Jackie Budin


Vocês Ainda Não Viram Nada
Costume Design
Antoine d’Anthac, célebre dramaturgo, convoca, depois da sua morte, todos os seus amigos que interpretaram a peça Euridíce. Estes actores têm como missão ver uma encenação desta obra por um novo grupo, a Compagnie de la Colombe. O amor, a vida, a morte, o amor depois da morte ainda têm lugar num palco? São eles que têm de decidir. Mas as surpresas ainda agora começaram…
Em Perfeito Desacordo
Costume Design
Abanville d'Alice, famosa atriz de teatro de Londres, e Louis Ruinard, diretor cult francês, foram o casal mais famoso dos anos 70. Os cinco filmes nos quais atuaram juntos fizeram enorme sucesso e tornaram-se cultuados mas a história de amor termina de repente. Trinta anos depois Alice é convidada a entregar um prêmio a Louis quando este vai a Londres filmar uma comédia sobre hipocrisia e frustração.
The Taste of Others
Costume Design
Unpolished and ultra-pragmatic industrialist Jean-Jacques Castella reluctantly attends Racine's tragedy "Berenice" in order to see his niece play a bit part. He is taken with the play's strangely familiar-looking leading lady Clara Devaux. During the course of the show, Castella soon remembers that he once hired and then promptly fired the actress as an English language tutor. He immediately goes out and signs up for language lessons. Thinking that he is nothing but an ill-tempered philistine with bad taste, Clara rejects him until Castella charms her off her feet.
Le sourire du clown
Costume Design
A clown from Romania (Ticky Holgado) has more than amusing tricks for children on his mind -- he has in his possession a computer disc with information wanted by the police, several organized crime figures and the European Agency for Atomic Energy.
Belle Maman
Costume Design
At the altar where he is marrying Séverine, the groom, Antoine, gets his first glimpse of her mother, Léa, and suffers what the French call a coup de foudre which we know as love at first sight.
Amores Parisienses
Costume Design
Odile busca um apartamento novo e maior em Paris. Sua irmã mais nova, guia de turismo que acabou de completar sua tese de doutorado, apaixona-se pelo corretor de imóveis. As histórias se entrelaçam com diálogos citando letras de músicas.
Death in Therapy
Costume Design
Antoine Rivière, a highly-reputed psychoanalyst, is visited by a new patient, Edouard Berg. When Berg claims to have killed his own wife, the doctor suspects he is a compulsive liar. How could he know that he has been caught in a trap and it's already too late for escape?
Highlander 3: O Feiticeiro
Costume Design
No século XVI, Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) visita o feiticeiro Nakano (Mako), que o alerta para o perigo do sanguinário Kane (Mario Van Peebles). O embate entre os dois termina com Kane preso. Quatrocentos anos depois, uma escavação no Japão liberta Kane de sua prisão secular, que ressurge com apenas um desejo: Vingar-se do guerreiro imortal.
Fumar / Não Fumar
Costume Design
"Smoking" and "No Smoking" are two segments of the film which are based on closely connected plays. The original plays covered eight separate stories, which have been pared down to three each for these movies. At a certain point in the story of each segment, the five female characters (all played by Sabine Azema) and the four male characters (all played by Pierre Arditi) have their lives skillfully recapped in terms of "what might have happened" if they had made or failed to make certain choices. For example, "No Smoking" focuses chiefly on the relationship between the mild-mannered Miles Coombes and his infinitely more aggressive and ambitious wife, Rowena.
Lua de Fel
Costume Design
Um casal de ingleses ao fazerem um cruzeiro, conhecem uma bela e jovem francesa casada com um cadeirante. Ao notar o interesse por sua esposa, o cadeirante conta como eles se conheceram e se amaram loucamente.
Mississippi One
Costume Design
A story about a father who kidnaps his daughter and which the director describes as a love story that ended badly.
The Devil, Probably
Costume Design
A group of disillusioned young Parisians look for satisfaction in political activism, religion, romance, music, and drugs.