Baya Belal

Baya Belal


Baya Belal


Le Secret de la grotte
Louarda Lekcir
Jet Lag
Odile, a textile worker, and her colleagues are told to evaluate newly-arrived young Tunisian women over a span of four days. Although there is no good solution, Odile will try to make the right choice.
Abdel has been working in a café in France for several years. His wife Zaina stayed on the other side of the Mediterranean. This evening, Abdel's young neighbors are celebrating: new software allowing them to call the homeland has become available. Between excitement and impatience, Abdel gets ready for his first Skype call.
Chahine is going to be a father for the first time. He then realizes that his history and that of his parents escapes him. He becomes determined to get some answers.
Casa Comigo, Cara
Todos na vila de Yassine no Marrocos contribuíram para enviá-lo para estudar arquitetura em Paris. Ele teria um futuro brilhante, mas é inesperadamente reprovado em suas provas e perde seu visto estudantil. Para não desapontar sua família, decide se casar com seu melhor amigo Fred para obter documentos de imigração. Mas um inspetor desconfiado está disposto a descobrir seu casamento falso.
Jérôme has killed Driss, of Moroccan ancestry, who used to be his best friend. Is it an accident, a drama caused by jealousy or a racist murder? The story of Jérôme's long drift is discovered as the police carry out its investigation.
Carga Bruta
Yanis, Eric, Nasser e Frank compõem a equipe de ladrões mais eficientes de toda Paris. Entre cada tiro, cada um deles têm que gerir também sua vida familiar, em meio a paranóia, o isolamento e a adrenalina do crime. Por ganância, Amine, o irmão mais novo de Yanis, cometeu um grande erro, e agora todos terão que mexer com algo que não têm experiência: muita droga. Mas a situação entre ladrões e traficantes rapidamente se agrava.
1000 Faces
Four first short films by young filmmakers. An initiative by director Houda Benyamina, produced by her association "1000 visages" (1000 faces).
In Seventh Heaven
Sofiane lives in a high-rise block at the edges of Paris. A violent young man, he tries to be like his gang of friends. However, Sofiane is attracted to guys. Through his contradictions, he embodies the confusion of today's idle young people who have lost their bearings and live withdrawn into themselves.
Cheba Louisa
30-year-old Djemila, a single jurist, at last has her own apartment... a few steps away from her parents' place. A French woman of North African extraction, she does everything she can to hide her origins. Emma, her nutty and broke neighbor, struggles to raise her two children alone. Although these two women have nothing in common, a deep friendship forms between them because of their mutual love of music.
Mohamed Dubois
Arnaud Dubois may be the heir to a bank, but he prefers to call himself Mohamed. Having fallen out with his father, he turns his back on the family residence. On his travels, he meets Mustafa, who introduces him to his sister Sabrina. Having fallen in love with the attractive young woman, Arnaud decides to pass himself off as an ordinary street guy named...Mohamed.
Perder a Razão
Como milhões de outros casais, Mounir e Murielle se apaixonam e têm filhos. Mas, ao contrário de outros casais, eles aceitam renunciar à sua autonomia e concordam em viver com o pai adotivo de Mounir.
Um Porco em Gaza
Depois de uma tempestade, um pescador palestino de Gaza encontra um porco preso na rede. Decidido a se livrar do animal impuro, ele resolve vendê-lo, a fim de melhorar sua miserável existência, mas na cidade de Gaza, cercada pelas tropas israelitas e governada por militantes islamitas, isso não parece ser nada fácil!
Nawal, uma mulher moribunda do Oriente Médio que vive em Montreal, deixa cartas para seus filhos gêmeos para serem lidas quando ela falecer. Jeanne deve entregar a dela para o pai que nunca conheceu e Simon deve entregar a dele para o irmão que nunca soube que tinha. Os irmãos viajam para o Oriente Médio separados e vivenciam atos de brutalidade, descobrem uma história familiar surpreendente e têm revelações sobre si mesmos.
1972, le sud de la France, en pleine forêt, une famille aux maigres bagages découvre le nouveau camp où elle va vivre. Malgré le paternalisme affiché du chef de camps, les harkis ont la vie dure et aucune liberté réelle. Une vie de misère et de tutelle que Leila, la fille aînée des Benamar, refuse. Elle a l'âge de la révolte, celles du premier amour aussi. Pour elle, son père, marqué par la guerre et l'exil, habitué à plier, ne doit rien aux Français qui ne les ont pas protégés en Algérie...
Choosing Love
In Paris, a university student attempts to lead a double life - in love with her French boyfriend Pascal, and staying true to her Algerian family, particular her strict, traditional father. In Algiers, her cousin Yacine leads a parallel life, preparing to leave his girlfriend to move to Paris.
A hard-hitting French drama detailing the intersecting destinies of five characters whose lives cross over the current war in Iraq: three young French Arabs who each for a different reason joins a jihadi group to fight against the Americans; a 40-something French woman running an NGO in Baghdad at the outbreak of the war who gets kidnapped and held by the jihadi insurgents; and a mid-level French diplomat who uncovers the corruption of the UN Oil for Food program while gathering evidence to support the French effort to prevent the war.
Palestinian Woman Watching TV
O governo israelense envia uma missão secreta de retaliação para matar onze pessoas ao redor do mundo depois que terroristas palestinos assassinam onze atletas israelenses nas Olimpíadas de Munique em 1972.
Raï is about a gang of youths in a Parisian suburb.This is the multicultural environment in which Mezz, Aziz, Laurent, Nordine, Poisson and the others have grown up. There is no future in Garges-les-Gonesses. Unemployment is high, drugs and violence are a part of everyday life. The opportunity to escape seems nonexistent.
Grand gaillard
T gros !
Theater teacher