de Lucas que espelha bem o solipsismo adolescente: "Pode ser-se órfão mesmo quando se tem pais - se não tivermos nada em comum com eles."A habitar a solidão de Lucas, que aqui tem também um correlativo na paisagem desolada da Patagónia, estão, porém, os amigos Nacho (Nahuel Viale) e Andrea (Inés Efron), acabando os três por encontrar a felicidade num triângulo amoroso.
Dean está perplexo há algum tempo em sua tentativa de produzir um acompanhamento de "I was a Teenage Speed Freak", sua novela gráfica incrivelmente bem-sucedida. Seus fãs esperam grandes coisas dele e sua editora, Louise, está perseguindo-o. Em vez de trabalhar, Dean passa o tempo procurando seu amante argentino Pablo, que saiu uma noite em busca de cigarros e nunca mais voltou.
Smokers Only
A suicidal young singer named Reni is about to get kicked out of her band when she meets a male gigolo, Andres, at an ATM after he picks her pocket. They begin an affair, and she decides to become a hooker so she can spend more time with her newfound love.
Diego la silla
Fresh and highpaced short shows Julio, his relationship, his chaotic and emotional quest through Buenos Aires, his Brazilian friend, the things he found, his chair and the stories that belong with them.