Michel Jullien


Turk's Head
Production Manager
A 14 year old boy, an ER doctor, a cop looking for revenge, a mother fighting for her children and a man distraught by the death of his wife see their destinies come together. As the doctor spends several days in a coma, events keep on happening and all will be swept by the shock wave.
Uma Garota Dividida em Dois
Production Manager
Uma bela jovem de 25 anos vive cercada por livros com sua mãe em Lyon, onde trabalha como a Garota do Tempo em um canal de TV a cabo. Certo dia, em um evento, ela conhece um grande escritor que é casado e trinta anos mais velho, e que acaba seduzindo a garota. Logo o homem se apaixona por ela, mas então descobre que terá de disputar o seu amor com um jovem milionário e desequilibrado. Assim, a garota se vê dividida, no meio de dois homens completamente diferentes, numa disputa pelo seu amor.
Production Office Assistant
On the day Jean Gabin dies, a kidnaper who also takes a fortune in jewels heisted from Cartiers murders Simon Verini's wife. (Simon was fencing the jewels for a youthful gang who robbed Cartiers; he suspects them of the murder.) He's framed for the theft and spends ten years in prison, writing to his daughter, Marie-Sophie, who's 11 when he's sent away. Released, he reconnects to Marie-Sophie and to the young thieves, seeks revenge, and is quickly arrested again. She doesn't know what to make of her father, retreats to her Swiss fiancé, and is flummoxed when one of the young thieves falls for her. Is resolution possible when crime cuts across families and romance?