Vladimir Zeldin

Vladimir Zeldin

Nascimento : 1915-02-08, Козлов, Тамбовская губерния, Российская Империя

Morte : 2016-10-31


Vladimir Zeldin


Run Away, Catch, Fall in Love
Boris escapes from his Austrian bride to the North Caucasus, where he becomes a music teacher for local girl Nina. She tries to delay her wedding and Boris in order to help her kidnaps Nina according to the local custom.
Чёртово колесо
Andersen. Life Without Love
Drama based on life and love of a famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.
Park of the Soviet Period
Oleg, the host of a TV show is asked to cover in his show a new ultramodern amusement park called "Park of the Soviet Period". The life in the park is an exaggerated version of the soviet life - pioneers parading, girls selling soda water on the street, socialist banners are everywhere, communist party decisions, free medical procedures, etc. When Oleg falls in love with a nurse he discovers that the rules of the Park forbid any personal contact with the staff, that was trained to live a very different life compared to the life in the world outside. As he fights to gain the heart of the nurse he finds deep flaws in the Utopian atmosphere of the park and decides he must do something about it.
Karnavalnaya Noch 2, ili 50 Let Spustya
Продолжение "Карнавальной ночи" от Эльдара Рязанова. Место действия – тот же Дом Культуры, где праздновали новый год 50 лет назад. Людмила Гурченко снова споет "Пять минут", снова будет прочитана новогодняя лекция, снова год уходящий будет провожаться, а год наступающий – встречаться. Но новое время приводит с собой новых героев, так что все будет по-другому.
Offending Women Is Not Recommended
After her father dies Vera is forced to become a president of his company and continue the business.
Dandelion Wine
мистер Сполдинг
Vasya Rezanyy
In Russia, there has long been a society of billiards, whose members are scattered throughout the country. Many of them have long become millionaires. And they should thank the old school teachers for this. Most of these old people live starving and lonely. In order to somehow brighten up their old age, the new generation of billiards decided to chip in and give their teachers a big mansion, where there will be decent food, good medical care and fresh air. No one refused his share of the contribution, except for an authority by the name of Savitsky. Soon, he completely changes his mind and organizes an ambush on the road, takes away not only his own money, but also his total money. The barely surviving couriers report this to all members of the community. The group comes up with a decent punishment by sending him a professional pool player nicknamed Classic. The bandit will have to fight with a virtuoso who prefers to play for large sums in order to save money.
The Policemen and the Thieves
Temptation of B.
Павел Павлович, он же Князь
The story of a writer who accidentally stumbles across the elixir of immortality and in doing so encounters the small group of immortals who have jealously guarded this secret for centuries. Once the writer has knowledge of this elixir, called 'Mafussalin', the group of five immortals give him a stark choice: either join them, with the price of admission, being a duel to the death between the immortal who accidentally gave the secret away or death at the hands of the group. As the writer makes up his mind, sometimes aided and at other times opposed by the ever shifting alliances from within the group, we discover how the other immortals became this way, their true ages and what they have done with this 'gift'.
Poslednyaya Osen
Начало 80-х годов прошлого века, закат "эры Брежнева"... Сотрудник МУРа честный и неподкупный майор Корнеев расследует дела о разбойных грабежах квартир состоятельных советских граждан. Банда действует явно по чьей-то наводке. В ходе расследования майор неожиданно выходит на крупных милицейских начальников, давно ставших "кунаками" воротил преступного мира...
Канувшее время
Запретная зона.
Ten Little Indians
Old Justice Wargrave
A disturbing psychological thriller based on the classic novel by Agatha Christie. Ten strangers are forced to come face to face with their dark pasts after receiving an anonymous invitation to an isolated island off the coast of England.
госсекретарь США Бирн
30 years after the end of World War II, a Soviet and an American journalist meet again for realizing post war paths of their countries.
Secret of the Blackbirds
Mr. Fortescue, owner of a big company, unexpectedly dies. The autopsy shows that he has been poisoned. Nobody actually loved him, and even his family members had their reasons to kill him. But who really did it? And who is responsable for killing his young servant and his wife within the next couple of days? Of course the only person who can answer this question is Ms. Marple. And of course, the murderer is the person you least expected it to be.
The Woman in White
Frederick Fairlie
A detective-mystery film based on the novel of the same name by Wilkie Collins, which takes place in the middle of the last century in Victorian England. The young aspiring artist gets a place as a teacher of painting on the estate of land-owner Fairlie, where his sisters Marian and Laura become his students. Returning home late in the evening, he unexpectedly meets a strange woman, dressed head-to-toe in white on a deserted road...
судья Феллоуз
The story of the trial of the trade union boss Jack Rafferty. With great force and astute critical insight, corruption and crime are exposed, accompanying the advancement of Western leaders to power.
31st of June
King Meliot / Mr. Dimmock
A lonely journalist in some West European country has a vision about the princess of his city who lived in XII century.
Kind Men
Based on the play of the same name by Leonid Zorin. Gordei Kabachkov, a professional con man, decided to pursue a career in science and was very successful. Having settled in a certain Institute of Ancient Culture, he easily wraps his finger around the numerous "kind men" - members of the academic council - and defends his thesis. Using his "talents" and the kindness of the staff of the Institute of Ancient Culture, Kabachkov makes a rapid take-off on the career ladder...
Inspector Goole
Артур Берлинг
Sudden arrival of a police inspector in the middle of a bourgeois family's dinner party reveals various sordid and shameful secrets that may have contributed to the recent suicide of an impoverished young woman.
The Duenna
A funny musical based on the comedy "The Duenna" by British dramatist Richard B. Sheridan.
Полковник в отставке
Иван Михайлович
Blokada: Operatsiya Iskra
Wilhelm von Leeb
"Iskra" is the codename for the plan of the operation of the Soviet troops to break the blockade of Leningrad. In January 1943, the blockade of Leningrad was broken. A corridor 8-11 km wide was formed between Lake Ladoga and the front line.
Blokada: Leningradskiy metronom
Wilhelm von Leeb
A story about the tragic events in the life of besieged Leningrad from September 1941 to January 1943.
Always with me
The famous scientist, academician and art critic Andrei Ilyin, who survived with the Hermitage staff the harsh trials of the Leningrad blockade, returned to his hometown after many years. The whole life of Ilyin is connected with Leningrad. A life that in the distant years of World War II would have seemed to have no future, but which, despite the unbearable horror of hunger and devastation, continued only in the name of the future ...
На край света...
отец Володи
Страх высоты
Diaghilev (professor and supervisor of Anton Tikhomirov)
We Didn't Learn This
captain of the 1rd rank
The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.
A Center from the Skies
A musical comedy about the basketball team and their new center.
Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian
Wilhelm von Leeb
Autumn 1941. German tank troops are making another attempt to break through to the Uritsk and Pulkovo Heights. During heavy fighting, Soviet troops managed to stop the offensive of fascist tanks one and a half kilometers south of the Pulkovo Observatory. The 900 days of the blockade and the incredible courage of the Soviet people were approaching ...
Бенефис Ларисы Голубкиной
Blokada: Luzhskiy rubezh
Wilhelm von Leeb
In June 1941, the Extraordinary Defense Headquarters of Leningrad, under the leadership of Zhdanov and Voroshilov, decided to build the Luga defensive line. Heavy fighting west of Pskov forced units of the front to withdraw, and on July 9, Pskov was also abandoned. The battles in the Luga direction held back the enemy. The first attacks of the Germans, intending to cross the Luga line on the move, were repulsed with heavy losses for them.
Бенефис Веры Васильевой
Mission in Kabul
major Steveni, military attaché
On the formation of young Soviet diplomacy and the struggle of the mission in Kabul with the internal reaction and representatives of the Western powers for the signing of the Cooperation Agreement. A Russian diplomatic mission was sent to Kabul. The friendly relations between Afghanistan and the young Soviet republic became a real threat to traditional British rule in the East.
Uncle Vanya
Professor Aleksandr Vladimirovich Serebryakov
Serebryakov, a retired professor and his beautiful, much younger second wife, Yeléna, visit their country estate, which funds their urban lifestyle. Vanya, brother of the Professor's first wife, who manages the farm estate, and the local Doctor Astrov, both fall under Yelena's spell, while complaining of the endless ennui of their provincial existence. Astrov is an experienced physician who performs his job conscientiously, but has lost all idealism and spends much of his time drinking. Sofya, the Professor's daughter by his first wife, who works to keep the estate going with her uncle Vanya, meanwhile suffers from lack of esteem over what she sees as her own lack of beauty, and from an unrequited love for Dr. Astrov. Matters are brought to a head when the Professor announces his intention to sell the estate, Vanya and Sofya's home, to achieve a higher income for himself and his wife.
Неоконченная симфония
The Tsar's Bride
Filmed adaptation of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera.
The Taming of the Shrew
Classic adaptation of the even more classic play by William Shakespeare.
Carnival Night
It is the New Year's Eve and the employees of an Economics Institute are ready with their annual New Year's entertainment program. It includes a lot of dancing and singing, jazz band performance and even magic tricks. Suddenly, an announcement is made that a new director has been elected and that he is arriving shortly. Comrade Ogurtsov arrives in time to review and disapprove of the scheduled entertainment. To him, holiday fun has a different meaning. He imagines speakers reading annual reports to show the Institute's progress over the year, and, perhaps, a bit of serious music, something from the Classics, played by the Veterans' Orchestra. Obviously, no one wants to change the program a few hours before the show, much less to replace it with something so boring! Now everyone has to team up in order to prevent Ogurtsov from getting to the stage. As some of them trap Ogurtsov one way or another, others perform their scheduled pieces and celebrate New Year's Eve.
V Kvadrate 45
Boris Nikolaevich Shmelev, saboteur
Недалеко от границы расположилась авиационная база по охране леса. Команда парашютистов-пожарников вылетает на тушение пожара. Новичок Валентин Волгин во время первого же вылета проявляет нерешительность и запаздывает с прыжком. Мучительно переживая первую неудачу, он избегает взглядов симпатичного инструктора Ирины Алеевой, которая оказалась свидетелем его неудачного прыжка. А потом команда получает задание оказать помощь пограничникам, и Валентин после напряженной погони по пылающему лесу настигает и задерживает диверсанта.
Учитель танцев
A man from a poor noble family named Aldemaro falls in love with the daughter of a rich gentleman. He comes up with a pseudonym and introduces himself as a dance teacher in order to get into their house.
Tale of the Siberian Land
Boris Olenich
His right hand having been wounded during the war, concert pianist Andrei Balashov is unable to perform his art. As a result, the young man feels so depressed that he considers his life wasted. One day, he decides to leave the capital and flee from the woman he loves, Natasha, a rising singing star. Andrei takes refuge in Siberia, his native land. Once there, he gets a job in a sawmill, where he entertains his fellow-workers playing the accordion during leisure hours. Some time later, Natasha and her company are expected in America where they are to do a tour. But an airplane breakdown forces the pilot to land next to the village in which Andrei lives and works...
Swineherd and Shepherd
Musahib Gatuyev
They met in Moscow - a shy swineherd Glasha and shepherd Musaib. Long and difficult will be their way to love and a new meeting in this classic Soviet musical comedy.