Markus Zimmer

Nascimento : 1966-06-22, Siegen, Germany


As Confissões de Félix Krull: Cavalheiro de Indústria
Adaptação literária: um belo jovem de origem humilde ascende na sociedade por meio de suas conexões feitas como ascensorista de um hotel de luxo.
Fassbinder: Ascensão e Queda de um Gênio
Em 1982, o genial cineasta alemão Rainer Werner Fassbinder morreu de overdose, com apenas 37 anos, deixando uma obra impressionante para sua pouca idade. Em menos de duas décadas, ele produziu mais de 60 filmes e diversas peças, além de colaborar em outras funções, como ator, montador, roteirista. Essa é a fascinante história de um dos mais importantes representantes do Novo Cinema Alemão, cuja ascensão fulminante como um dos principais diretores da Europa coincide com sua queda mental e física, que levaram à sua morte prematura.
Executive Producer
Clint, um homem atormentado pelo passado, decide se isolar em uma casa nas montanhas. Nesse ambiente frio e hostil, ele vive sozinho e, em alguns raros momentos, interage com viajantes e nativos que não falam seu idioma e que visitam sua cafeteria. O isolamento, porém, não é o bastante para que Clint encontre paz. Certa noite, confrontando seus problemas, ele acaba embarcando em uma viagem interna por meio de sonhos, memórias e delírios. Em Sibéria, Abel Ferrara repete sua parceria com o ator Willem Dafoe. Juntos, eles voltam a explorar a intimidade e as aflições do homem, como fizeram em Tommaso (2019) e Pasolini (2014), mas de uma forma mais mítica e lúdica.
O Príncipe Feliz
Executive Producer
Icônico autor, Oscar Wilde passou por momentos difíceis. Casado com Constance, o dramaturgo vai parar atrás das grades após se envolver com outro homem. Tempos depois, ele é solto e inicia uma viagem pela Europa, local que será palco de seus três últimos anos de vida.
Emerald Green
Mesmo após a confissão de amor do rapaz, Gwendolyn (Maria Ehrich) sente que Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) a traiu ao, tecnicamente, apoiar o Conde St. Germain (Peter Simonischek). Em meio a tribulações, os viajantes do tempo embarcarão em diversos acontecimentos e aventuras, tanto no presente quanto no passado.
O Mundo Fora do Lugar
Um homem encontra a foto de uma cantora de ópera americana e reconhece nela sua falecida esposa. Ele convence a filha a viajar para Nova York em busca da sósia e investigar essa estranha semelhança. Um filme de Margarethe von Trotta.
Sapphire Blue
O círculo dos doze dispõe de sua última viajante no tempo, e esta é Gwendolyn Shepherd (Maria Ehrich). Gwen agora precisa lidar com contínuas viagens ao passado, seu relacionamento com o encantador Gideon (Jannis Niewöhner) e alguns mistérios envolvendo o círculo.
Ruby Red
Gwendolyn Shepherd is a normal 16-year-old, but her family holds a secret: A time-travel gene is expressed in the clan inherited, but not every member of the family is blessed with. Everyone is certain that Gwen's cousin Charlotte has the gene. However, someday Gwendolyn suddenly finds herself in London at the end of the 19th century and realizes that it is her, who was born a time traveler. While she is not very enthusiastic about it, she will do everything possible to solve the ancient mysteries of the red ruby.
Bavaria - A magical journey
Joseph Vilsmaier documentary BAVARIA - dream journey through Bavaria is the first major documentary film about Germany's most beautiful open country. At the same time it is a journey through the history of the region, its traditions, customs and traditions.
Visão - Da Vida de Hildegarda de Bingen
Uns conhecem seus ensinamentos sobre ervas medicinais; outros, suas composições musicais. Mas poucos se aprofundaram na personalidade de Hildegard von Bingen. Margarethe von Trotta filmou a sua biografia. O filme mostra um mundo diverso por trás dos muros de um mosteiro. Apesar das rigorosas normas eclesiásticas, Hildegard von Bingen conseguiu conquistar um espaço para si nesse ambiente marcado pela religião, algo mais do que incomum naquela época.
Die Geschichte vom Brandner Kaspar
Executive Producer
70-year old Brandner Kaspar lives with his granddaughter Nannerl in the mountains at the Schliersee. As he is visited by the Death and wants to take him, Brandner Kaspar tricks him and gets another 20 years of life.
The Cloud
DIE WOLKE (The Cloud) is about a breakdown of a nuclear power station in Germany and the story of two teenager-lovers Hannah and Elmar who take refuge. 38.000 people die and Hannah unfortunately becomes contaminated.
I Am the Other Woman
Successful architect Robert has a one-night stand with a mysterious lady in red. The next day they meet again, but Carolin is now a corporate lawyer working on a major contract for Robert ...
Rock Crystal
The towns of Gschaid and Millsdorf are in a constant state of feuding with each other. Nevertheless Gschaid's Sebastian and Millsdorf's Susanne are married. In her husband's town Susanne has to put up with daily harassment by the locals, which also extends to her two children. Finally she moves back to her parents, alone. When the children, who long to find a magical crystal they believe has the power to reunite the family, get lost in a howling blizzard on the exposed mountain after bringing their mother her Christmas presents, both towns set up rescue missions.
Pura Vida Ibiza
School's over – and for brand-new high-school graduates Ben, Felix and Nick, it's time to party! But when Ben embarrasses himself in public trying to declare his love for the gorgeous Carola, he and his pals make a quick exit by taking jobs as hosts in a vacation club on Ibiza, the Mediterranean hot spot for oversexed boys and underdressed girls! Instead of sun, sea and sex, however, it's work, work and more work, as the three are kept busy around the clock by their sadistic boss Anna. And when Ben bumps into Carola and her super-cool DJ boyfriend, Ibiza starts feeling more like Alcatraz by the minute. Yet even as the mishaps pile up and the boys have to cope with stinging jellyfish, English hooligans and tequila hangovers, they refuse to give up their plan to throw the ultimate Ibiza party for the club, and especially for Carola. Summer is short, but these guys are going to make sure everyone remembers this one for a long time!
When Ruth's husband dies in New York, in 2000, she imposes strict Jewish mourning, which puzzles her children. A stranger comes to the house - Ruth's cousin - with a picture of Ruth, age 8, in Berlin, with a woman the cousin says helped Ruth escape. Hannah, Ruth's daughter engaged to a gentile, goes to Berlin to find the woman, Lena Fisher, now 90. Posing as a journalist investigating intermarriage, Hannah interviews Lena who tells the story of a week in 1943 when the Jewish husbands of Aryan women were detained in a building on Rosenstrasse. The women gather daily for word of their husbands. The film goes back and forth to tell Ruth and Lena's story. How will it affect Hannah?
Ben is a young editor for a famous german music magazine in the mid 90's. His life is falling apart after his girlfriend breaks up with him. From now on he decides to go solo...
Executive Producer
A young woman is released from an asylum where she has been since witnessing the murder of her parents, but violence continues to haunt her.