Mignon Remé

Mignon Remé

Nascimento : 1966-04-13, Wedel, Germany


Mignon Remé


O Homem Ideal
Alma é uma cientista do famoso Museu Pergamon de Berlim. Para obter fundos de pesquisa para seus estudos, ela aceita uma oferta para participar de um experimento extraordinário. Por três semanas, ela deve viver com um robô humanóide com inteligência artificial projetada para permitir que ele se transforme no de seu parceiro de vida ideal. Entra Tom, uma máquina em forma humana, criada para fazê-la feliz.
Katie Fforde - Für immer Mama
Mildred Sheen
1918 Aufstand der Matrosen
Louise Souchon
The Last Berliner
Sabine Görgens
The last un-renovated building in a trendy Berlin neighbourhood is being vacated. The former tenants are moving out, but Dietmar refuses to budge. His son Tobias tries to convince him to move into social housing. However, his father resists and the situation between Tobias, his father, and the building's realtor, who seems to be there by chance, escalates and gets completely out of hand.
Little Red Riding Hood
Frau Schmitz
Year 2032. Ten-year old Luise and her mother Anna live in Germany, a totalitarian state. When a school theatre play, with Luise involved, turns into a brutal propaganda campaign, Anna recognizes the need to protect her daughter. But it might be too late.
Die Insassen
Heiligabend mit Hase
Um Método Perigoso
Jung's Secretary
Dirigido pelo cultuado David Cronenberg, o longa é uma mostra de como a relação entre Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender) e Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen) faz nascer a psicanálise. Aborda a intensa e polêmica relação da dupla com a paciente Sabina Spielrein (Keira Knightley). O filme foi exibido em primeira mão no Festival de Veneza de 2011 e conquistou uma indicação ao Globo de Ouro de Melhor Ator Coadjuvante para Mortensen.
Katie Fforde - Zum Teufel mit David
Melissa Teerpack
Das Leben ist zu lang
Schatten der Gerechtigkeit
Lisa Gallert
Zwei Wochen für uns
Marianne Thieme
Tochter meines Herzens
Ingeborg Bach
I'm The Father
Marco and Melanie, a young married couple, are living a life of passion, chaos, and all the little frustrations of everyday existence. Their love for each other seems like a beacon on heavy seas. But career pressure, burned toast, and dirty laundry are eroding all tenderness, and they never seem to find enough time for their six-year-old son, Benny, either. Their world is about to fall apart when Melanie moves out, taking Benny with her. She files for divorce, and Marco makes a decision that is not only going to change his own life. He suddenly discovers his own unique way of being a father … I’m the Father is a modern portrait of a generation which appears to fail its own ambitions: After all, how do you combine a job, children, love and all the other challenges of everyday life – without giving yourself up in the process? And then what happens when positions become entrenched and a divorce seems inevitable?
St. Pauli Nacht
Sometimes your fate lies in the hands of those you meet. Filled with promising ambitions, shattered dreams, love and revenge and in the end hope, the story reveals how tangibly interconnected our induividual fates really are. Cabby Robby drives in and around St.Pauli, Hamburg, from sunset to sunrise. He is surrounded by stories of the night. Drowning in human incidents.
Nicht ohne meine Eltern
Die Chaos-Queen