Mac Ahlberg

Mac Ahlberg

Nascimento : 1931-06-12, Ängelholm, Sweden

Morte : 2012-10-26


Mac Arne Bertil Ahlberg was a Swedish photographer, film director and screen writer. He worked in both low-budget genre films and high-budget studio features and series. As a director of photography, Ahlberg shot dozens of features, documentaries and television productions throughout Europe including the five-part documentary “Ingmar Bergman Makes a Movie.” In 1965 he directed his first feature, the Danish erotic film “I, a Woman,” a box office success that spawned two sequels.


Mac Ahlberg


Evil Bong
Director of Photography
A group of stoners inhale more than they bargained for when they smoke from an evil bong in this campy comedy. The guys buy a vintage bong named EeBee from an ad in High Times magazine, but they have no idea the possessed pipe will gradually suck them into a horrifying surreal world. As they fight for their lives, EeBee's former owner (none other than Tommy Chong) -- the only one who understands the power of the bong -- tries to rescue them.
Director of Photography
When a black market antiques deal is botched by a goon and his girlfriend, the mummified remains of an alien they were selling is revived by the blood of the murdered dealer. The blood-hungry mummy is on the run, and stumbles upon an in-patient psychiatric facility that is home to dozens of beautiful, voluptuous nymphomaniacs.
Dr. Moreau's House of Pain
Director of Photography
In a big mansion, a scientist has been experimenting with humans and animals, mixing their DNA together.
Puppet Master: The Legacy
Director of Photography
Peter Hertz tells a woman the past stories about the puppets, but she secretly wants to kill them.
Tratamento de Choque
Director of Photography
Sean (Chris McKenna) é um jovem pintor de paredes, sem rumo, sem passado, nem grandes ambições. Mas tudo começa a mudar radicalmente em sua vida quando ele recebe de seu patrão, Mathews (Daniel Baldwin), uma proposta perturbadora: matar um fiscal da prefeitura, que está interferindo nos negócios da construtora. Por 13 mil dólares, Sean aceita e executa o serviço, sem saber que a partir daquele momento ele passaria a viver um verdadeiro inferno. Aprisionado pelo mandante do crime, passa a receber sucessivas pancadas na cabeça - uma tentativa de fazê-lo perder a memória e esquecer do crime cometido.
Mega Scorpions
Director of Photography
Residents of a half-way house are bombarded by 6 foot long killer scorpions. A horror/comedy homage to the giant mutant bug films of the 1950's. The film was shown at the Frightvision Horror Festival in 2003, but has yet to see release on DVD, Blu-ray, or VOD.
Death Bed
Director of Photography
When Karen and her significant other move to a new apartment, they discover an old antique bed. Karen absolutely loves it and she soon allows it to inspire her artwork. However, a series of disturbing dreams begin to haunt Karen. Eventually she starts to become unhinged and her paranoia overtakes every aspect of her life.
Groom Lake
Director of Photography
When Kate discovers she has a terminal illness, she persuades boyfriend Andy to visit Groom Lake, a reputed hotbed of alien activity, hoping to discover proof of life beyond this terrestrial sphere. Soon, the pair crosses paths with desperate government scientists, eccentric locals and a surprising -- and inspiring --conspiracy of epic proportions.
Air Rage
When a Marine Colonel orders his men to massacre a village they were sent to rescue some hostages but when they found them dead they decide to get some payback. Upon returning to the States the Colonel would be court-martialed and made a plea agreement wherein all the blame is on him and his men would be discharged and receive any benefits they're entitled. But the General presiding over his trial chooses not to agree to the agreement and throws the book at the Colonel and has his men dishonorably discharged thus eliminating all their benefits.
Director of Photography
The website "" has a mysterious secret...anyone who logs onto it winds up dead. After Dez, a web programmer, logs in his girlfriend and others are attacked. Only Dez and a mysterious man named Bradbury can stop the ominous forces intent on ruling the cyber-world.
Director of Photography
While visiting a traveling carnival full of human freaks, high school students nearly join as permanent members.
Director of Photography
An old dog has a hard time learning new tricks in this drama set in Turku. Ari, a paramedic, is a chronic womanizer; he makes it a point of pride to never sleep with the same woman twice, and his nights are a long series of brazen one-night stands. But when Ari meets Tiina (Laura Malmivaara), something unexpected happens - he falls in love. For the first time, Ari finds himself pursuing a long-term relationship, and he makes a genuine effort to remain faithful to her. But old habits die hard; Tiina introduces Ari to her circle of friends and temptation arises as he encounters Hanna-Riikka, a theology student, and Ilona, who is soon to be married. Despite Ari's feelings for Tiina, he begins having affairs with both Hanna-Riikka and Ilona, leading to an unpleasant revelation on the day of Ilona's nuptials. ~ Mark Deming, Allrovi
Director of Photography
A teenaged rapper uses his Gran's magic powders to help him in his revenge against those who put her in the hospital.
O Terno Encantado
Director of Photography
Cinco amigos azarados decidem juntar suas parcas reservas financeiras para comprar um terno encantado. Durante uma noite de muita confusão, eles revezam a utilização do costume, cada qual por uma hora, aprendendo uma lição sobre o valor da amizade.
A Segunda Guerra Civil
Director of Photography
Um avião cheio de crianças que ficaram órfãs por causa da guerra nuclear entre Paquistão e Índia está a caminho de Idaho, EUA. Ao saber disso, o governador Farley (Beau Bridges), que se reelegeu com uma campanha contra a imigração, não hesita e manda fechar as fronteiras do Estado. Na Casa Branca, o presidente discute com seus assessores e dá a Farley 72 horas para voltar atrás - ou as tropas federais vão entrar em ação. Enquanto isso, a rede de TV NewsNet faz um verdadeiro circo em busca de maiores índices de audiência e o veterano jornalista Jim Kalla (James Earl Jones) descobre que Estados vizinhos estão enviando tropas para apoiar o governador. Não demora muito, as diversas minorias apoiam um ou outro lado. E o país fica à beira da segunda guerra civil, enquanto Farley tenta resolver seus problemas com Christina Fernandez (Elizabeth Peña), a repórter de origem mexicana que trabalha na NewsNet com quem ele tem um caso.
A Guerra do Hambúrguer
Director of Photography
Ed e Dexter Reed trabalham na lanchonete Good Burger. Eles precisam enfrentar a concorrência da Mondo Burger, que pretende dominar o mercado local de restaurantes fast food. Eles inventam um molho que faz grande sucesso junto ao público, o que desperta a ira do dono da concorrente.
A Volta da Família Sol, Lá, Si, Dó
Director of Photography
Mike está planejando uma festa surpresa de aniversário de casamento para Carol - até que antigo primeiro marido de Carol, Roy, aparece para sacudir a árvore genealógica da família. Quando Roy leva Carol para uma viagem romântica no Havaí, os Brady partem em uma perseguição - de diversão, sol e aventura de suas vidas.
Piratas do Espaço
Director of Photography
No ano de 2196,John Canyon,ganha a vida transportando mercadorias com a sua pequena nave.Em uma de suas paradas,ele compra uma briga com a Companhia,uma organização dirigida com rédeas de aço.Para sair ileso do conflito,ele concorda em se associar ao jovem Mike Pucci para transportar um contêiner lacrado,cujo conteúdo é um grande mistério.Não demora muito para Canyon perceber que entrou numa fria.
Trapaças no Horário Nobre
Director of Photography
A dramatização da rivalidade entre os apresentadores David Letterman e Jay Leno para serem o sucessor de Johnny Carson, como anfitriões do célebre talk-show "The Tonight Show".
A Família Sol, Lá, Si, Dó
Director of Photography
Retomada da série televisiva 'The Brady Bunch' na qual a família, que ficou presa nos anos 1970, chega aos anos 1990 devendo 20 mil dólares de impostos atrasados. É a exata quantia que o concurso de talentos musicais reserva para seus vencedores.
Um Tira da Pesada 3
Director of Photography
Numa noite em Detroit, Michigan, durante uma batida policial em uma oficina de desmanche de carros, o detetive Axel Foley vê seu chefe, o inspetor Douglas Todd, ser assassinado por um homem bem vestido. Em seu último suspiro, Todd pede a Axel que pegue o homem que atirou nele. Após investigar, Axel acha o veículo do assassino em WonderWorld, um parque temático em Beverly Hills, Califórnia. Já em Beverly Hills, Axel se encontra com o amigo Billy Rosewood, que agora ocupa um cargo importante e tem outro parceiro, Jon Flint, pois John Taggart se aposentou. Axel investiga o WonderWorld, cujo proprietário é Dave Thornton, que sente que algo errado está acontecendo no lugar.
My Breast
Director of Photography
Meredith Baxter plays Joyce Wadler in this heartwarming story of hope, courage and redemption inspired by the New York City journalist's real-life struggle with breast cancer. Stuck in a lackluster relationship with her boyfriend, she's forced to re-examine her life when she receives the troubling diagnosis.
Zona de Perigo
Director of Photography
Um ex-detetive está convencido de que seu pai foi vítima de um assassino em série e decide provar que o culpado é um policial, mas sua caçada obsessiva prejudica sua relação com outro parceiro.
Namorado Gelado, Coração Quente!
Director of Photography
Missy McCloud is the most beautiful girl in school and Johnny Dingle has been in love with her for years. One night, Johnny is killed trying to win her over, and soon he comes back from the dead, and wins Missy's heart.
Inocente Mordida
Director of Photography
Um detetive persegue um gangster e o caso toma enormes proporções quando o criminoso é mordido por um vampiro.
Black or White
Short film accompanying Michael Jackson's Black or White single.
Oscar - Minha Filha quer Casar
Director of Photography
No leito de morte, o pai de um gângster pede a seu filho que vire um homem honesto. Ele decide cumprir a vontade do pai, mas enfrenta problemas. Entre os quais, arranjar um noivo para a filha grávida. Segunda versão cinematográfica da peça de Claude Magnier.
Director of Photography
After her father’s death, Catherine returns to her family’s gothic castle in Italy and gets caught in the web of a mysterious love triangle.
Crash and Burn
Director of Photography
Unicom is a powerful organization overseeing most of the world after its economic collapse. They have banned computers and robots in an attempt to insure "life, liberty, and the pursuit of economic stability". When a Unicom Synth robot infiltrates a southwest TV station and kills the manager, a revolutionary against the gestapo-like corporation, a lowly Unicom delivery man must help the rest of the station survive through the incoming "thermal storm".
Double Your Pleasure
Director of Photography
A television movie about an FBI agent (Jackée) who breaks her leg while trying to capture drug runners, and her identical twin sister (also portrayed by Jackée), a waitress who is enlisted to take her place. Masquerading as a sophisticated financial analyst, the twin is thrust into a dangerous game of organized crime and official corruption with a shady business mogul.
Robot Jox - Os Gladiadores do Futuro
Director of Photography
Após o holocausto nuclear, as guerras são proibidas. As duas superpotências restantes passam a disputar o poder através de uma competição onde robôs gigantes, pilotados por corajosos guerreiros, se enfrentam numa disputa até à morte.
A Casa do Espanto 3
Finalmente, o detetive Lucas McCarthy (Lance Henriksen) consegue prender Max Jenke (Brion James), um assassino diabólico. Ele é executado na cadeira elétrica, porém isso só o transporta para um outro nível de realidade e o assassino jura vingança contra o detetive. E, após a sua morte, ele retorna para infernizar a vida de seu algoz. Agora, a família de Lucas está sendo atacada, ele está à beira da loucura e sua casa assombrada. Será que com a ajuda de um mal-afamado professor, ele conseguirá mandar Max de uma vez por todas para o inferno?
Director of Photography
An intergalactic fighting competition between champions of various worlds has traditionally been won by a species much larger and stronger than humans. Entering the contest, a human finds he has to battle against not just his opponents and his self-doubts, but the corrupt system. Far in the future, on a distant space station, the legendary Arena is where the best fighters from every planet come to vie for the championship. But for over half a century, no Earthling has been good enough to be a contender. Until out of nowhere, comes an underdog: the great human hope, Steve Armstrong... and the best anyone's ever seen. He's been training all his life for a shot at the big time, but now he's up against some mighty big muscle: a ruthless extra-terrestrial crimelord who'll pull no punches to make sure he stops Steve dead. In the mood for hard-hitting sci-fi action? Arena will knock you out!
Abismo do Terror
Director of Photography
A tripulação de uma base nuclear subaquática experimental é forçada a lutar por suas vidas quando suas explorações perturbam uma criatura que ameaça destruir sua base.
The Evil Clergyman
Director of Photography
The first of the "lost" "PULSE POUNDERS" shorts to be restored, "H.P. LOVECRAFT's THE EVIL CLERGYMAN" re-unites horror's hottest duo: Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton! "THE EVIL CLERGYMAN" also stars horror legends David Warner and David Gale (Dr. Hill from "RE-ANIMATOR").
Trancers: City of Lost Angels
Director of Photography
Jack Deth, the super cop from the future, has put away three centuries worth of time traveling criminals. But Deth's most dangerous collar, the ultraviolent assassin Edlin Shock, has escaped from her maximum security holding cell and won't rest until she's exacted revenge. Meanwhile, Deth is trying to make a life for himself as a private eye in 1988 Los Angeles with his hot-blooded girlfriend Lena. Relationship troubles are just the beginning of Deth's problems when he learns that Edlin Shock has followed him back in time.
A Cidade Fantasma
Director of Photography
Pequena cidade dos EUA é ameaçada por série de estranhos assassinatos. O xerife investiga e descobre que a localidade é vítima de antiga maldição e se vê forçado a duelar contra pistoleiro fantasma da época do velho oeste.
Pulse Pounders
Director of Photography
In this 'sequel' anthology, the film offers a TRANCERS sequel written by original creators Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo, a new Lovecraft adaptation THE EVIL CLERGYMAN, featuring Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton, and finally a sequel to THE DUNGEONMASTER.
Duro de Prender
Director of Photography
Uma velha prisão é assombrada pelo fantasma de um homem injustamente executado em 1964. Para vingar sua morte, o espírito do condenado passa a perseguir o novo adminstrador do presídio, responsável por sua morte no passado, aterrorizando guardas e prisioneiros.
A Casa do Espanto 2
Jesse (Arye Gross), o tataraneto do explorador que constuiu a casa, recebe a mansão como herança embora tenha sido nela que seus pais foram mortos quando ele ainda era um bebê. Acreditando que seu tataravô tenha enterrado o produto de seus roubos em algum lugar na casa, com a ajuda de Kate (Lar Par Lincoln) sua namorada e seu amigos Charlie (Jonathan Stark), Jesse inicia sua busca. Mas, ao invés de encontrar um tesouro, ele desenterra seu tataravô (Royal Dano ) e descobre que o velho fora-da-lei usou os poderes de uma caveira de cristal asteca que proporciona a imortalidade a quem a possui. Mas, logo surgem mortos-vivos e zumbis que estão tão determinados a colocar as mãos na poderosa caveira quanto o valeho cadáver em mantê-la consigo... Tem início um arrepiante duelo entre dois feiticeiros, uma série de eventos assustadoramente bizarros.
Director of Photography
A precocious girl, her nasty parents, two punk-rock losers and a weak-kneed salesman inadvertently become the guests of two ghoulish senior citizens in their dark, haunted mansion. The old couple makes and collects dolls that, when not sitting still like good little mannequins, creep around in the night, offing the guests one by one.
Do Além
Director of Photography
Dr. Pretorius (Ted Sorel) e seus colegas estão trabalhando em uma experiência, por meio da estimulação da glândula pineal, querem abrir a mente humana para dimensões superiores. O experimento é bem-sucedido, no entanto, eles são imediatamente atacados por terríveis formas de vida, que aparentemente estão em torno de nós o tempo todo. Quando o Dr. Pretorius é morto por um deles, o Dr. Tillinghast (Jeffrey Combs) sob suspeita pela morte é considerado louco, devido a sua história. Só a psicóloga ambiciosa Dr.ª McMichaels (Barbara Crampton) acredita nele e quer continuar o experimento.
Ghost Warrior
Director of Photography
When skiers in Japan come across the frozen body of centuries-old samurai warrior Yoshimita, scientists secretly whisk the corpse to a high-tech laboratory in California, where they bring him back to life. But when Yoshimita escapes onto the mean streets of 1980s Los Angeles, his ancient and strict code of honor gets him both into and out of trouble. J. Larry Carroll directs this low-budget action fantasy.
A Casa do Espanto
Director of Photography
Roger Cobb (William Katt), é um veterano da guerra do Vietnã cuja carreira como escritor de histórias de horror, sofre uma reviravolta, quando misteriosamente seu filho Jimmy desaparece ao visitar a casa de sua tia. A obcecada procura por seu filho destruiu toda sua carreira como escritor e até mesmo seu casamento, mas agora, com a súbita morte de sua tia, ele retorna a casa onde seu pior pesadelo tem início. Os demoníacos seres que habitam a assustadora casa o forçam a enfrentar uma angustiante jornada ao passado, na qual ele reencontrará seu filho. Roger precisa combater as forças do mal que o assombraram por toda vida, a fim de salvar a ele e a seu filho da morte certa.
Mandroid, O Exterminador
Director of Photography
No início, ele era um ser humano como outro qualquer. Mas quando seu avião cai na floresta mexicana, sua vida como uma pessoa normal chegou ao fim. Encontrado por Abbot Reeves, um diabólico cientista, ele é transformado em um poderoso instrumento de distribuição, metade homem, metade máquina. O homem-andróide.Um dia, Reeves decide acabar com sua invenção e tenta elimina-la. Com a ajuda de uma bela cientista, um mercenário e um misterioso ninja, o homem-andróide parte para sua vingança e tenta impedir que seu diabólico criador prossiga em seus planos de governar o mundo. Os Eliminadores, um filme que vai levar você para uma incrível aventura, cheia de efeitos especiais, na companhia dos guerreiros mais poderosos da Terra.
Re-Animator: A Hora dos Mortos-Vivos
Director of Photography
Ao estilo Frankenstein, Herbert West é um estudante de medicina que desenvolveu um reagente capaz de reanimar criaturas mortas. Ao lado de seu colega de quarto, Dan Cain, West precisa de corpos frescos para continuar suas experiências mórbida. Porém, seu professor, doutor Carl Hill, tem planos de conseguir os créditos da descoberta só para ele... Isso se conseguir manter a cabeça sobre o corpo até o final do filme.
Patrulheiros do Espaço
Director of Photography
American soldiers, led by The Sarge, are stuck behind Nazi enemy lines. As they make their way across the Italian countryside, they come across an alien spaceship that has crash-landed in the woods. The alien pilot is dead, but one of the ship's passengers is on the loose. As the GIs hunt down the alien by splitting into smaller groups, they're not only tracked by the Nazis, but also a whole host of other aliens come to save their stranded party.
Prime Risk
Director of Photography
While siphoning bank funds, computer-wise lovers spot a plot to sink the Federal Reserve.
Director of Photography
Um jovem e sua namorada se mudam para a antiga mansão do homem, onde ele se torna possuído por uma necessidade de controlar demônios antigos.
Trancers: O Policial do Futuro
Director of Photography
Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson) é uma espécie de policial/caçador na sombria Los Angeles do futuro. Ele se tornou obcecado perseguindo criminosos malignos que usam poderes hipnóticos poderosos para converter as pessoas numa espécie de zumbi, criaturas conhecidas como trancers. Um desses criminosos conseguiu escapar através do tempo e está solto em 1980. Mas Deth está no seu encalço.
The Dungeonmaster
Director of Photography
Paul, a computer whiz who spends more time with his machine than with his girlfriend, finds that he has been chosen as a worthy opponent for Mestema, an evil wizard who has spent centuries searching for a challenging foe. After having his computer changed into a wristband weapon, Paul does battle with a variety of monsters before finally coming face to face with the ultimate adversary.
Young Warriors
Director of Photography
After a young woman is gang raped and murdered in a California college town, her brother takes up arms by night with a gang of like-minded vigilantes from his fraternity, brutally punishing any miscreants they catch in a criminal act.
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
Director of Photography
A seeker named Dogen rescues Dhyana after her father is murdered by the evil Jared-Syn. To avenge her father's death, Dogen must find Jared-Syn's hideout in the mysterious "Lost City", but the only person who knows where it is an aging, burned-out seeker named Rhodes. Along the way, they will need to do battle against the hunter Baal and his Cyclopean minions for engaging Jared-Syn in a final encounter.
Chained Heat
Director of Photography
Linda Blair plays Carol, a young woman who must serve 18 months in prison after driving drunk and killing a man. The prison turns out to be brimming with decadence, corruption and sleaze, where the other female inmates are sadistic crack-selling lesbian rapists and the guards and warden are no better.
Minha Professora de Francês
Director of Photography
Bobby Chrystal (Matt Lattanzi) tem problemas com a matéria de língua francesa na escola e seu pai contrata uma professora para ajudá-lo com o idioma. O pai se interessa pela professora, mas ela prefere o seu filho.
Director of Photography
No futuro de 1992, após a Terceira Guerra Mundial, o cientista Paul Dean desenvolve um estranho parasita canibal que, num acidente, acaba entrando dentro do seu próprio corpo, onde passa a crescer. Perseguido por um agente do governo que quer recuperar o parasita, o cientista-hospedeiro passa a fugir de cidade em cidade em busca de uma cura capaz de destruir o monstro sem causar dano a si mesmo.
The Seduction
Director of Photography
A beautiful newscaster is stalked and tormented by a photographer obsessed with her beauty.
Noite Infernal
Director of Photography
Four college pledges are forced to spend the night in a deserted old mansion where they get killed off one by one by the monstrous surviving members of a family massacre years earlier for trespassing on their living grounds.
Loretta is a singer and escort in a mob-owned NYC nightclub and illegal casino. The favorite working girl of manager George, Loretta is unhappy with her current occupation and looking for a way out. George, meanwhile, is losing his stranglehold on the business. Complications arise when Loretta finds herself falling for a man she meets in her off-hours.
Director of Photography
Hard times have fallen on the Transylvanian House of Dracula. To help pay the taxes, Castle Dracula has been converted into the Hotel Transylvania. Dracula himself is aging and toothless, being cared for by his granddaughter Nocturna. When Nocturna books a disco group to play The Claret Room and winds up falling in love with one of the backup guitarists, a mortal named Jimmy, she notices that she is able to see her reflection when she dances, so she decides to follow Jimmy to New York in search of mortality.
Somewhere, Sometime
Director of Photography
Little is known about this probably never released film.
Director of Photography
Molly is in love with Peter. Peter is living a dangerous, violent and depraved upper class life. Peters brother Robin is in love with Molly.
Molly is in love with Peter. Peter is living a dangerous, violent and depraved upper class life. Peters brother Robin is in love with Molly.
Molly is in love with Peter. Peter is living a dangerous, violent and depraved upper class life. Peters brother Robin is in love with Molly.
Bel Ami
A young journalist is given the chance to become the publisher of a hardcore sex magazine. To prove himself worthy, he goes out in pursuit of sexy, erotic stories all over the world, and winds up getting involved in sexual misadventures everywhere he goes.
Bel Ami
A young journalist is given the chance to become the publisher of a hardcore sex magazine. To prove himself worthy, he goes out in pursuit of sexy, erotic stories all over the world, and winds up getting involved in sexual misadventures everywhere he goes.
Justine and Juliette
Justine and Juliette is a modern re-telling of the classic sex tale from the Marquis de Sade. Beautiful actresses Marie Forsa and Anne Bie Warburg play two sisters caught in a web of sex and sensual pleasures.
Justine and Juliette
Justine and Juliette is a modern re-telling of the classic sex tale from the Marquis de Sade. Beautiful actresses Marie Forsa and Anne Bie Warburg play two sisters caught in a web of sex and sensual pleasures.
The young girl Flossie comes straight from a Swiss boarding school to Stockholm where she meets a young embassy clerk, Jack Archer. Together with her friend Eva each tell the other two of previous sexual encounters as well as creating new memories.
The young girl Flossie comes straight from a Swiss boarding school to Stockholm where she meets a young embassy clerk, Jack Archer. Together with her friend Eva each tell the other two of previous sexual encounters as well as creating new memories.
The Second Coming of Eva
Her teenage hormones raging, Eva is obsessed with sex. Her prudish family sends her to an all-girls' boarding school to receive proper moral guidance and forget her sexual obsessions.
The Second Coming of Eva
Her teenage hormones raging, Eva is obsessed with sex. Her prudish family sends her to an all-girls' boarding school to receive proper moral guidance and forget her sexual obsessions.
Around the World with Fanny Hill
In Stockholm, Fanny Hill is tired of being a housewife, and she suspects that her husband Roger, a TV-commercial director who's surrounded by starlets, is cheating on her. So, she sets a trap for him with her friend Monica, files for divorce, and heads to Hollywood, with Monica, to meet film stars. She falls into a film career, with lots of nude scenes, and as it takes her from L.A. to Hong Kong and Venice, Roger follows her, jealous, hoping to win her back. In every city, she acts and she seduces, making comedy out of both; but does her heart still belong to Roger? It's on to Munich to find out.
Around the World with Fanny Hill
In Stockholm, Fanny Hill is tired of being a housewife, and she suspects that her husband Roger, a TV-commercial director who's surrounded by starlets, is cheating on her. So, she sets a trap for him with her friend Monica, files for divorce, and heads to Hollywood, with Monica, to meet film stars. She falls into a film career, with lots of nude scenes, and as it takes her from L.A. to Hong Kong and Venice, Roger follows her, jealous, hoping to win her back. In every city, she acts and she seduces, making comedy out of both; but does her heart still belong to Roger? It's on to Munich to find out.
This adaptation of Emile Zola's novel "NANA," is about the sexual liaisons of a woman who through her relationships with different men, enjoys a life of pleasure and luxury. However, her lavish life-style does not always bring happiness.
This adaptation of Emile Zola's novel "NANA," is about the sexual liaisons of a woman who through her relationships with different men, enjoys a life of pleasure and luxury. However, her lavish life-style does not always bring happiness.
The Daughter: I, a Woman Part III
Director of Photography
The story concerns the sexual awakening of a young woman who is the daughter of a socially conservative and religious Danish couple.
The Daughter: I, a Woman Part III
The story concerns the sexual awakening of a young woman who is the daughter of a socially conservative and religious Danish couple.
Fanny Hill
The classic tale of a young woman's erotic awakening is transplanted to swinging '60s Stockholm...
Fanny Hill
The classic tale of a young woman's erotic awakening is transplanted to swinging '60s Stockholm...
Waltz of Sex
Director of Photography
When a vagrant family arrives to the village Vindinge one hot summer in the 1920's, the parish is spiced up with sex and alcohol. Based on a novel by Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist.
I, a Woman, Part 2
Director of Photography
Newly married to a sexually perverted German millionaire, Siv submits herself to endless degradation before discovering that her husband harbors a diabolical secret.
I, a Woman, Part 2
Newly married to a sexually perverted German millionaire, Siv submits herself to endless degradation before discovering that her husband harbors a diabolical secret.
The Reluctant Sadist
A poor dandy embezzled large sums of money and buys the title Marquis De Sade to impress the upper class. The film premiered as "I am a Marquis."
The Reluctant Sadist
A poor dandy embezzled large sums of money and buys the title Marquis De Sade to impress the upper class. The film premiered as "I am a Marquis."
The journalist Gunnar meets the cancer-patient Seija and love arises. Seija has only a short time left to live. The doctors advice her not to become pregnant, because radiotherapy could harm the fetus. She interrupts the radiotherapy and give later birth a healthy child. Meanwhile, it turns out that pregnancy has cured her cancer.
The Serpent
Director of Photography
During his military service, a man meets a woman who works in the kitchen at the camp and they start a relationship. When the man is out on combat exercises, he becomes a witness to his Sergeant being paralyzed by a snake.
I, A Woman
Liv is a frankly sexual being. She finds herself in a series of sexual relationships with men who, she says, fall too much in love with her and become opressive. Finally she meets a man who is very much like her, but that brings its own problems.
The Bed
A causerie about the bed's history with a mixture of recorded sections and classical music.
The Cats
Director of Photography
A group of women are workmates at a laundry. Rike is spreading a rumor about the manager Marta, a rumor that Marta is a lesbian and that she once tried to seduce Rike. This leads to an explosive situation at the workplace.
Ingmar Bergman Makes a Movie
The year is 1961 and Ingmar Bergman is making a movie. While planted on the scene as apprentice to Bergman, Vilgot Sjöman (director, I Am Curious–Yellow, 1967), suggests to Swedish Television that they take the opportunity to record with the acclaimed director. In August, Sjöman and the television crew begin to capture what would become a comprehensive five-part documentary on the making of Winter Light, offering views of script development, set construction and lighting, rehearsals and editing, as well as intimate conversations with Bergman and members of his cast and crew. Footage from the film’s Swedish premiere delivers immediate audience reactions and the critics’ reviews the following day.
Guest of Reality
A story about a boy named Anders, who lives in an ordinary Swedish family in an apartment at the train station. Through his childhood, he experiences life's glorious scents of beautiful flowers and green forest, close and warm relationships with his grandparents and joyful play with his siblings. He has a strong friendship with his father and a great love for his mother. Still he lives in fear of death. He is afraid of losing all of this that is so valuable to him. In his thoughts and fears, he often turns often God, just as his sister, mother and grandparents, and ask Him for help and protection.
Åke and His World
A melancholic depiction of life in a small Swedish town, seen through the eyes of a six-year-old boy.