Albert Kwan

Albert Kwan


Albert Kwan is a Canadian actor and director of Asian descent.


Albert Kwan
Albert Kwan
Albert Kwan


Vida de Campeã
Journaliste canadien #2
Enquanto jovem e em seu auge, Nadia decide se aposentar da natação profissional após os Jogos Olímpicos para escapar de uma vida rígida de sacrifícios. Depois de sua última corrida, Nadia mergulha em noites de excesso pontuadas por episódios de insegurança. Mas mesmo esse entorpecimento transicional não pode esconder sua verdadeira busca interior: definir sua identidade fora do mundo dos esportes de elite.
Vote Bougon
Préposé Labo
Paul Bougon ignites social media networks and public opinion after his brief participation in a television program. Having become an instant celebrity thanks to his outspokenness, he decides to go into politics and founds his own party. With the help of his devoted entourage and at the head of the PEN (Parti de l’Écœurement National) [National Disgust Party], he wins the elections and becomes Premier. The challenges of his new career place him in front of heartbreaking choices.
A Chegada
Chinese Man
Quando seres interplanetários deixam marcas na Terra, a Dra. Louise Banks, uma linguista especialista no assunto, é procurada por militares para traduzir os sinais e desvendar se os alienígenas representam uma ameaça. No entanto, a resposta para todas as perguntas e mistérios coloca em risco a vida de Louise e a de toda a humanidade.
Celebrated European actor Sophie Bernard is in Montreal shooting a movie, and she's taking the opportunity to visit her gay son Thomas in the hope of bridging the rift that's grown between them. But Thomas has his own agenda for their time together; he intends to finally get some answers as to the identity of his father. Meanwhile, at Ville-Marie Hospital, paramedic Pierre struggles with PTSD, and though he has support in Marie, a nurse who keeps the overflowing emergency room running, it's uncertain whether he'll remain able to cope with the high intensity of his work. Each of these four characters is dealing with emotional damage — and on one dark Montreal night, their lives will all intersect in a fateful occurrence at Ville-Marie.
O Código Base
Soda Can Guy
Quando o condecorado Soldado - Capitão Colter Stevens acorda no corpo de um homem desconhecido, descobre que está envolvido numa missão para encontrar o bombista do comboio de Chicago. Numa missão que para ele era totalmente desconhecida, apercebe-se de que faz parte de um programa experimental do governo, chamado "O Código Base", um programa que lhe vai permitir viver a identidade de outro homem, nos últimos 8 minutos da sua vida. Com um segundo alvo, que ameaça matar milhões de pessoas na Baixa de Chicago, Colter têm de reviver o incidente vezes sem conta, até recolher todas as pistas, para poder resolver o mistério de quem está por detrás destes atentados e para que possa evitar o próximo ataque.
M. Li (commis du dépanneur)
Tommy, 10 years old, is well known by Social Services. He is considered a danger to society. Gilles, his guardian at this halfway house, sees potential for redemption in this kid driven by violence.
Poker player
Suzie, a 58 year old depressed taxi driver on the night shift. On Halloween, she finds a 10 year old autistic boy in the back seat of her taxi with 50$ and an address. As Suzie arrived at the father's address, she realizes the mess this family is in. This child and her own troubled past lead her down a surprising road. In French with English subtitles.
A Múmia: O Túmulo do Imperador Dragão
Chu Wah
Rick O'Connell, Alex e Evelyn, estão de volta, desta feita para combater a múmia ressuscitada do Imperador Han, num épico combate da China até aos Himalaias para impedir o cruel imperador chinês de lançar uma maldição sobre o mundo e colocá-lo, de modo impiedoso, à sua mercê.
The Rocket: The Legend of Rocket Richard
Plongeur chinois
In the late 1930s, a young machinist named Maurice Richard distinguished himself as a ice hockey player of preternatural talent. Although that was enough to get him into the Montreal Canadiens, his frequent injuries cost him the confidence of his team and the fans. In the face of these doubts, Richard eventually shows the kind of aggressive and skillful play that would make him one of the greatest players of all time as "The Rocket." However for all his success, Richard and his fellow French Canadians face constant discrimination in a league dominated by the English speaking. Although a man of few words, Richard begins to speak his own mind about the injustice which creates a organizational conflict that would culminate in his infamous 1955 season suspension that sparks an ethnic riot in protest. In the face of these challenges, Richard must decide who exactly is he playing for.
Father and Sons
Le serveur restaurant
Léo, un vieux père de famille ancien représentant de commerce, est prêt à tout pour retrouver l'affection de ses trois fils, David, Max et Simon. Il va même jusqu'à invoquer une maladie et une intervention chirurgicale pour les convaincre de l'accompagner dans un voyage au Canada, où il tentera de refaire l'unité du clan familial. Le quatuor de Français y fera la rencontre d'une guérisseuse et de sa fille.
Dangerous People
Brad le bouncer
It has kidnapped Roxane Labelle, a Canadian singer covered gold records and awards. To his captors, no question of release without payment of a large ransom. Father and manager of the star, Paul Labelle asks a small accountant do it. Easier said than done, especially the payer also has a large sum to the Mafia and, rapidly, what Québec account scoundrels, thieves and killers are chasing the fabulous bonanza.