William Mervyn

William Mervyn

Nascimento : 1912-01-03, Nairobi, Kenya

Morte : 1976-08-06


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   William Mervyn (3 January 1912 – 6 August 1976) was an English actor best known for his portrayal of the Bishop in the clerical comedy All Gas and Gaiters. Description above from the Wikipedia article  William Mervyn, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


William Mervyn


The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones
Tom Jones, filho de empregada doméstica adotado pelo nobre para quem ela trabalhava, agora todo adulto deve fugir de casa quando é escalado por seu primo ciumento. Ele tem várias aventuras e mulheres a caminho da cidade, onde sua possível salvação o aguarda.
A Classe Dominante
Sir Charles Gurney
When the Earl of Gurney dies in a cross-dressing accident, his schizophrenic son, Jack, inherits the Gurney estate. Jack is not the average nobleman; he sings and dances across the estate and thinks he is Jesus reincarnated. Believing that Jack is mentally unfit to own the estate, the Gurney family plots to steal Jack's inheritance. As their outrageous schemes fail, the family strives to cure Jack of his bizarre behavior, with disastrous results.
Up the Front
Lord Twithampton
In Frankie Howerd's third Up... film it's World War I and he plays Lurk, an absolute cowerd, er coward. He's evading the call-up for all he's worth. But one evening he's hypnotised by a drunken hypnotist (Stanley Holloway) into being brave, but he fails to be released from it. So with his yellow streak gone Lurk is down that army office before you can say "titter ye not." Off to war he goes, mingling with sexy spies like Zsa Zsa Gabor and before long, the spellbound recruit is heading hot-foot back to Blighty with the Germans' plan of attack tattooed on his bum, and the Germans are bringing up the rear...! Full of sauce, knowing real-life references and witty remarks to camera, this is a cheeky incorrigible final instalment.
Carry On Henry
Henry VIII has just married Marie of Normandy, and is eager to consummate their marriage. Unfortunately for Henry, she is always eating garlic, and refuses to stop. Deciding to get rid of her in his usual manner, Henry has to find some way of doing it without provoking war with Marie's cousin, the King of France. Perhaps if she had an affair...
Incense for the Damned
Marc Honeydew
A group of friends search for a young English Oxford student who has disappeared whilst researching in Greece. They are shocked to find that, wherever he has been, certain unsolved murders have taken place. Not believing that their friend could be the perpetrator of such acts, they press on with their search, finding him under the spell of a beautiful Vampire, whose blood-sucking methods include the use of sado-masochism. Believing they have killed her, the group return home, unaware that their friend is now a Vampire.
Quando o Coração Bate Mais Forte
Old Gentleman
O filme começa em uma vida feliz, a casa superior confortável de classe média em Londres vitoriana. Uma noite, as três crianças vêem seus usher pai dois desconhecidos em seu estudo. Depois de uma discussão que ele deixa com eles e não retorna. Eles e sua queda mãe em tempos difíceis e, eventualmente, mudar para uma casa de campo no país. Ainda assim, manter o ânimo e encontrar maneiras de ajudar os outros. Fascinado pela ferrovia nas proximidades, eles acenam para os passageiros fielmente todos os dias, e sua vigilância e coragem evitam um acidente. Sua bondade acaba fazendo amizade com algumas pessoas importantes que podem ajudar a resolver o mistério de seu pai desaparecido.
Doutor... Agora É Que São Elas
Lord Paragon
Dr. Nookey is disgraced and sent to a remote island hospital. He is given a secret slimming potion by a member of staff, Gladstone Screwer, and he flies back to England to fame and fortune. But others want to cash in on his good fortunes, and some just want him brought down a peg or two.
The Best House in London
In Victorian London, the British Government attempts a solution to the problem of prostitution by establishing the world's most fabulous brothel.
Walter Perrin
An American agent has tracked down the stronghold of an evil criminal mastermind, determined to take over the world (what, another one ?).
Uma Dupla em Ponto de Bala
Prime Minister
After discovering the body of a murdered female agent in their trendy Soho, London nightclub, groovy owners Charles Salt and Christopher Pepper partake in a fumbling investigation and uncover an evil plot to overthrow the government. Can our cool, yet inept duo stop the bad guys in time?
Carry on Follow That Camel
Sir Cyril Ponsonby
Bertram Oliphant West (also known as Bo West) wants to clear his unjustly smeared reputation. He joins the Foreign Legion, with Simpson his manservant in tow. But the fort they get posted to is full of eccentric legionnaires, and there is trouble brewing with the locals too. Unbeknown to Bo, his lady love has followed him in disguise...
O Golpe do Século
Uncle Edward
Brothers Michael and David Tremayne decide to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, not for criminal purposes, but to make themselves famous.
Bonecas que Matam
Chairman of the Phoenician Board
British agent Bulldog Drummond is assigned to stop a master criminal who uses beautiful women to do his killings.
Doctor Who: The War Machines
Sir Charles Summer
The TARDIS arrives in London in 1966 and the First Doctor and Dodo visit the Post Office Tower. There they meet Professor Brett, whose revolutionary new computer WOTAN (Will Operating Thought ANalogue) can actually think for itself and is shortly to be linked up to other major computers around the world — a project overseen by civil servant Sir Charles Summer.
Operação Crossbow
Dutch Technical Examiner
Em um esforço para saber mais sobre os foguetes alemães V1 e V2, os aliados se infiltram como trabalhadores na fábrica de mísseis nazista em Peenemünde. Os agentes selecionados são todos engenheiros e eles assumem as identidades de indivíduos da vida real que estão mortos ou permitiram. O que eles não sabem é que a missão foi comprometida desde o início pelo fato de que um deles é procurado por assassinato e que um dos candidatos para a missão é na verdade um agente nazista. No final, os dois agentes restantes ajudam a RAF a localizar a fábrica durante uma campanha de bombardeio maciço.
O Regresso da Velha Curiosa
Depois que Miss Jane Marple (Dame Margaret Rutherford) é nomeada curadora de uma embarcação de treinamento da marinha mercante, uma curadora é envenenada e os oficiais do navio são assassinados depois que ela embarca.
Hot Enough for June
Passenger on Plane
A young man travels to Prague to join his new employer, unaware that he is being used as an espionage courier.
Watch It, Sailor!
Ship's Captain
Sailor Albert gets a message from the Navy saying he can't marry for certain unexplained legal reasons. Everyone, including his domineering mother-in-law to be, jumps to the conclusion that there must be another woman involved.
Circo dos Horrores
Dr. Morley
Em 1947, na Inglaterra, um cirurgião plástico deve bater em retirada para a França, quando um de seus pacientes tem problemas horríveis com sua cirurgia. Uma vez lá, ele opera sobre a filha de um dono do circo, deformado por bombas da guerra. Mais tarde, ele se torna o dono do circo, e continua transformando as mulheres desfiguradas para as belas estrelas de seu show. O repórter intrometida (bem como Scotland Yard) da polícia e se interessar quando as mulheres que querem fora do circo começam a morrer em acidentes estranhos, e eles começam a suspeitar o bom médico é responsável.
A Batalha dos Sexos
Detective's Friend
Angela Barrows é uma mulher de negócios comedora de homens, enviada por seu empregador americano para investigar suas oportunidades de exportação em Edimburgo. No caminho, ela conhece Robert MacPherson, um empresário que pede sua ajuda para trazer sua empresa para o século XX. A equipe, liderada por Martin, tem outras ideias - e uma batalha entre os antigos e os novos métodos de negócios logo começa. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Quase Um Criminoso
Capt. Balfour (uncredited)
After falling in love with an American woman, Virginia Killain, who is engaged to another man, British Naval Commander Max Easton, hatches a plan that will get him enough money to support Virginia in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Easton's plan is to disappear for a time making it seem that he has defected to the Soviets taking important Naval secrets from his job at the Admiralty and to return and sue the newspapers for slander. Not everything goes as planned for Commander Easton.
Vidas Íntimas
On marrying the boss's daughter, Richard takes his father-in-law's advice to hire a live-in domestic. He soon finds good help is hard to come by. Run-ins follow with dipsomaniacs, bank robbers, a Welsh lass who takes one look at London and runs, and an Italian charmer who turns the place into a bawdy house. Then when Ingrid arrives from Sweden things actually start to get complicated.
Amanhã Sorrirei Outra Vez
Colonel Buckmaster
Londres, Inglaterra, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Após uma trágica experiência de vida, a jovem Violette Szabo se junta ao Executivo de Operações Especiais e atravessa as linhas inimigas alemãs como agente secreto para ajudar um grupo da Resistência francesa.
Now Let Him Go
Sir Edmund
A world-class painter is taken ill and lies in the bedroom of an inn, while people down below squabble over his paintings and inheritance. The wily old man is unperturbed, even regarding the infernal trumpet sound which plays throughout.
Justiça Final
Manager of Festival Hall
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
Tons of Trouble
Roberts (MI5)
An apartment handyman is unusually attached to a pair of boilers he names "Mavis" and "Ethel."
Conflict of Wings
Mr. Wentworth/Col. Wentworth
In rural Norfolk, villagers are spurred to action when it is announced that the nearby RAF station is taking over the Island of Children, a much-loved and untouched bird sanctuary, for rocket practice.
Four Men in Prison
Part of BFI collection "Police and Thieves."
Stop Press Girl
Cinema Manager (uncredited)
A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.
The Loves of Joanna Godden
Joanna Godden falls heir to a farm when her father dies.