Jean-Pierre Bastid


Os Cadáveres Bronzeados
Todo verão, Luce, uma excêntrica pintora com seus 50 anos, gasta seu tempo em um pequeno e isolado município, que está em ruínas no sul da França, rodeado por convidados. Este verão em particular, os seus convidados são Max Bernier (uma antiga paixão e um autor alcoólatra), seu amante atual (um advogado chamado Bisorgueil), e três amigos dele que ela ainda não conhece: Rhino, Gros e Alex. Depois de terminar as suas compras na cidade, estes três incógnitas atacam um caminhão blindado e fogem com 250 kg de ouro. Eles, então, voltam para a casa de Luce, contando com ela para ocultá-los até o fim do verão…
Bandits d'amour
A young woman who has gone over to the wrong side of the law with her new boyfriend begins having second thoughts about both crime and her new romance in this drama. Helene is an attractive 18-year-old who has fallen for Paul, a 25-year-old drifter, and one evening as they're having drinks in a cafe in the North of France, Paul decides to rob the bank across the street. Though wary, Helene agrees to help, and soon the couple is 40,000 francs richer -- and on the run from the law. The two hop a train to Marseilles, but it isn't long before Helene begins to think the robbery was a bad idea -- and isn't certain if her relationship with Paul is such a good thing either. Paul, however, isn't troubled by any second thoughts, and is very certain about his feelings for Helene -- so much so that he forces a priest to marry them at gunpoint. This is only the most recent manifestation of Paul's volatile personality, and rather than binding Helene closer to him, it only drives her farther away.
The Common Man
As every summer, Georges Lajoie, his wife Ginette and grown-up son Léon go on holiday to Loulou's campsite. They join old friends, the Schumachers and the Colins. Brigitte Colin, the daughter, is quite a pretty young girl now. One day, Georges rapes and murders her. He hides the body near the barracks of the immigrant Arab workers. The racism of the campers will do the rest... A virulent lampoon against the average Frenchman's racism.
Under the Sign of Voodoo
A young man having omitted to make the ritual offerings of voodoo, suffers the wrath of the spirits.
Les brebis enragées
Out 1
Trois truand
While two theater groups rehearse plays by Aeschylus, two solitary individuals wander the Parisian streets hustling the populace for cash.
French short adaptation of Herman Melville's classic. The employee of a lawyer is in a mental hospital following a scandal. Some time later, he finds his employer.
French short adaptation of Herman Melville's classic. The employee of a lawyer is in a mental hospital following a scandal. Some time later, he finds his employer.
French short adaptation of Herman Melville's classic. The employee of a lawyer is in a mental hospital following a scandal. Some time later, he finds his employer.
Sadistic Hallucinations
In a mysterious French castle dark meetings and apparitions happen, seasoned by nauseating erotic menages. The involvement frantically increases up to the amazing epilogue.
The Black Hand
Somewhere in Europe, a scientific research institute, houses the lair of one of the leaders of a terrorist organization called The Black Hand. Zhan Raur, an Albanian who, under a phlegmatic exterior, is suffering from a delirium of power and also from a heart condition, awaits the visit of an unknown correspondent carrying precious documents. But the F.B.I. He has been replaced by one of his agents, Thomas Asher, who is responsible for unlocking the secrets and ramifications of The Black Hand.
The Black Hand
Somewhere in Europe, a scientific research institute, houses the lair of one of the leaders of a terrorist organization called The Black Hand. Zhan Raur, an Albanian who, under a phlegmatic exterior, is suffering from a delirium of power and also from a heart condition, awaits the visit of an unknown correspondent carrying precious documents. But the F.B.I. He has been replaced by one of his agents, Thomas Asher, who is responsible for unlocking the secrets and ramifications of The Black Hand.
The Teenagers
An exposé of the sexual revolution.
Love + Fear = Torment
"Love + fear = Torment" exposes the secret world of the French model studios, and the men who try to corrupt them. Mobsters become involved when fifty-thousand dollars worth of uncut gems are stolen. A model studio becomes terrorized as one of the models innocently befriends one of the mobsters.
Hell on the Beach
Alex, a former mercenary out of business, lives on a yacht anchored off Antibes with his wife, the beautiful and tight Helen and John, a former lover of it. Around this trio, revolves Heidi, an angelic blonde catalyst tragic events that will succeed when his troubled past catches up Alex.
Massacre of Pleasure
A police officer attempts to shut down an illegal girls-for-drugs operation (American version).
Massacre of Pleasure
A police officer attempts to shut down an illegal girls-for-drugs operation (American version).