Maurice Godin
Nascimento : , Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jasper Pearson
Alex Pearson é suspenso de seu time de hockey após aprontar durante um jogo, e para seu desgosto, ele tem que assumir a liderança da tropa de escoteiros de sua irmã Emily, as Bumble Bees. Assim, Alex deve bolar um plano que leve as escoteiras direto pro acampamento.
Duas irmãs adotadas por um rico casal de Nova Iorque decidem levar para casa um fofo filhote de cachorro encontrado na rua. Elas tentam esconder o animal dos pais e vizinhos, mas Chestnut não para de crescer.
Após romper com Felicia (Vivica A. Fox), sua noiva, Jerry (Cuba Gooding Jr.) entra em depressão. Tentando animar o amigo, Nick (Horatio Sanz) sugere que ambos façam um cruzeiro para solteiros, na intenção de conhecer novas mulheres. Porém, quando ambos já estão em alto mar percebem que algo está errado: ao invés de mulheres lindas e disponíveis o navio está repleto de homens, sendo que um deles, Lloyd (Roger Moore), está encantado com Nick.
A Writer identifies a murder, possibly mistakenly, in this tense plot twisting thriller.
When the biological mother of adoptee Jenny Newhall is murdered, Jenny's adoptive father Greg immediately falls under suspicion. This tragic set of events rocks the small, tranquil town in which the Newhalls live to its foundations, ultimately laying bare a number of unpleasant and long-hidden secrets. Based on a novel by Patricia McDonald.
Michael Copeland
Marlene Moore has spent most of her life in prison, and is considered so dangerous that the authorities want her locked up indefinitely — though she has never committed a serious crime.
Mr. Mathews
While on his way to an orthodontist appointment, comic book enthusiast Skipper spots a building which resembles his favorite villain's headquarters. However, when he and new friend, Libby, venture inside, they have no idea what awaits them.
When Bobby and his Mom move from Toronto, away from his dad and his baseball team, to a small town in Nova Scotia, he's picked on by all the local kids, except for Jo. And Jo has also befriended a lonely male moose who lives on an island, and she has a wild plan to capture and relocate a female moose to be company for him. Together, Bobby and Jo, with the help of their single parents, Eva and Lester, attempt to put Jo's plan into operation.
Nigel Bowers
Mulher responsável e trabalhadora administra uma pequena pensão. A vida dela se transforma quando conhece um belo e irreverente estranho.
Charles Delauney
Vanished is the story of the mysterious abduction of the son of a man and woman - an almost unthinkable tragedy.
Spanning years of both Harry and Leona Helmsley's cutthroat control of their eponymonous empire, this made-for-TV movie chronicles both the high and low points of the couple's life together.
Norm, a confused young man, lives two lives, one in and one out of reality. One night, he witnesses the murder of rock video star Madelaine X and feels guilty, as he did nothing to prevent it. At Madelaine’s funeral, he meets a mysterious woman in black. Norm then gets a job at a news stand through a Cindy Lauper like girl called Zelda. They discuss the mystery around Madelaine’s death.
Stock Exchange Dealer
Daphne, Chloe e Jimmy precisam aprender a sobreviver num velho prédio abandonado, depois que seu pai Stewart os expulsa de casa.
Combination of episodes 1 to 4 of the animated series Droid Adventures. After being dumped in the Ingo Desert by their master, C-3PO and R2-D2 accidentally run into several new masters and collide with gangsters, criminals, pirates, Boba Fett, IG-88, the Galactic Empire and other threats , finding themselves in various difficult situations.
Mr. Peters
When the Wind Fisherman leaves Gust Town, the windiest place on earth, he discovers that sometimes you have to go away to know you were already home.