Douglas Sirk

Douglas Sirk

Nascimento : 1897-04-26, Hamburg, Germany

Morte : 1987-01-14


Douglas Sirk (born Hans Detlef Sierck; April 26, 1897 – January 14, 1987) was a German film director best known for his work in Hollywood melodramas in the 1950s.


Douglas Sirk


Daniel Schmid - Le chat qui pense
Self (archive footage)
When director Daniel Schmid grew up, his parents ran a hotel in the Alps, and this singular setting was to influence his film. Rather by coincidence he came to Berlin in the early 1960s and became part of the new German wave. Schmid worked with, among others, Wenders and Fassbinder, for example as an actor in Wender’s The American Friend. He met Ingrid Caven, who was to play a diva in several of his films. This is a documentation of a part of modern European film history and a good analysis of artistry and how it corresponds to the individual behind the camera. A wealth of archival footage brings us close to many directors and actors in Schmid’s circle. If you’ve never seen a Daniel Schmid film, you are sure to want to after watching this portrait of his life.
Acting for Douglas Sirk
The stars and director of 'Written on the Wind' and 'The Tarnished Angels' talk about director Douglas Sirk's techniques. Archival interviews originally appeared in the documentary "Douglas Sirk: Uber Stars" (Eckhart Schmidt, 1980)
Days with Sirk
This documentary brings together a collection of remarkable interview footage with Douglas Sirk filmed in 1982 for the French TV show 'Cinéma cinémas', as well as material from the finished programme.
From UFA to Hollywood: Douglas Sirk Remembers
This 82-minute 1991 documentary by Eckhart Schmidt features a 1980 interview with Douglas Sirk in which he reflects on his career.
Filmarbeit mit Douglas Sirk
Documentary about the shooting of BOURBON STREET BLUES.
Imitation of Life
Portrait of filmmaker Douglas Sirk.
Bourbon Street Blues
An adaptation of Tennessee Williams' "The Lady Larkspur Lotion" created by Douglas Sirk with the assistance of his film students and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It depicts the conflict between a dreamy, delusional heroine and her brusque, practical landlady, who wants to kick her out of her apartment.
Bourbon Street Blues
An adaptation of Tennessee Williams' "The Lady Larkspur Lotion" created by Douglas Sirk with the assistance of his film students and Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It depicts the conflict between a dreamy, delusional heroine and her brusque, practical landlady, who wants to kick her out of her apartment.
Behind the Mirror: A Profile of Douglas Sirk
Television documentary about German-born American director Douglas Sirk.
New Year's Eve
Encouraged by Fassbinder, with whom he became friendly after the then-enfant terrible of the German cinema visited him in Lugano, Sirk also did some teaching during the late 1970s at the film school in Munich, where he made three short films with his students.
New Year's Eve
Encouraged by Fassbinder, with whom he became friendly after the then-enfant terrible of the German cinema visited him in Lugano, Sirk also did some teaching during the late 1970s at the film school in Munich, where he made three short films with his students.
Talk to Me Like the Rain
Imitação da Vida
O ano é 1947 e Lora Meredith (Lana Turner) é uma aspirante a atriz, viúva, que mora com sua sua única filha, Susie (Sandra Dee), e vive ignorando-a, enquanto busca construir uma carreira. Quando ela conhece Annie Johnson (Juanita Moore), uma afrodescendente também viúva e mãe solteira, convida-a a trabalhar na sua casa e criar as filhas das duas juntas. No momento em que Annie e sua filha Sarah Jane (Susan Kohner) se mudam para a casa de Lora, a menina passa a renegar as suas origens: por ter a pele bem mais clara que sua mãe, ela se declara branca para todos. Já Susie se sente rejeitada pela mãe e acaba encontrando conforto nos braços de um homem mais velho (John Gavin).
Amar e Morrer
Em 1944, uma companhia de soldados alemães na frente russa está entorpecida pelos horrores e dificuldades da guerra quando chega o período de licença esperado pelo soldado Ernst Graeber (John Gavin). Na volta para a Alemanha, ele encontra sua casa bombardeada. Enquanto busca desesperadamente por seus pais, ele conhece a adorável Elizabeth Kruse (Lilo Pulver), filha de um prisioneiro político; Juntos, eles tentam resgatar alguma sanidade e chance de sobrevivência desse mundo cheio de ódio.
Almas Maculadas
Na década de 1930, o outrora grande piloto da Primeira Guerra Mundial Roger Shumann atua como um piloto audacioso em shows de acrobacias aéreas, enquanto sua esposa, LaVerne, trabalha como para-quedista. Quando o repórter de jornal Burke Devlin chega para fazer uma história sobre o ato dos Shumanns, ele rapidamente se apaixona pela bela, e negligenciada, LaVerne.
A young woman touring Germany is caught between a married symphony conductor and a doctor from back home.
Hino de uma Consciência
Battle Hymn was inspired by the true story of American minister Dean Hess, played here with rare sensitivity by Rock Hudson. A bomber pilot during World War II, Hess inadvertently releases a bomb which destroys a German orphanage. Tortured by guilt, Hess relocates in Korea after the war to offer his services as a missionary. Combining the best elements of Christianity and Eastern spiritualism, Hess establishes a large home for orphans. The preacher's efforts are threatened when the Korean "police action" breaks out in 1950.
Palavras ao Vento
Mitch Wayne e Kyle Hadley são amigos desde criança. A irmã de Kyle, Marylee, pretende se casar com Mitch. Mas este considera a jovem praticamente uma irmã e na verdade está apaioxonado por Lucy. O problema é que Kyle também está e é ele quem acaba se casando com Lucy, antes mesmo que Mitch pudesse expressar seus sentimentos. Kyle, antes um playboy e bebedor, com o tempo passa a ter mais responsabilidade. Mas então descobre que é estéril e mergulha com tudo na bebida. Marylee, movida pelo ódio de ter sido rejeitada, sugere ao irmão que Mitch e Lucy são amantes. E quando Lucy revela estar grávida, Kyle acusa o amigo Mitch de ser o pai.
Chamas Que Não Se Apagam
When a toy manufacturer feels ignored and unappreciated by his wife and children, he begins to rekindle a past love when a former employee comes back into his life.
Tudo que o Céu Permite
Cary Scott é uma respeitável viúva da alta classe média, que sente-se frustrada, mas reencontra o amor ao se apaixonar por Ron Kirby, seu jardineiro. Apesar de ser 15 anos mais velha e ter um casal de filhos já crescidos, ela decide assumir esta paixão. Entretanto Cary encontra preconceito em vários de seus amigos íntimos e até mesmo nos filhos, que não aceitam que a mãe tenha tal relação.
Sangue Rebelde
Em 1815, Michael Martin torna-se assaltante para apoiar uma sociedade irlandesa revolucionária, o que lhe obriga a fugir como fora-da-lei. Em Dublin, ele encontra o famoso rebelde John Doherty, mais conhecido como “Capitão Thunderbolt” e se torna seu segundo em comando, “Capitão Lightfoot”. Apaixonado pela bela Aga, filha de Doherty, ele levará uma vida perigosa, com capturas, resgates e romance.
Sign of the Pagan
Roman centurion Marcian is captured by Attila the Hun en route to Constantinople, but escapes. On arrival, he finds the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius plotting with Attila to look the other way while the latter marches against Rome. But Marcian gains the favor of Pulcheria, lovely sister of Theodosius, who favors a united Empire.
Sublime Obsessão
Um playboy egoísta apaixonado por uma mulher que parece magoar mais do que ele pretende começa a entender um significado mais profundo do relacionamento deles. Quando o rico e mimado Bob Merrick, tolamente, destrói sua lancha, a equipe de resgate o ressuscita com equipamentos que não estão disponíveis para ajudar um herói local, o Dr. Wayne Phillips, que morre como resultado. O Dr. Phillips havia ajudado muitas pessoas e, quando Merrick descobre o segredo de Phillips, que é doar desinteressadamente e em segredo, ele tenta de maneira desonesta. O resultado aliena ainda mais a viúva de Phillips, Helen, por quem Merrick se apaixonou. A persistência de Merrick causa outra tragédia, e ele deve refazer sua vida, inclusive voltando à faculdade de medicina, na tentativa de fazer as pazes e conquistar seu amor.
Herança Sagrada
Três anos após o final das Guerras Apache, o chefe pacificador Cochise vem a falecer. O seu filho mais velho, Taza (Rock Hudson), também divide com o pai as mesmas idéias sobre a paz entre os povos, mas seu irmão Naiche (Bart Roberts) anseia pela guerra... e também por destronar seu irmão e conseguir o amor de Oona (Barbara Rush). Naiche não perde tempo para começar uma nova briga com o homem branco, e graças ao orgulho desmedido do oficial da cavalaria local, o estopim da guerra finalmente explode. O renegado capturado Gerônimo (Ian MacDonald) logo se junta a eles nessa nova batalha, e ninguém sabe ao certo quem poderá vencer essa guerra que parece nunca ter fim...
Desejo Atroz
In 1910, a wayward mother re-visits the family she deserted.
Take Me to Town
Saloon entertainer Vermilion O'Toole and her former partner in crime Newt Cole escape from a train ride to prison and hide out in logging town Timberline. Meanwhile, the three sons of widower Will Hall come to town in search of a wife for their dad. Vermilion needs to lay low to escape the marshal, so she accepts the boys' offer to visit pioneer community Pine Grove. Once there, she annoys local Mrs. Grundys but eventually starts to fit in.
Meet Me at the Fair
In 1904, Doc Tilbee, medicine show huckster and champion tall-tale teller, gives a ride to a young boy escaped from an orphanage, where bad conditions (the result of political graft) are being investigated by new appointee Zerelda Wing, who doesn't know that her fiancée is one of the politicians responsible. Tad wants to stay with his new friend Doc, who is attracted to Zerelda, to the discomfiture of his old flame Clara...all amid nostalgic musical numbers.
Sinfonia Prateada
When a 1920s millionaire tests the fiber of his Vermont family, a young lady and her boyfriend feel the repercussions.
...E o Noivo Voltou
Alvah, um jovem soldado que vira dono de uma vinha, foge para Las Vegas com Lee, a filha de sua empregada. Mas uma catapora em Alvah acaba adiando a noite de núpcias. O resto do filme gira em torno de mais atrasos para a consumação do casamento, causada pela manipulação da Mama de Lee e do bando de parentes, em sua maioria desagradáveis, ​​com quem Lee encheu a casa.
Week-End with Father
Two single parents shock their children by falling in love.
Thunder on the Hill
Sister Mary presides over a convent where a convicted murderess, who is being escorted to Death Row, is stranded by bad weather. She is slowly becoming convinced that Valerie is innocent so Sister Mary sets about to clear the girl and bring the real killer to justice.
The Lady Pays Off
The naive Evelyn Warren, elected school teacher of the year by Time Magazine, goes to Las Vegas, where she loses a lot of money. In order to pay her debts, casino manager Matt Braddock asks her to take care of his sad little daughter Diana.
The First Legion
A Catholic priest fights against his colleagues' immediate acceptance of an ambiguous “miracle”.
The First Legion
A Catholic priest fights against his colleagues' immediate acceptance of an ambiguous “miracle”.
Mystery Submarine
Posing as an ex-German medical officer, a U. S. Navy Intelligence Officer sets out to rescue a kidnapped scientist, and sink a Nazi submarine, hiding off the coast of South America.
Era Somente Amor
A film director, in bad standing with his studio, tries to turn a local carnival dancer into a "French" movie star and pass her off as his big new discovery
Depois de ter cumprido 5 anos de prisão, por ter matado um homem enquanto defendia seu amante de má reputação Harry (John Baragrey), Jenny Marsh (Patricia Knight) está pronta para a liberdade condicional. Seu oficial de condicional, Griff Marat Cornel Wilde está determinado a fazer Jenny andar na linha. Por falta de outras perspectivas, Griff arruma um emprego para Jenny em sua própria casa, algo totalmente contra os regulamentos. No começo, Jenny ainda tem sentimentos por Harry, mas como Griff mostra mais compaixão e cuidado, ela se apaixona por ele - o que Harry parece encorajar, porque ele tem planos de acabar com Griff e seus sonhos de cargo político, e a situação logo se torna ainda mais perigosa.
Sonha, Meu Amor
A woman wakes up in the middle of the night on board a train, but she can't remember how she got there. Danger and suspense ensue.
Um serial killer em Londres está assassinando jovens mulheres, que encontra através das colunas pessoais de jornais; ele anuncia cada um de seus crimes à polícia, enviando-lhes um poema enigmático. Depois de uma dançarina desaparecer, a polícia convoca uma amiga americana dela, Sandra Carpenter, para responder aos anúncios nas colunas pessoais e assim atrair o assassino.
A Scandal in Paris
A smooth-talking French thief wangles his way into an important position as prefect of police.
Summer Storm
It's a tale of power and passions when a Russian siren, who wants the finer things in life, sinks her hooks into a judge, a decadent aristocrat and an estate superintendent, with surprising results.
Summer Storm
It's a tale of power and passions when a Russian siren, who wants the finer things in life, sinks her hooks into a judge, a decadent aristocrat and an estate superintendent, with surprising results.
Summer Storm
It's a tale of power and passions when a Russian siren, who wants the finer things in life, sinks her hooks into a judge, a decadent aristocrat and an estate superintendent, with surprising results.
O Capanga de Hitler
In 1942, a young paratrooper in the RAF returns to Czechoslovakia to encourage his fellow countrymen to sabotage the German war effort.
Twelve year old 'Boefje' spends most of his time in the alleys, on rooftops and in the harbor of Rotterdam. A local clergyman takes pity on him and attempts to teach him good manners.
Final Accord
A famous violinist enlists in a music school in order to woo one of the students.
La Habanera
While vacationing in Puerto Rico, a young Swedish woman falls in love with and marries a powerful local landowner. Ten years later, their marriage has turned sour; meanwhile, two Swedish doctors have arrived on the island to investigate a mysterious fever.
To New Shores
London 1846. Singer Gloria Vane has a resounding success at the Adelphi Theater. While she throws a brilliant party
To New Shores
London 1846. Singer Gloria Vane has a resounding success at the Adelphi Theater. While she throws a brilliant party
La Chanson du Souvenir
A French-language remake of Douglas Sirk's "The Court Concert" (1936).
La Chanson du Souvenir
A French-language remake of Douglas Sirk's "The Court Concert" (1936).
The Court Concert
Before he became cult director Douglas Sirk, Detlef Sierck cut his teeth on such lavish European star vehicles as Das Hofkonzert (The Court Concert). Marta Eggerth is cast as Christine, a young singer who aspires to find out who her father was. Her odyssey brings her to the court of a mythical kingdom, where she is romanced by handsome lieutenant Walter (Johannes Heesters). He is warned not to lose his heart to a "commoner," but all turns out all right when King Serenissimus (Otto Tressler) turns out to be Christine's long-lost daddy. Hofkonzert was designed as a comeback for Marta Eggerth, whose star had eclipsed by the mid-1930s.
The Court Concert
Before he became cult director Douglas Sirk, Detlef Sierck cut his teeth on such lavish European star vehicles as Das Hofkonzert (The Court Concert). Marta Eggerth is cast as Christine, a young singer who aspires to find out who her father was. Her odyssey brings her to the court of a mythical kingdom, where she is romanced by handsome lieutenant Walter (Johannes Heesters). He is warned not to lose his heart to a "commoner," but all turns out all right when King Serenissimus (Otto Tressler) turns out to be Christine's long-lost daddy. Hofkonzert was designed as a comeback for Marta Eggerth, whose star had eclipsed by the mid-1930s.
Final Accord
After her husband dies, a German woman who gave up her infant for adoption to emigrate to America returns to Germany, discovering that her child is being raised by a married orchestra conductor.
Final Accord
After her husband dies, a German woman who gave up her infant for adoption to emigrate to America returns to Germany, discovering that her child is being raised by a married orchestra conductor.
't Was Eén April
When Mister Vlasman gets promoted from baking bread to making macaroni, he and his wife want to enter high society. They could not be happier when a wealthy baron offers to introduce them into the high class. What they don't realise is that this was all an April Fools' prank. Unfortunately for the pranksters, things get out of hand when a real baron visits the Vlasmans. This film is presumed lost.
Pillars of Society
A man comes back from America after years to find his reputation ruined.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft
A farm boy betrothed to a socialite falls in love with his maid - an impoverished girl from the marsh.
April, April!
Douglas Sirk's first feature film.
Der eingebildete Kranke
Short romantic comedy directed by Douglas Sirk.
Zwei Genies
An early short film by Douglas Sirk (Detlef Sierck) which takes a satirical look at dubious business practices during the Weimar Republic. It was banned under the title "Zwei Genies" but released as "Zwei Windhunde" after revisions were made.
Dreimal Ehe