Jaap Spijkers

Jaap Spijkers

Nascimento : 1958-02-11, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands


Jaap Spijkers is a Dutch actor know for his work in stage, television and film productions.


Jaap Spijkers


De Zitting
A popular prime minister candidate and a well-known thriller book writer face each other in court after she accuses him of sexual abuse just before the election.
The East
Company Director Sneijders
Um jovem soldado holandês destacado para suprimir os esforços de independência pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial na colônia holandesa da Indonésia se vê dividido entre o dever e a consciência quando se junta a um esquadrão de elite de comandante cada vez mais implacável.
De zaak Shell
Jackie & Oopjen
Directeur Rijksmuseum
12-year-old Jackie has made Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where her mom works, her second home. While wandering around after hours, Oopjen from Rembrandt's famous painting suddenly comes to life. It seems she is looking for her long lost sister. Jackie is used to solving other people's problems and decides to take Oopjen home, so they can go look for her sister. For the woman from the Golden Age, this modern world, its customs and appliances are a great adventure. And Jackie, who doesn't really have any friends at school, finally gains a true BFF.
All Against All
This richly illustrated historical documentary investigates the mechanism of nationalist feelings that radicalise. It shows how fascism was on the rise even a decade before the founding of the NSB, due to a number of anti-democratic initiatives led by a millionaire with a predilection for one-legged women, a market vendor, a cleric, and an artist. Historians, writers and collectors of fascist curios reveal how an initially marginal and fragmented movement grew into a radical populist party.
Close Distance
The night-time reconstruction of a fatal traffic accident is just another job that the police has to do. “We’re going to take steps tonight.” But what steps does Gerard have to take? He is the one who has lost his lifetime partner.
All You Need Is Love
Boukjes father
When popular TV show host Dr. Love goes missing ahead of the annual Christmas special, a zany search for his replacement and holiday romance ensues.
Your Mother Should Know
School Principal
A young photographer moves back in with his mother and has to adjust to his old hometown. Things get more challenging when she appoints him as her dating coach in order to spend more time together.
O Banqueiro da Resistência
Cornelis Ritter
Arriscando a família e o futuro, um banqueiro na Amsterdã ocupada reduz a marcha da máquina de guerra nazista criando um banco clandestino para financiar a resistência.
While she fights a heroic battle against the Spanish besieger with her female army, Kenau, driven by hate and sorrow of the execution of her youngest daughter, is threatened to also lose her eldest daughter, because her fear and pain are covered by her stubborn closeness.
The Price of Sugar
van Omhoog
Uma história sobre a vida de duas meias-irmãs no Suriname do século XVIII. Há Lynda, uma colonial branca e proprietária de escravos, e a sua escrava Mini-Mini . Enquanto Lynda está lentamente a ficar amargurada pela vida dura na colónia, Mini-Mini tem a chance da sua própria felicidade. A questão é se ela se atreve a aproveitar essa oportunidade, visto essa felicidade ser à custa da sua senhora e meia-irmã?
Luz do Dia
Sam Dijksman
Iris é advogada, mãe de um menino com autismo e acaba de descobrir que tem um irmão, também autista, que está preso por assassinato. Ela acredita em sua inocência e começa a descobrir um passado perigoso para ela e seu filho.
A Maratona
Quatro mecânicos de automóveis fora de forma decidem participar da maratona de Rotterdam. Se chegarem ao final a tempo, poderão saldar a dívida - caso contrário, perderão a oficina.
A Maratona
Quatro mecânicos de automóveis fora de forma decidem participar da maratona de Rotterdam. Se chegarem ao final a tempo, poderão saldar a dívida - caso contrário, perderão a oficina.
Irmãs gêmeas holandeses viajam para os EUA em busca de sua mãe há muito perdida.
The Gang of Oss
Pastor de Roos
Johanna wants to change her life and quit the criminal gangs of the town of Oss in the 1930s. The harder she tries, the more she is involved.
Sonny Boy
O filme conta a história real de Rika van der Lans, mãe de quatro crianças que se separou do marido após tê-lo flagrado com a empregada da casa. Conhece e se apaixona por Waldemar Nods, jovem sarinamês 17 anos mais jovem e que se hospeda em sua pousada. Eles enfrentam o preconceito racial e a chegada da SS nazista. Filme escolhido pela Holanda para representar o país no Oscar 2012.
New Kids Turbo
Five friends from 'Maaskantje' are getting fired because of the economic crisis. They decide that they won't pay for anything anymore.
O Santo
São Nicolau, mais conhecido como Papai Noel, é um bispo assassino que mata crianças durante a lua cheia da noite de 5 de dezembro.
The Happy Housewife
Lea is an immaculate 30-something wife whose husband’s job in real estate allows her an enviably glossy lifestyle. The word ‘emancipation’ simply isn't in her vocabulary and as long as the money rolls in, all is rosy. So, when Harry Jr. arrives, she is a little traumatized at having to swap canapés for nappies.
The Dark House
A woman tries to escape a stalker by moving with her children to her sister's isolated beach house
Ben van Bommel
Pastry chef Ben van Bommel runs a hitherto successful bakery, but lately run into trouble with the tax service. In order to save his business, he succumbs to criminal temptation. So he's persuaded to bake a cake with a valuable 'secret ingredient': smuggled drugs. Nobody could have foreseen the wide ramifications, such as who ends up saving Ben's bacon.
On 2 December 1975, a journalist is one of many passengers on the slow train that is kidnapped near Wijster by young South Moluccans. After some terrifying moments, he makes contact with the hijackers and starts acting as their go-between. Meanwhile, his wife and daughter, as well as his mistress keep themselves abreast of things through the media. The train hijacking lasts for twelve days and claims a few lives.
Night Run
Dennis is a taxi driver trying to start out his own company. One day, he gets the opportunity to buy a scarce and expensive but lucrative license.
O cinquentão Edgar é um desanimado garçom em um tipo de restaurante espaçoso e impessoal que não existe mais desde o início dos anos 1980. Ele divide seu tempo entre a exigente amante Victoria e sua acamada esposa.
A Thousand Kisses
Rising, rather autobiographical novelist Giph has a hot girlfriend, doctor and model Samarinde. His crude, domineering and progressive mother Ria's suffering an incurable decease in which she suffers from paraplegia. Her inevitably ensuing death is brought forward with euthanasia. Giph is struggling to handle the situation with his mother. Shortly after his mother has passed he away, he decides to join his fun loving friends on La Palma for a holiday. There Samarinde tells her boyfriend she's expecting his baby
Island Guests
"If only these walls could speak and tell us their stories" Based on the same name novel by Vonne van der Meer, the movie is set on the Dutch island Vlieland, telling the diverse stories of the people visiting cottage Duinroos (Dune rose) over the course of the summer. Against the background of the idyllic nature, the individual stories of the guests develop as their relational perils and personal moments of love, desire, loss and trust show the world as it is. Without knowing, and almost imperceptibly, the visitors' lives intertwine and join into one story.
Ten to Two
The lessons of a driving instructor are filmed in documentary style from the back seat of the training car. The rear-view mirrors reflect the faces of the people in the front very well. The instructor is never complimentary to his pupils and always makes the same nasty jokes. The camera keeps close to the dour man. But when at the end of the day he knocks down a boy, his frame of mind is turned topsy-turvy.
Quando a Noite Cai
Van den Brink
Uma forte história com muito suspense. Cinco lindas universitárias vivem uma rotina de muito medo quando um estuprador passa a atacar suas colegas, em um parque próximo à universidade. Para se protegerem elas combinam de pegarem o caminho do parque juntas. Mas tudo muda quando uma delas rompe o trato e se torna mais uma vítima do criminoso. Revoltadas com a incompetência da polícia, elas deixam seus problemas de lado para investigar por conta própria. Evidência, após evidência, e superando todos os riscos descobrem um terrível segredo! O grande desafio para elas será fazer justiça com as próprias mãos ou entregar o estuprador à polícia.
Mr. De Leeuw
Merel is a young girl with a lot of talent. She excels at school, is good on the springboard and is careful too. Her severely handicapped brother Kasper gets a lot of attention. Merel also has talent for singing. It is no surprise that she is asked for the school musical. But maybe Merel is a bit too convinced of herself. When people perform solos, she likes to sing along loudly. This doesn't fall on good ground though. People start ignoring her and she is getting bullied. All of the sudden Merel's life isn't that easy anymore, it will be hard to keep herself together.
Four old college friends in their forties come together in a time of trouble and despair. Old joy relives, but the harsh reality of their problems can't satisfy them and eventually endangers their friendships.
Num dia de inverno Jacob e Marie são deixados para trás numa floresta pelo pai desempregado. Em seu casaco, Jacob encontra um bilhete da mãe clamando para que eles sigam para a casa de um tio na Espanha. Lá eles descobrem que o tio morreu.
Irmãs Gêmeas
Father Rockanje
Aos 6 anos de idade, após a morte dos pais, as gêmeas Anna e Lotte Bamberg são separadas. Anna permanece na Alemanha e cresce em circunstâncias difíceis na fazenda de seu tio Heinrich e da esposa Martha. Já Lotte, doente, é levada para o lar amoroso da família Rockanje, na Holanda. Nos anos que se seguem as irmãs tentam desesperadamente entrar em contato uma com a outra. Finalmente acontece um encontro, quando está prestes a ser deflagrada a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Apesar de felizes por estarem juntas novamente, ambas sentem o peso das diferenças entre elas. Quando se encontram algum tempo depois, após a guerra, o distanciamento é inevitável, devido às experiências diversas que viveram na guerra. E Lotte então deixa claro que pretende banir as lembranças da irmã de sua vida para sempre.
Zus & Zo
Nesta comédia indicada ao Oscar, três irmãs malucas que tentam salvar sua herança de seu irmão supostamente gay, que de repente aparece com o noivo a reboque. Se ele se casar, a vontade do pai estipula que ele fica no hotel da família em Portugal. Então as irmãs deixaram de lado suas diferenças pessoais e decidiram parar o casamento a todo custo.
With Great Joy
Luc Sipkes
By accident, Luc discovers the whereabouts of his brother Ad, who mysteriously disappeared fifteen years before. As it turns out, he is living with Els, secluded from the rest of the world, on a farm. Luc decides to stay a few days, even though he and his wife Mieke are not welcome at first. After a while, Mieke heads home. Also, Luc hears strange sounds coming from a barn at the farm. He decides to investigate the matter. He discovers a secret that Ad and Els have been hiding for years.
Speakers of the Truth
Algerian journalist Sahafi is faced with a dilemma. If he returns to Algeria, he's almost certain to be assassinated. If he takes political asylum in the Netherlands, he is treated like a pariah.
Little Crumb
Vader Keesie
The film is based on the popular Dutch childrens book by Chris van Abkoude. In a Dutch port in 1921 lives a 10-year-old orphan boy known to everyone simply as Little Crumb. His poverty-stricken mother Lize van Dien filled with shame was forced to turn him over to Mrs. Koster soon after he was born. Foster mother Mrs. Koster, who has cared for him since he was a baby, is very poor too, unable to support him by herself and proves to be a cruel taskmaster who insists Crumb bring her money before shell feed him. Somehow he must earn his keep out on the streets and can only go home after he has earned enough money. Crumb becomes an urchin stealing from the streets barrows and the shops to stay alive, sleeping in churches or huddled in doorways. Sometimes he has to run off from the police and he has earned the enmity of the most grownups around him.
The Polish Bride
Henk Woldring
Drama on the dawning love between a Polish woman and a farmer. Anna is forced to work in a brothel, but manages to escape. She's found, exhausted and scared, by Henk (the farmer) who offers her a place to stay, but her past chases her.
Rotterdam, 1920. Um jovem advogado é preso, acusado da morte de um político importante. Ao defender sua inocência perante a polícia, ele conta a história de sua vida, revelando ser o filho bastardo do morto, um homem cruel que sempre o perseguiu. Baseado num clássico da literatura holandesa, cujo estilo remete a Charles Dickens e Franz Kafka.
L'amant de Maman
Emma, an African woman, falls in love with Andrew, a white male. She loves him so much that she decides to abandon her husband and their two children... Seven years later, one of her sons recognizes his mother on the streets of Rotterdam. She recognizes him too and she thinks back to the last week before she left her husband and children.
The Dress
The story of a summer dress and those who have to do with it, especially the train conductor (played by van Warmerdam, the director). The dress functions as catalyst for the whimsical events, which turns out to be either tragic or hilarious.
The Purse Snatcher
Father of Alex
Alex is very close to his elderly grandmother partly because his busy parents seem to have little or no time for him. One day he surprises two boys from his school leaving her house and is shocked to find her tied up inside – they have robbed her! Alex is sworn to secrecy as his gran is worried that her daughter will think her incompetent. This secret leads Alex into trouble as the two boys accost him in the street and bully him into becoming a pickpocket ("tasjesdief") for them, mugging old ladies. Alex learns how to deal with this situation in the end.
1,000 Roses
In a small, unnamed European town the entire population depends upon the local, ailing factory. When American investors arrive, prosperity fever infects the residents.
Feature film.