Liliyan Malkina

Liliyan Malkina

Nascimento : 1938-07-14, Tallinn, Estonian SSR, USSR


Liliyan Malkina


S písní v tísni
Jaroslava Kluzáková
Thirty-something Jonas is not doing well at the moment. He has been taking antibiotics for a long time, so he is out of shape, and the trainer does not nominate him for the upcoming boxing match, he had a fight with a homosexual customer at work and is facing criminal charges because of that, and he also got a little involved with his colleague Silva, which logically does not please Jonas's friend Klařá. But Jonas hides the biggest problem by far from everyone. Although the suspicion of rectal cancer is fortunately not confirmed, the method of treatment of the damaged colon nevertheless shocks him - he has to regularly insert a dilator into his ass!
Stáří není pro sraby
postarší uklízečka Lounová
Merry Grandmas
Mascha is desperate to go to a wild New Year’s Eve party, but instead, her parents take her to see her grandmother, who has invited her friends over. This gorgeous animated film pays homage to the lust for life and rebellious streak of older women everywhere.
Lyubov Bez Pravil
мачеха Артёма
Он – звезда театра и кино, его день расписан по минутам – съемки в блокбастерах, главные роли на театральных подмостках, эфиры центральных каналов, фотосессии для обложек гламурных журналов. Она – скромная девочка из провинции, ее участь – быть консьержкой в доме звезд и смотреть на проходящих мимо героев светской хроники из своего закутка. Вроде бы всё у Веры, как у людей, - молодой муж с московской пропиской, ребенок. Казалось, жить бы да радоваться, но на свою беду она встречает Его. Это не коммерческий расчет, это не сиюминутная страсть, а глубокая, жертвенная любовь. Наш фильм – история любви зрелого искушенного актера и юной консьержки-провинциалки. Сможет ли она вернуть герою радость жизни, или изощренный демон погубит юную трепетную душу?
Identity Card
babička Míti
Bittersweet comedy about four teenage boys, their friends, parents, lovers - from the moment when they are 15 to moment when they are 18. Story is set in 1970s, when is Czechoslovakia occupied by Russians.
Taková normální rodinka
The forester's lodge in a remote area they live in sin has four generations of family Hanák. Grandmother overflowing zest for life and her passion for writing detective stories. Her daughter, Ms. Hanáková, spirited woman with a big heart, loves to sing, but because he has no talent, all his life was the cook. Mr. Hanak's dispatcher, his lifelong loves animals of all kinds and sizes, which grows in the house and its surroundings. Paul has an older daughter with husband Peter, occasional handyman who usually sleeps or her hyperactive two sons, whom no one tells you differently than blackguard. Informal family member then Mr. Kestrel, who in the house for the town to spend a lot of time suspicious! One completely normal family afternoon notify the younger daughter Kate family that is expecting a baby.
O Albergue 2
Make-Up Woman
Três estudantes americanas decidem fazer uma excursão em Roma no fim de semana, com a intenção de conhecer um luxuoso spa. Mas em vez disso, elas são leiloadas por uma terrível organização que promove a tortura humana.
The Grandmother
A short parody trailer by Eli Roth, included as part of Grindhouse.
Hodina klavíru
Uma história sobre um homem excessivamente influenciada pelas mulheres na sua vida, que é única em muitos aspetos, incluindo o facto de que ele de alguma forma acabou por ser "hetero", apesar de suas provações com as mulheres, que começaram no nascimento.
A vida do violinista Frantisek Louka é um verdadeiro inferno. Demitido de uma importante orquestra da Tchecoslováquia, ele ganha a vida tocando em funerais no crematório da cidade. Seu sonho é comprar um carro e fazer uma bela viagem, mas ele não tem dinheiro algum. A sorte parece sorrir para ele quando decide casar com a prima de um dos coveiros, apenas para que a mulher possa obter a cidadania tcheca. Louka recebe uma ótima quantia em dinheiro, sem nenhuma obrigação… a não ser cuidar do filho de sua nova mulher, que resolveu desaparecer de uma hora para a outra, deixando a criança para trás! O nome do menino é Kolya, uma criança carinhosa e cheia de vida que está prestes a transformar, para sempre, a vida do rabugento Louka.
Миф о Леониде
Soviet Union Language: Russian
Old, rich Jew Mendel Krik falls in love with the beautiful Marusya. But their sons Levka and Bena don't share their dreams... Revolution has come.
A Visitor to a Museum
It is the future, the world is in ruins and a large portion of the population consists of deformed mutants living in reservations. In this world a man decides to spend his vacation visiting the ruins of a museum that is now buried under the sea.
The Isle of Lost Ships
A musical partially based on a sci-fi novel "The Isle of Lost Ships" by Aleksandr Belyaev.
Attention, Turtle!
gym teacher
Two curious first-graders decide to steal a turtle named Rocket from a living corner to conduct a risky experiment — they want to put it under the tank in order to check the carrying capacity and strength of the shell. But their classmate Tanya is smarter than her friends: with the help of adults, she manages to organize the rescue of the unfortunate turtle.
maty Yury