Florent Herry

Nascimento : , Morlaix, France


French cinematographer born in Morlaix in 1963. In 1998, Herry started his collaboration with Reha Erdem, one of the most prominent contemporary Turkish directors, as cinematographer on Erdem's first feature Run for Money Turkey's official submission to the 73rd Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Since then, Herry kept working on all the following films directed by Erdem, providing for each of them a very refined and complex visual style which granted him many awards in the best festivals around the world such as Berlinale (Cosmos, 2009 Panorama Section, Jin 2013) and Venice Film Festival (Big Big World, 2016). Besides his successful collaboration with Reha Erdem, Herry has also worked often with documentary filmmaker Pierre Stine mainly in En Terre Inconnue documentary series. Florent Herry is a member of SBC, the Belgian society of cinematographers. IMDb mini bio by yusufpiskin


Director of Photography
Forced to leave the comfort of his middle class lifestyle at his father's behest, fourteen-year-old Ahmet is sent to an all-boys religious dormitory where he must navigate familial expectations, his religious obligations, and the childhood to which he so desperately clings.
Snow and the Bear
A young nurse starts a new assignment in a small isolated village in the farthest reaches of Turkey, a place that seems asleep in an endless winter. A thick layer of snow covers the souls as well as the lands. But under the snow, unspeakable secrets hibernate.
Snow and the Bear
Director of Photography
A young nurse starts a new assignment in a small isolated village in the farthest reaches of Turkey, a place that seems asleep in an endless winter. A thick layer of snow covers the souls as well as the lands. But under the snow, unspeakable secrets hibernate.
Pompei ultima scoperta
Director of Photography
Invisible to the Eye
Director of Photography
The same route after three and a half centuries... A creative documentary following the footsteps of the Ottoman-Armenian intellectual and traveler Eremya Celebi Komurciyan into the cosmopolitan Istanbul of the 17th century. Long before the invention of cinema, Komurciyan situates himself as a subject who observes the city of Istanbul as if he had a camera in hand. Borrowing Komurciyan’s timeless cine-eye, we delve into contemporary Istanbul to capture what is “inaccessible to the human eye” through the remnants of his route.
Big Big World
Director of Photography
Ali e Zuhal tomam o primeiro passo para sair do orfanato para este grande mundo ao cometer um crime. Torna-se impossível para eles agora viver entre as pessoas, e a floresta que os abriga torna-se uma ilha deserta para os dois. Um menino e uma menina que foram expulsos do mundo civilizado, eles se vêem de volta ao longo de toda a história do homem, começando do zero.
Singing Women
An island off the coast of Turkey is about to be evacuated due to a possible earthquake but its inhabitants have been stricken with a mysterious illness, consigning them to an uncertain fate.
Um amargo conflito se desencadeou entre os guerrilheiros eo Exército em regiões curdas da Turquia há mais de 30 anos. Grandes extensões já se tornaram zonas de guerra. Inúmeros jovens perderam suas vidas no conflito. Este país montanhoso perigoso, mas incrivelmente bela é a casa de 17 anos de idade, Jin. Mas ela não é mais seguro desde que ela secretamente roubou longe de um grupo de rebeldes com quem ela estava lutando. Agora ela vagueia a paisagem pitoresca sozinho, preso entre duas frentes. De repente, o som de tiros e explosões rasgar o ar acima da paisagem natural intocada. Desesperada por encontrar a paz, Jin decide fugir para outra parte do país - um plano impossível, uma vez que os militares são omnipresentes e há bloqueios de estradas em toda parte. Sendo curda, sem documentos de identidade, ela corre o risco de detenção em cada turno. Além disso, como uma mulher sem família para protegê-la, muitos homens irão vê-la como uma presa fácil. Mas a coragem dela é inquebrável.
Director of Photography
Kosmos is a thief and a miracle-worker. He appears one morning in a tiny, snowbound border village where he is welcomed with open arms – on account of arriving just in time to resuscitate a small boy who would otherwise have drowned.
My Only Sunshine
Director of Photography
Hayat, her father and bedridden grandfather live in a riverside shack near the dangerously dark but breathtakingly beautiful waters of the Bosphorus. Hayat's father owns a small boat that secures the family's survival through a miscellany of not always lawful ventures. Beyond the motion and romance of the water, Hayat's life is harsh and unrelenting. But Hayat has an instinct for survival. Her capacity for courage, endurance and hope in the face of these trials suggest that there is Life despite the manifold injustices of an unjust world.
Os Tempos e os Ventos
Director of Photography
Numa pequena e pobre aldeia sobranceira às altas montanhas rochosas, os aldeões são pessoas simples e diligentes que lutam para lidar com uma natureza dura. Ganham o sustento da terra e alguns animais que criam. Os pais sempre preferem um de seus filhos. As mães comandam impiedosamente as suas filhas. Ömer, o filho do imã, deseja irremediavelmente a morte de seu pai. Quando ele entende que o pensamento ilusório não tem resultados concretos, começa a procurar maneiras infantis de matar o seu pai. O Yakup está apaixonado pela sua professora, e um dia depois de ver seu pai espiando a professora, ele também sonha, como Ömer, em matar o seu pai. Yıldız estuda e tenta administrar as tarefas domésticas impostas por sua mãe. Ela aprende com irritação sobre os segredos da relação entre homens e mulheres.
Toumai - Urahn der Menschheit
Camera Operator
A Run for Money
Director of Photography
The film is set in present-day Istanbul. Selim is a shop owner in his early forties. He sells clothing for men in his shop situated in one of the back streets of Istanbul. Selim is a family man who has devoted his life to his home and his work. He lives with his wife Ayla, his six-year-old daughter Esma and his old father in a simple flat in and old, modest neighbourhood. He has warm relations with his family. He is an affectionate father. One of his neighbours, a young widow named Nihal tries to seduce Selim, but her flirtation leaves him cold. Selim is known for his honesty and integrity among his family and friends. He is a careful spender. As a little child, he has learned that money is not easily earned. He has no tolerance for petty "trickery" met in daily life. One day, Selim finds a bag full of dollar bills (approximately 500,000$) in a cab. From that day on, Selim finds himself in a bewildered state with a bag full of money on his hands.
Girotondo, giro intorno al mondo
Director of Photography
Angelo is an orphan who grew up with a nomad woman. He reacts to his pain over the death of his best friend for overdose, thanks to the encounter with Serena. She survives being a prostitute, but she has not lost hope. Angelo moves along an axis of characters in a desolate and poetic day without end.