Andrea Giordana

Andrea Giordana

Nascimento : 1946-03-27, Rome - Italy


Andrea Giordana


Mary of Nazareth
The film begins with the Annunciation: Mary, a young Galilean, virginal conceived the Messiah, the Son of God. Her husband Joseph, a humble carpenter, decided to stay by his side throughout. When Caesar Augustus ordered the Jews to register people, the couple embarks on a journey to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. Meanwhile, Maria Magdalena, a young woman from the same town that Mary, turns away from God and placed in the palace of King Herod, Herodias where convinces her to lose her innocence in the arms of the king's son.
Duke Sagrado
A história de uma garota que depois de viver um tempo em Madrid, retorna a Buenos Aires para junto de seu pai e assim poder descobrir a si mesma e encontrar seu caminho. Graças à música encontrará amigos e o amor.
Santo Augustinho - O Declínio do Império Romano
Em 430 DC, a cidade sitiada de Hippo, o bispo de setenta anos Augustino conta a Jovinus, capitão da guarda romana, a estória de como sua mãe Cristã, Mônica, o salvou. Nascido na cidade norte africana de Tagaste, Augustino estudou em Cártago, se tornando realizado mas dissoluto orador. Após se converter para o Maniqueísmo, uma religião livre de culpa, ele foi chamado para a corte imperial em Milão para servir como oponente do Bispo Cristão Ambrose. Mas quando a imperatriz Justina envia guardas imperiais para liberar uma basílica onde a própria mãe de Augustino está rezando, ele é vencido para o Cristianismo. De volta em Hippo, Augustino implora ao cerco Romano para negociar com o Rei Vândalo, Genseric, mas ele orgulhosamente recusa. Nesse ponto, ele também, abrindo mão de uma oportunidade para escapar em um navio enviado pelo Papa para resgatá-lo, ele fica ao lado de seu povo.
Vienna, 1924: Puccini, the world-famous composer of operas finds a confidante in the journalist Liza Berman, who will accompany him on a trip into his past: The unrequited love he feels for Elvira, a married woman, who secretly returns his feelings. As a 20-year-old he is living in Milan, in bitter poverty, and barely struggles along as a musician, but upon finishing his studies he makes quite an impression. Full of hope he applies to take part in a contest for opera composers, but he is turned down. Puccini had firmly counted on winning the prize money and now faces financial straits. Thanks to the librettist Fontana, his one-act opera "Le Villi" is performed all the same. The established music publisher Ricordi now commissions Puccini to write the opera "Edgar", which turns out a flop. When Elvira leaves her husband to live with Puccini, the lovers are beset by feelings of guilt. Puccini begins to doubt himself, but due to Ricordi's support, Puccini can write in peace. Soon he ...
Nicola, lì dove sorge il sole
"Nicola, where the sun rises" - Tells the true story of the transfer, from Myra (today Demre in Turkey ) to Bari , of the relics of St. Nicholas. 62 sailors arrive in Lycia aboard 3 sailing ships to steal the bones of the saint. They return to Bari on 8 May 1087 and announce they want to build a new basilica dedicated to St. Nicholas.
Lettere dalla Sicilia
Sir Lloyd Warwick
Adolfo Celi, a Man for Two Worlds
Documentário biográfico do ator e diretor italiano Adolfo Celi, sua passagem pelo Brasil e sua influência no teatro e cinema brasileiros e italianos.
Time Out
Klaus Mauser
The whimsical and joyous parade of ridiculous events satirize the war that rages in Colombia right now and exposes the real spirit of those who inhabit such a beautiful country.
Zeno's Conscience
Guido Speier
La coscienza di Zeno is a TV adaptation of the 1923 novel by Italo Svevo. It was broadcasted by RAI in 1988.
Dead End
Rebellious teen Sergio decides to isolate himself from society by living near the shore of a desolate lake. But he's unable to live freely once police show up and accuse him of murdering a young girl he was briefly acquainted with. This psychological drama with giallo elements appears to have been out of circulation since its theatrical run.
Taste of Death
Scaife, the sadistic leader of a gang of cattle thieves, terrorizes the people of a Colorado mountain town. Bill Ransom, the retired sheriff, is the only one to stand up against Scaife and his men, among whom is Dan El, a former friend of his. Dan El is also the father of Tony, Bill's adopted son...
Johnny Hamlet
Johnny Hamilton
On his way back from the Civil War, Johnny Hamilton is visited in his sleep by the ghost of his father who lets him know that he has been murdered and who asks him to avenge him. Back in the family ranch, Johnny finds that not only has his father been killed but that Gertrude, his mother, has married her late husband's brother Claude. The latter is now the owner of the ranch and of all the properties of the deceased. Polonius, a ruthless bandit, is supposed to have killed Johnny's father. But couldn't it be Claude...?
It Was Good to Love You
Andrea, a young man from the provinces, leaves his home, his friends and his girlfriend to go to the city in search of new intellectual satisfactions that he believes he can no longer find in his small world. The young idealist meets Eleonora, a beautiful woman romantically linked to Luca, a rich and unscrupulous businessman, and becomes his lover. In order to live forever next to Andrea, Eleonora does not hesitate to abandon Luca and the luxurious life that he allowed her. The death of Eleonora in a car accident, however, abruptly cuts off Andrea's dreams of happiness, who returns to his provincial town, where he finds his fiancée waiting for him and comforting him.
Sujos e Sem Lei
Depois de ser salvo de um enforcamento sumário, fora-da-lei vaga pelo deserto até se deparar com um soldado confederado agonizante. Depois de sua morte, veste-se com seu uniforme, rouba seu cavalo e sua arma e se faz passar por confederado. Ao chegar na cidade natal do soldado, é confundido pelo pai cego com o filho e se apaixona pela mulher que toma conta da casa.
Agonia e Êxtase
aiutante di Michelangelo
Charlton Heston e Rex Harrison interpretam duas das personalidades mais marcantes da Renascença neste drama histórico baseado no best-seller de Irving Stone ambientado no início do Século XVI. Quando o Papa Júlio II encomenda a Michelangelo a pintura do teto da Capela Sistina, o artista recusa a princípio. Virtualmente forçado por Júlio a fazer o trabalho, ele acaba por destruir sua obra e foge de Roma. Quando recomeça a pintura, o projeto se torna uma batalha de vontades alimentada pelas diferenças artísticas e de temperamento que são o ponto central deste filme. Indicado ao OSCAR® de Melhor Fotografia e também citado como um dos melhores filmes do ano pelo National Board of Review, AGONIA E ÊXTASE é uma fantástica dramatização da luta por trás de uma das maiores obras-primas do mundo. Tanto a história quanto o filme são tocantes e fascinantes.
Massacre At Grand Canyon
Clay Dancer
After a search for his father's killers, Wes Evans returns home only to find himself involved in a bloody land dispute.
Herod the Great
The King of Judea drives himself mad fighting off invaders and his wife's pursuers.