Taye Biggs
A caçada de um policial problemático por um hacker implacável, que comete violências brutais enquanto busca por sua esposa sequestrada.
Detective Ed Dobbs
O ex-especialista em extração militar Marcus Lombardi, cuja única chance de salvar sua irmã informante e sua família é rastrear uma maleta misteriosa.
Senator Bob Jeffers
O agente de serviço secreto Vic Davis está a caminho de buscar seu filho distante, Shawn, no campus de sua faculdade, quando se vê no meio de uma operação terrorista de alto risco.
After being stood up by her partner Brad (William McNamara), Rachel (Jamie Luner) soon meets Michael (Johnny Messner) and his teenage daughter, Sophia. During Christmas Eve pageant rehearsals, Sophia finds herself challenged to hit the high note in her solo of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. Rachel offers to coach Sophia’s performance and discovers a new interest in Michael.
Man in Bathroom Stall
J.J. Jake Hannaford (John Huston) é um consagrado diretor de cinema que enfrenta problemas para concluir seu último filme, "O Outro Lado do Vento", devido ao abandono repentino do protagonista, John Dale (Robert Random). Com o orçamento estourado e a pressão de executivos de Hollywood, Hannaford comemora seu aniversário em meio a amigos e inimigos, exibindo aos presentes o que já filmou até o momento.
O filme conta a história de um professor de "Homem da Terra" de 15 mil anos, John Oldman, que ensina no norte da Califórnia, ao perceber que não só ele finalmente começa a envelhecer, mas quatro estudantes descobriram seu segredo mais profundo.
Retrospective documentary featuring interviews with director Lewis Abernathy, producer Sean S. Cunningham, stars Terri Treas and William Katt, actor/stunt coordinator Kane Hodder and composer Harry Manfredini.
Retrospective documentary taking a look back at the making of House, the 1985 horror film that became a nice little hit when it was originally released. Featuring interviews with producer Sean S. Cunningham, director Steve Miner, story creator Fred Dekker, cast members William Katt, George Wendt and Kay Lenz, composer Harry Manfredini, stunt coordinator Kane Hodder and various members of the special effects crew.
Self (archive footage)
A retrospective of Chita Rivera's film, television and stage career, including interviews with Dick Van Dyke, Ben Vereen, Carol Lawrence and others. Originally aired as Episode 2 of Season 43 of the PBS series Great Performances.
The all new unrated, unapologetic and uncensored Crusty Demons film! Get an all access pass to never before seen crashes, parties and jumps. Brand new footage & interviews from legendary riders Travis Pastrana, Robbie Maddison, Larry Linkogle, Seth Enslow and more.
Depois de passar a vida toda escondido dentro de uma cela escura, o Capturado (Bug Hall) é subitamente liberado na sociedade, onde ele terá de enfrentar um novo mundo. Livre das paredes, seus sentidos estão sobrecarregados pela luz, som e do caos do lado de fora. Ele interage com os seres humanos, vê o sol e sente a chuva fria... Tudo pela primeira vez. Quando ele se adapta, ele descobre a vastidão do mundo que ele foi excluído e sua vida toma um novo significado e forma.Com a ajuda do amargo Remy (Nicholas Turturro) e a misteriosa Maya (Amber Rose Mason), o Capturado percebe que ele está no coração de um experimento social orquestrado e esculpido pelas mãos do provedor (William Katt), o homem responsável por sua vida de escuridão e o homem que ele tem agora que enfrentar. Ele sai em uma busca para descobrir respostas sobre seu passado encoberto e, chegar ao fundo dos mistérios da sua vida de uma vez por todas.
Carmilla comes to a rural town where her mother mysteriously disappeared years earlier. She is aided in her quest by an emotionally troubled local girl, with whom she becomes romantically involved. Their relationship ignites the wrath of the girl's father, who holds the key to the dreadful truth Carmilla is seeking. Inspired by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's famed Gothic novella.
Mr. Gibson
In The Secret Lives of Dorks, Payton (Gaelan Connell) is a pathetic dork, a comic book geek whose high school career is one hopeless faux pas after another. Yet he's a dreamer and madly in love with the head cheerleader Carrie (Riley Voelkel), who he is determined to win over. But she is wise to his desperate advances, so to get off his radar she creates a plan to push him into the arms of a dorkette at the school, Samantha (Vanessa Marano).
Houseguest Bill
A man, long haunted by the paranormal, captures on camera the horror and hilarity he and his beautiful girlfriend encounter after moving into a new home.
On her wedding night, Jade wakes up holding the hand of her dead husband after she narrowly survived a murder attempt by the criminal family she fled from only weeks before. After pawning her wedding ring for a 357 Magnum she tries to kill a member of the family and botches the attempt. However, a Vietnam Veteran "The Hammer", comes to her aid and finishes the kill, saving her life. Over the next year, Hammer trains her to be a methodical assassin and on her wedding anniversary each member of the family will pay for their sins as she hunts them down with six bullets marked for revenge.
A masked vigilante who discovers the dark side to heroism. Going after the nation's most notorious super criminal leaves Sparks' life and reputation in ruins.
Dean Taylor
The story of two childhood friends who have grown apart and are suddenly thrust back into each others lives when a parent develops cancer. They join forces to find the cure but soon realize their lives are danger if they expose the truth.
Ryan Donnelly
After a mysterious atmospheric event, a small group of people wake up to realize that their entire lives have been a lie. They are in fact aliens disguised as humans. Now they have to make a choice. Live amongst men, or try to find a way back home.
Art Smith
A victim of personal and financial failure, Tony long ago gave up his dreams of singing and performance. But now, even his day job has disappeared, prompting in Tony feelings of self-loathing and worthlessness. Desperate, Tony is prepared to sink to crime to pay his bills, but he finds himself incompetent at even that. Withering under the gaze of the meth dealer, Art, Tony is now a completely broken man: robbed, lifethreatened and miserable. He makes his last gamble and loses it all. However, just at the moment his life becomes a complete nightmare, his friend Jerry is there to guide Tony back.
Sgt. Fitzgibbon
Frank foi deixado por sua mulher e sua reação a este choque é criar um alter ego super-herói, que combaterá todos os criminosos que cruzarem seu caminho, independente da importância de seus delitos.
Jack Matheson
Max Matheson (Nick Stahl) e sua namorada são um casal viajando de carro que, por um descuido, acabam sofrendo um terrível acidente que custa a vida da moça e quase custa a vida de Max. Ele, no entanto, sobrevive e um ano depois da tragédia, ainda se recuperando do trauma, ele consegue um emprego como segurança noturno de uma loja. Lá, ele descobre um espelho que permite que ele veja o espírito de uma mulher morta.
Três anjos concedem o dom da música para uma menina, que deve seguir uma série de regras para segurá-lo durante a sua ascensão à fama e fortuna.
Father Hume
His parents named him Reginald Regineld. His friends call him "Ditto." At the age of eleven he decided he wasn't going to do anything with his life. And that was going pretty well until senior year when he saw Tracy. This wasn't so much love at first sight as much as it was "completely-head-over-heels-gonna-get-her-at-any-price-even-if-I-make-a-complete-fool-of-myself" love at first sight. And it would burn for decades. Whether she loved him or not.
In the radiation-infected aftermath of World War III, one man's desperate attempt to find his wife in the wastelands that were once the United States inspires his fellow survivors to fight for humanity. The bomb has dropped, and in the blink of an eye, America has been plunged back into the Stone Age. Money is worthless, food is scarce, and those who once thought they were fortunate to survive the initial attack are now slowly being consumed from the inside out, the victims of an all-consuming nuclear scourge. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Sully (C. Thomas Howell) acaba de ser libertado da cadeia e jura vingar-se daquele que o prendeu, o então policial Reynolds (William Katt). Determinado a destruir a vida do ex-tira, o criminoso quer que ele pague pela morte de sua esposa grávida. E, para isso, monta um plano para atingir Reynolds no que ele tem de mais precioso: a filha Toni. Com mais dois amigos, Sully sai em busca da garota para sequestrá-la, mas esse tortuoso caminho da vingança conta ainda com mais ódio, surpresas e reviravoltas.
A journalist named Lee Custler (William Katt) is out jogging when a flying object passes behind him and crashes. Sheriff Joel Armstrong (Collin Brock) picks him up and they go to check it out. They find an abandoned caravan close to where the object crashed. As they discover the object and realize it is a spaceship, an Alien emerges. The Alien (resembling a giant spider with a lizard-like head and torso) then chases them, after which Lee flees to the car. However Armstrong makes a stand, trips, falls and is killed by the Alien that then leaves. A terrified Tammy finds Lee and they call the local authorities but their car is destroyed by the Alien.
Dr. Boombas
Quando uma construtora começa a escavar no vasto deserto do Arizona para a construção de uma rodovia, a polícia local depara-se com inexplicáveis assassinatos em série. Nestes crimes, as vítimas têm seus ossos removidos do corpo de uma maneira que nem mesmo os médicos conseguem explicar.
A obra se concentra no misterioso comportamento de John Oldman (David Lee Smith), um professor acadêmico que a cada dez anos muda de contexto, deixando tudo para trás. Cansado de guardar esse misterioso segredo, antes de partir, convida seus colegas de academia para uma reunião em sua casa onde irá revelar pela primeira vez o que está por trás desse comportamento obscuro.
Donald Fiske
Samantha (Kellie Martin) awaits the arrival of a famous writer who will sign copies in her bookstore when, coincidentally, an old acquaintance comes with the purpose of marketing a video game. That night, the writer is found murdered, but the police cannot point to any suspects. Soon will come out a link between the victim and the acquaintance of Samantha, who is detained at the bewilderment of all
Corbin plays a fictional Menard County sheriff who uses country savvy and cowboy logic to straighten out his angry teen-aged grandson, Clay, a high school senior who can't seem to stay out of trouble.
Dr. Tom Murray
As Ann Hedgerow - an indirect descendant of Edgar Allen Poe - begins to explore her family's past, she meets novelist Ethan Poe. Ethan, also a distant descendant of Poe, is tormented by visions of his famous ancestor. When Ann and Ethan begin a romance, the dark - and deadly - secrets of Poe's legacy emerge... will Poe's stories inspire a real-life horror-tragedy?
As Ann Hedgerow - an indirect descendant of Edgar Allen Poe - begins to explore her family's past, she meets novelist Ethan Poe. Ethan, also a distant descendant of Poe, is tormented by visions of his famous ancestor. When Ann and Ethan begin a romance, the dark - and deadly - secrets of Poe's legacy emerge... will Poe's stories inspire a real-life horror-tragedy?
Malcolm Page
Um safari pela África tem como primeira parada a "Ilha das Cobras", mas um pequeno imprevisto, obriga os turistas a passarem a noite na ilha. O que eles não sabem é que existem milhares de cobras espalhadas. Elas são venenosas, mortais e muito silenciosas. Sem fazer barulho deixam um rastro de morte e medo, só sobreviverá quem conseguir escapar da ilha.
John Logan
Gittis Malone
When Mark goes for a visit with his uncle he's thrown into a world he knows not much about. Little does he know it'll be a world he's going to have to become very familiar with. One character Mark becomes very familiar and friendly with is a very tame black bear who he later names Ben
John, um policial gay de uma pequena cidade de Illinois se muda para Los Angeles, na esperança de se encaixar em um lugar mais acolhedor de sua sexualidade. Ele logo descobre o "circuito", onde conhece um traficante inseguro, que leva John ao uso de drogas e sexo ilícito.
In this documentary, director Brian De Palma and the stars from his film "Carrie" (such as Sissy Spacek, Amy Irving, Piper Laurie, William Katt, Nancy Allen and others) share stories about the making of the classic horror film 25 years after its release.
An ex-convict tries to make an honest living and take care of his girlfriend and her mentally slow brother.
An ex-convict tries to make an honest living and take care of his girlfriend and her mentally slow brother.
An ex-convict tries to make an honest living and take care of his girlfriend and her mentally slow brother.
O filme retrata a vida dos tímidos gêmeos siameses Blake e Francis Falls, que moram em um hotel decadente e esperam reencontrar a mãe biológica, que os abandonou. Eles passam a ter um maior contato com o mundo exterior através de uma excêntrica jovem prostituta chamada Penny.
Mr. Purr
Durante uma brincadeira de aniversário, três adolescentes populares, Julie (Rebecca Gayheart), Foxy, e Courtney (Rose McGowan), resolvem enganar uma colega e fingir um sequestro. Como parte do plano, elas colocam a amiga no porta-malas do carro, mas são surpreendidas ao descobrirem que a menina morreu sufocada.
Jean Benoit
When a 12 year old boy with an attitude witnesses a mob killing, the job of protecting him falls to a down-on-his luck cop.
Andy Gillis
In a small town a young woman is murdered. The police assumes it's an accident, but friends of the murdered woman don't believe that. When they search for evidence, the police threatens them not to meddle in the investigation. When they are closing in on the truth, they find themselves in the dark world of slave trade and exotic animal smuggling.
Harry Harper
A story of Mother Teresa, beginning in Calcutta, India, where she faces adversity from every direction and where she lays the foundation for her crusade to help the poorest of the poor.
Don Mitchell
A girl's bright smile masks a psychopathic soul that will eliminate anyone who comes between her and her doting father.
Paul Donohue
A horde of rattlesnakes inexplicably descends into Eden Valley, terrorizing an isolated family and forcing them to fight for their lives.
Richard Tennant
A woman takes in a lodger to help with the debts of her funeral business.
Uma ciborgue usa a tecnologia que a criou para gerar a mais nova e mortífera forma de evolução. Agora, ela é muito mais do que apenas uma maravilha da tecnologia cibernética. Ela é a primeira de sua raça a se tornar mãe.
Paul Grogan
Doctor Baines has been conducting genetic experiments on piranhas and has made them virtually unstoppable. Unfortunately, his assistants, Maggie and Paul, accidentally release the hybrids into the Lost River Lake threatening to destroy everyone in their path. Can they prevent the flesh-eating piranhas from escaping into the ocean and spawning?
Dr. Dell Davis
An LA cop on vacation in Russia is mistaken for a US federal agent and gets pulled into involvement with the Russian Mafia.
Ben Healy
O pré-adolescente e endiabrado Junior se apaixona pela garota mais bonita e popular da escola. Para conquistar o coração da bela Tiffany e se livrar dos concorrentes, ele vai precisar contar com a ajuda de seu avô, o velho Big Ben.
Troy Rooney
Detective Bobby Corcoran and his partner, Detective Larson, are on the hunt for a vicious serial killer in this tense police thriller. As the murderous villain stalks the city streets leaving carnage in his wake, Corcoran begins to experience blackouts and sudden fits of anger. As the detectives pursue the case, they uncover evidence suggesting that one of them may be responsible for the mysterious deaths.
Um jornaleiro homicida de 12 anos fica obcecado por uma mulher e sua filha vizinha, e ele fará qualquer coisa para tornar realidade sua fantasia da "família perfeita".
A tollbooth attendant's fascination with a young woman who works at a gas station leads him into a love triangle and murder.
Richard Sullivan
Kate's husband Richard hasn't seen his cousin Harry for 20 years. So when he comes to stay with his fiancee Connie they are welcomed. But Kate senses her family is at risk when they start behaving suspiciously.
Michael Cooper
Expert safecracker Arthur Clutten masterminds heists for a criminal syndicate he belongs to. But after witnessing the brutal methods of persuasion being meted out by gang leader, Ignatius Smith Clutten decides to quit. But he realizes the gang would sooner see him killed than quitting. After stealing some documents incriminating Smith and his boss, Edward Ross, Clutten then puts his family in hiding and goes on the run...but his daughter has been kidnapped by the gang and a hitman has been hired and is close to finding Clutten.
Roger Cobb
Após seu marido ter sido morto em um acidente de carro e sua filha paralisada, Kelly Cobb deve precaver-se não apenas contra seu misterioso cunhado, mas também contra os maus espíritos que assombram sua casa.
Paul Avery
As a little girl, Cindy had to witness how the shady estate agent Jason Laurence killed her mother. In the 22 years since then, he was never called to account for this crime. So Cindy decides to take vengeance herself.
Franklyn Carlysle
City-council member Franklin Carlyle is mugged, knocked down and left on an alley. When he recovers, he is befriended by an alcoholic who introduces him to a local strip-bar.
Marshall Roman
A couple who both work at wedding receptions encounter complications when they decide to marry.
Mrs. Allison is the owner of the Saltare Swimsuit company. Her top man Brian, and his not so bright assitant Willard have to find men and women that can be prospective models for her swimwear. The movie looks at the personal life of many of the young hopefuls. The men and women take strenuous photo shoots and workouts, but few will be chosen.
Paul Drake, Jr.
A woman suddenly disappears after an early morning walk, and her husband is accused of murder.
Paul Drake Jr.
Mason defends a man he had sentenced to prison when he was an appellate-court judge. Now, 18 months after the sentencing, a new witness turns up to prove the man's innocence. Mason steps in to defend the man.
Steve Shepard
July '72. Vietnam. Lt. Steve Shepard missing in action. Presumed dead...15 years later he's still there.
Paul Drake Jr.
Perry is sueing a gutter trash newspaper that is running a story about a love affair between him and Della. The editor also has "dirt" files on an Army General, his banker and other "clients". All of them make little-concealed verbal threats to him at a party but the person that hated him most is a female reporter who the editor had just fired from the paper for attempting to write a serious story. She threatens him and soon after the editor is found, floating in his pool, shot. The reporter is arrested for the crime and Perry, who has a personal stake in this matter, with the aid of Della and Paul set out to solve the mystery. But the other suspects just want the case over with and will go to any lengths to protect their pasts and their secrets
Paul Drake Jr.
Perry investigates the murder of a former madam and uncovers a multimillion dollar banking fraud in the process.
Paul Drake Jr.
O brilhante advogado Perry Mason, volta neste filme dirigido por Richard Lang, para decifrar, talvez, o mistério mais difícil de sua carreira. O escritor David Hall, vai com um grupo de pessoas para um velho hotel mal-assombrado. Depois de uma noite de acontecimentos misteriosos Hall é atirado da torre do sino e Jordan White, seu editor que estava no local na hora do crime, é acusado pelo assassinato. Perry Mason é chamado para defender o caso e investigar os estranhos e sinistros acontecimentos do Hotel.
Paul Drake Jr.
Perry must defend the husband of an old flame from a murder charge.
Paul Drake, Jr.
An actor rigs a fake shooting on TV with the connivance of his friend, the show's host, but the practical joke goes wrong when the gun turns out to contain a live round.
Paul Drake Jr.
A priest is murdered and the main suspect is a nun.
Roger Cobb
Roger Cobb (William Katt), é um veterano da guerra do Vietnã cuja carreira como escritor de histórias de horror, sofre uma reviravolta, quando misteriosamente seu filho Jimmy desaparece ao visitar a casa de sua tia. A obcecada procura por seu filho destruiu toda sua carreira como escritor e até mesmo seu casamento, mas agora, com a súbita morte de sua tia, ele retorna a casa onde seu pior pesadelo tem início. Os demoníacos seres que habitam a assustadora casa o forçam a enfrentar uma angustiante jornada ao passado, na qual ele reencontrará seu filho. Roger precisa combater as forças do mal que o assombraram por toda vida, a fim de salvar a ele e a seu filho da morte certa.
Actors, directors and special effects technicians are interviewed at a horror-film convention.
Paul Drake Jr.
When his former secretary is accused of a murder, Perry Mason gives up a judgeship to defend her.
George Loomis
Susan sonha em ser a cientista mais famosa do mundo. Seu marido, George, quer ser papai o quanto antes. Os sonhos do casal se realizam quando, durante uma expedição pelas selvas africanas, encontram um filhote de brontossauro.
The Flower Prince
Thumbelina is the answer to her mother's prayers but is all too soon stolen away by Mother Toad as a wife for her son. With the help of many different woodland creatures, especially the Swallow, Thumbelina overcomes many obstacles to try and get back to her mother.
Jimmy Curry
Traveling rainmaker Starbuck arrives at the drought-ridden Curry place, promising rain for the farm and perhaps a romance for 'spinster sister' Lizzie.
The musical uses the premise of a mysterious performance troupe, led by a Leading Player, to tell the story of Pippin, a young prince on his search for meaning and significance. In 1981, a stage production of Pippin was videotaped for Canadian television. The stage production was directed by Kathryn Doby, Bob Fosse's dance captain for the original Broadway production, and David Sheehan directed the video adaptation, with Roger O. Hirson in charge of the music. Ben Vereen returned for the role of Leading Player, while William Katt played the role of Pippin. However, this version was a truncated adaptation and several sections of the play were cut. An extended version running 135 minutes is also available.
Sundance Kid
O fora da lei Butch Cassidy encontra o caubói Sundance durante os meses nevosos de inverno e o começo de uma bonita amizade logo vira bebedeira de bar com muitas damas enquanto os dois não conseguem ficar fora de perigo. Unindo-se a eles, temos os rivais LeFors, O.C. Hanks, um ladrão querendo vingança, um guarda de cassino caçando-os com seus parceiros, um açougueiro mesquinho e alguns foras da lei. Butch e Sundance devem encontrar uma maneira de ganhar uma fortuna sem serem pegos, e para eles, isso significa roubar trens.
Three 1960s California surfers fool around, drift apart and reunite years later to ride epic waves.
Elgin Smith
College soccer player falls hard for a campus beauty, who is the mistress of an older married attorney.
Tommy Ross
A quieta e sensível adolescente Carrie White enfrenta insultos dos colegas na escola e abuso em casa de sua mãe, uma fanática religiosa. Quando estranhos acontecimentos começam a acontecer em torno de Carrie, ela começa a suspeitar que tem poderes sobrenaturais.
A young girl in search of spiritual enlightenment joins a religious cult, and becomes the focus of a struggle between her family and the group.
Billy Jack
Due to a home-steading law, a fur trapper schemes to keep his land by hiring a hooker, a pickpocket and a thief to pose as his family.
Davey Paxton
Um rancheiro volta para casa e descobre que seu filho foi assassinado e sua filha raptada. Ele contrata um rastreador para encontrar sua filha e consequentemente a gangue responsável pelos crimes.
Harold (uncredited)
On the day before she retires, a teacher discovers that a student she had flunked ten years previously is out to kill her.
Peter Addams (as Bill Katt)
Religion changes a woman's attitude towards alcohol.
Marine Private
A man fleeing the scene after shooting his wife's lover forms an unexpected relationship with the tough cab driver he hires to drive him to the Mexican border.