Felix Montano


Is One of You Eddie?
Four classically handsome, worked out, gay men get together for their regular Sunday brunch on the patio, and while they are eating, their neighbor, Eddie, comes home from his day job. They act very coldly to Eddie, since he is not classically handsome or worked out, and they do not invite him to join them for brunch. In a huff, he goes to his apartment, saying that he has to get ready for his appointments anyway. What appointments they wonder? They soon find out, much to their surprise, delight, and astonishment, but will jealousy ensue?
Man of the Year
Jimmy Morgan
First-time director Dirk Shafer also penned this raucous "mockumentary," a blend of fact and fiction that re-creates his 1992 reign as Playgirl magazine's Centerfold of the Year. When Shafer chooses to keep the fact that he's gay a secret from the magazine's editors, he finds himself living the ultimate lie -- and incapable of giving female readers what they really want. Will he succumb to his lover's pressures to come out of the closet?
Without You I'm Nothing
Go Go Dancer
Sandra Bernhard stars in a studio version of her off-Broadway show, blending re-enactments of the original show's pieces with concept vignettes and 'testimonials' to underscore the relationship between a performer and an audience.
Meu Amante é de Outro Mundo
Após uma pane em uma astronave, três extra-terrestres caem em uma piscina na Califórnia. Mac (Jeff Goldblum), o líder deles, se vê inesperadamente envolvido romanticamente com uma manicure, Valerie (Geena Davis), a dona da piscina.
Chorus Line: Em Busca da Fama
Um diretor de musicais da Broadway (Michael Douglas) prepara um novo espetáculo, e para isso ele realiza uma série de audições para escolher os atores, cantores e bailarinos que farão parte do elenco. Enérgico e exigente, o diretor quer dos candidatos prova absoluta de seu talento e interesse pela arte, exigindo ao máximo dos candidatos, fazendo com que isso valorize ainda mais seu espetáculo. Mas tudo começa a tomar um rumo diferente quando a vida pessoal de cada um dos participantes da seleção vem à tona, inclusive a do próprio diretor quando uma ex-namorada sua é selecionada. Agora ele enfrentará um dilema: paixão ou profissão?