Jorge is a musician, he gets fired trying to find a melody from the noise of the street, the same day his wife and youngest son died. He must appear sane to take care of his oldest son Lucas, otherwise, he will also lose him.
Rosa chooses her own adventure...
After murdering the teacher she was in love, Silvia will start getting a taste of the thing and does so from a seller of nazis articles. Her classmates, tired to cover it up, decided that they want to get rid of teachers and neighbors too. So they organized murders and burials committees ... While, an incompetent police will try to solve the case of the mysterious disappearances.
A 1 de Abril de 1939, com a entrada em Madrid das tropas de Franco, termina a guerra civil espanhola. Temendo a sangrenta repressão que se avizinhava, muitos republicanos fogem do país mas outros não podem ou não querem, como as jovens raparigas protagonistas desta história verídica. Franco promete que apenas serão castigados os que tenham as mãos manchadas de sangue. E nenhuma dessas raparigas as tem. "13 Rosas" conta a história de treze raparigas, conhecidas como "as menores", que foram fuziladas a 5 de Agosto de 1939 no cemitério de Almudena em Madrid. Uma condenação à morte por uma vingança fundada em meras suspeitas ao terminar a Guerra Civil Espanhola.
Jorge lives in a room without a window, without light, without air, without a way out and with little hope. His father, Andrés, is the doorman of the building. He is about to retire and wants Jorge to keep the job, but Jorge wants to go to university.