Nancy Walker
Nascimento : 1922-05-10, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Morte : 1992-03-25
Nancy Walker (May 10, 1922 - March 25, 1992) was an American actress.
(archive footage)
Algumas das estrelas musicais da MGM revisam a história dos musicais dos estúdios. De 'The Hollywood Revue' de 1929 a ' A Lenda dos Beijos Perdidos' de 1954. Dos primeiros talkies musicais a Gene Kelly em 'Cantando na Chuva' de 1952.
A loose biography of seminal disco hit-makers The Village People and their composer Jacques Morali.
God - Mrs. G
Heavenly Mrs. G. (Nancy Walker) will level Las Vegas if an angel (Billy Crystal) cannot find six good people there within a week.
Mrs. Fromberg
Em 1924, Estie Del Ruth vem para Hollywood para se tornar uma atriz, mas o cão, que acompanha, se torna a estrela. Mas Hollywood tem suas próprias regras de sucesso.
Cinco detetives, incluindo Sam Diamond, Sidney Wange Jessica Marbles, são convidados para um jantar no castelo do misterioso Lionel Twain. Lá, eles são informados de que Twain planeja um assassinato no castelo e sem solução à meia-noite. Também, para aquele que decifrar o homicídio, haverá um pagamento de 1 milhão de dólares. Quando o mordomo cego de Twain morre bem antes da meia- noite, os riscos sobem para esses detetives famosos.
Mrs. Jacobs
Loosely based on the true story of the killing of Kitty Genovese: A young woman's murder is witnessed by fifteen of her neighbors who do nothing to help and refuse to cooperate with the police.
Mrs. Bender
Harry Evers and Marvin Ellison have been playing poker Thursday nights with their friends for years. When a disagreement breaks up the game, they decide to continue meeting and doing different things together, instead of staying home with their wives. When the wives find out that the games stopped some time ago, they are a quite upset. Just what have they been doing on Thursday nights.
Mrs. Margie Margolin
After an overnight fling with a man nearly 20 years her junior while vacationing in Greece, Ann Stanley returns to New York assuming she'll never see Peter Latham again. Until, that is, he shows up on her doorstep to take her daughter to a party. Despite her yearning for Peter and the encouragement of her friends and family, Ann initially rebuffs him when he pursues her, but slowly she yields to his charm and her own stifled emotions.
Mrs. Petersen
Nesta comédia da Disney, um para baixo em sua sorte treinador viaja para a África, onde ele vê o maior atleta do mundo – um branco tipo Tarzan.O treinador traz de volta para os E.U.A. para competir.
David's Mother
A male chauvinist architect pressured into hiring a feminist as his assistant finds himself falling for her.
Sheila is a newspaper reporter who returns to her home town in order to write an article about the progress of the liberation of the women. Arriving at the town she is very surprised to see that her sister and also her mother agree very much with the feministic arguments.
A precedent-setting comedy-drama special in which a salesman (Bob Newhart) and a sexologist (Jill St. John) have misadventures with plot development determined by the votes of the studio audience.
This omnibus release consists of three playlets filmed and aired during television's Golden Age, and starring some of the legends of film and television. The collection originally ran as a two-hour segment on December 14, 1959, on the anthology series The Play of the Week, broadcast locally in New York City via the independent radio station WNTA. Each "tale" in the anthology was adapted from a single tale by the inimitable Sholom Aleichem, regarded by many as the "Yiddish Mark Twain". Included are: "A Tale of Chelm" starring Zero Mostel and Nancy Walker in the story of a bookseller attempting to buy a goat; "Bontche Schweig" about a poor man (Jack Gilford) whose recent arrival in Heaven makes the angels cry; and "The High School" about a Jewish merchant (Morris Carnovsky) persuaded by his wife (Gertrude Berg) to let their son attend a particular high school despite the enforcement of quotas for Jewish students.
Flo Neely
Uma trupe teatral de quatro pessoas está trabalhando no hotel, pois eles foram ao caro restaurante do hotel e não tinham dinheiro para pagar a conta! E foram forçados a trabalhar na cozinha. Flo Neely (Nancy Walker) é a única que trabalha como camareira e descobre Dick Carson (Robert Cummings) em sua suíte e faz um teste de improviso para ele. Ele não gosta e a dispensa. Eles insistem e finalmente conseguem fazer um número para o Carson e ele se apaixona por Candy Williams (Doris Day). O título do filme em inglês é porque Candy é totalmente supersticiosa e tromba com coisas ruins o tempo todo, por isso ela se chama Lucky Me, me dê sorte. (traduzido de Rich Wall)
Trixie Jimson
Broadway producer Johnny Demming is only interested in big-name talent and scoffs that his sister, father and other small-time talent could be used in a successful show.
Polly Williams
Rich kid Danny Churchill has a taste for wine, women and song, but not for higher education. So his father ships him to an all-male college out West where there's not supposed to be a female for miles. But before Danny arrives, he spies a pair of legs extending out from under a stalled roadster. They belong to the Dean's granddaughter, Ginger Gray, who is more interested in keeping the financially strapped college open than falling for Danny's romantic line. At least at first...
Nancy - Blind Date
Bud Hooper, a cadet at Winsocki Military Academy, sends an invitation to movie star Lucille Ball to come to Winsocki's big dance. Ball's publicity-hungry agent convinces her to go in order to boost her career. Complications arise when Bud's girlfriend Helen Schlesinger unexpectedly shows up, too.