Franz Wenzler


Hundert Tage
Der stählerne Strahl
Hans Westmar
Este filme pretende mostrar a história de um soldado especializado chamado Horst Wessel - aqui chamado "Hans Westmar" - que participou de brigas de rua e assassinatos em Berlim nas décadas de 1920 e 1930 contra comunistas e outros opositores dos nacional-socialistas , e foi morto pelos comunistas pouco antes do lançamento deste filme.
Film by Wenzler.
Wenn die Liebe Mode macht
Skandal in der Parkstraße
Marriage with Limited Liability
Though "blessed" with a complex title, which translates as Marriage with Limited Liability, this German comedy was adapted from the more simply titled stage play Causa Kaiser. Composer Georg Kaiser is unable to secure a divorce from his wife, so he "lives in sin" with his singer-sweetheart Causa. The girl's wealthy uncle dies, leaving her millions -- provided she is married to Georg Kaiser. Hoping to take advantage of a legal loophole, Georg seeks out another man named George Kaiser, intending to marry him off to Causa so that she can collect her legacy. Georg Kaiser # 2 is a middle-aged naif who can't understand why his new bride is so cold to him. When he finds out he's been duped by Kaiser #1, Kaiser #2 finds solace in the arms of another woman closer to his own age, which somehow leads to a happy ending for all concerned.
The Night Without Pause
When Julius Seipold's wife Regine becomes suspicious that he is having an affair after discovering incriminating evidence, Julius manages to convince her that it is his innocuous assistant Max who is having a relationship.
The Scoundrel