Alfred Schaaf


Production Design
A cocksure, road-raging family man finds himself pursued and terrorized by the vengeful van driver he chooses to tailgate.
Riphagen the Untouchable
Production Design
A verdadeira história sobre o maior criminoso de guerra da Holanda durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Andries Riphagen. Ele chantageava judeus escondidos e foi responsável por centenas de mortes.
A Fúria
Production Design
Tiny, de língua afiada e imponente, sofre de mysophobia. O sobrinho Albert a ama e, uma vez crescido, ele a confronta, após o que todos os segredos da família finalmente vêm à tona.
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Production Design
Blood, Sweat and Tears is a story about the life of Andre Hazes, a Dutch popular singer. It shows three crucial phases in the life of Hazes: his youth (in the 1960s), his breakthrough (1980s) and the last year of his life (early 2000s).
Sunny Side Up
Production Design
To celebrate their anniversary, a young urban couple spends a weekend on a rural island, only to find its locals don't take too kindly to strangers.
Gift from the Heart
Production Design
Brothers Tom and Niek are running the family's costume rental store. Former soap star Tom doesn't take his job and his relationships very seriously. Niek on the other hand, is a workaholic, which recently led to a separation from his wife Karin. When the brothers are preparing for the busy holiday season, attractive Julia walks through the door with an offer they can't refuse: participating in a bold ad campaign that will rock Dutch holiday traditions to their core. Soon enough, Tom and Niek find themselves in a whirlwind of family issues, national cultural matters and love, after which neither of them will ever be the same.
The Dinner
Production Design
Two brothers and their wives have dinner in a fancy restaurant to discuss their teenage children's misdeeds. An excoriating assessment of Europe’s contemporary social ills.
A Maratona
Production Design
Quatro mecânicos de automóveis fora de forma decidem participar da maratona de Rotterdam. Se chegarem ao final a tempo, poderão saldar a dívida - caso contrário, perderão a oficina.
Black Out
Production Design
Ex-bandido acorda sem memória ao lado de um corpo e agora precisa descobrir o que aconteceu na noite anterior, recuperar a cocaína de um traficante, e salvar a vida de sua namorada.
Production Design
Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his ambulance hurries towards a complicated childbirth, some youths prevent Max from reaching the distressed woman in labour. Spurred on by the emergency and the incendiary words of a TV pundit, he reaches a boiling point and forcefully hits one of the men obstructing his ambulance. Max's strike has far-reaching, unintended consequences.
All the Time in the World
Production Design
When Molly, the 21 year-old sister of Maarten, departs the family home, she leaves her older brother with empty nest syndrome. But it also opens up new opportunities for him, such as the possibility to explore his love for Arthur, a closet gay. Molly and Maarten wrestle with their personal relationships and also their relationship with one another, but fate nevertheless seems determined to strike them both down.
Dennis P.
Production Design
Comedy inspired by the true story of Dennis P, who became Holland's biggest diamond thief, when he walked away with the entire 20 million euros stock of an international diamond trader, using a microwave oven as a swagbag.
Viagem Fantástica
Production Design
Onnoval vive sendo incomodado na escola por Gino e seus amigos, mas se conforta em sua namorada Liselore. Ele costuma viajar para seu próprio mundo imaginário, escrevendo histórias de fantasmas e poemas românticos para expressar seus desejos. Quando Gino chantageia Liselore para que ela o beije, Onnoval acaba vendo a cena do beijo. Descontrolado, Onnoval se vinga de Gino e seus amigos inserindo-os em sua história de fantasmas na qual uma viagem escolar se torna fatal.
Production Design
Ominous short film that confronts the spectator with prejudices about young Moroccans and Turks. Eighteen-year-old Moroccan Khalid leaves the parental home in emotional distress. He breaks into a school to act upon a carefully considered decision.
Production Design
Inspired by true events, a chilling psychological drama. A couple's secret pact takes an unexpected, sinister turn.
Art Direction
Based on a book about an infamous real scandal in the Dutch crime scene, the film aims at exposing the horrors caused by corruption on both sides of the law. A rookie policeman is coerced into obtaining secret information from a childhood friend turned gangster. The childhood friend turns informant. But his revelations are hardly the most important "leaks" in the story. In fact, the new relationship between old friends goes all wrong, and the young policeman becomes increasingly involved in a deadly web of lies, crimes, treason, and revenge, all seemingly out of control.
The Shining Armour
Art Direction
After losing sight of each other for 25 years, the paths of three childhood friends cross paths. It concerns successful conductor Victor Slingeland, successful writer Sander Vastenhout and general practitioner Bert Duprez. Slingeland enjoys a reputation as a womanizer. This intrigues Vastenhout who, as is often the case with authors, is without inspiration. Vastenhout sees the unraveling of Slingeland's complex personality as possible new material for a novel. With the help of Dr. Duprez, Vastenhout tries to find out about Slingeland's secret by imitating his behavior and thus challenging him.
Ivoren wachters
Art Direction
The 17-year old Philip gets in a conflict with his teacher. When he visits his teacher's home to apologize, Philip meets Lida, Frits' girlfriend.
Ivoren wachters
The 17-year old Philip gets in a conflict with his teacher. When he visits his teacher's home to apologize, Philip meets Lida, Frits' girlfriend.
Production Design
Rotterdam, 1920. Um jovem advogado é preso, acusado da morte de um político importante. Ao defender sua inocência perante a polícia, ele conta a história de sua vida, revelando ser o filho bastardo do morto, um homem cruel que sempre o perseguiu. Baseado num clássico da literatura holandesa, cujo estilo remete a Charles Dickens e Franz Kafka.
De Flat
Art Direction
Roos Hartman is a young doctor who lives with her son in a large apartment complex. When a fellow tenant is brutally murdered, the police and Hartman's friends suspect her mysterious neighbour, Eric Coenen. As she becomes romantically involved with Coenen, she doubts he would commit such a crime, but soon she begins to investigate the case further and discovers some startling facts relating to his involvement..
The Northerners
Art Direction
A black comedy set in the 1960s in a small Netherlands community, populated by a cast of eccentrics, all of whom hold a range of sexual obsessions and frustrated desires.