Adam James

Adam James

Nascimento : , UK


Adam James


Out of the Grey
"Out of the Grey" tells the story of Laura, a pregnant environmental refugee who is forced to leave her haven in the hope of finding medical support and safety for her unborn baby. The film touches on present-day issues such as the cost of living, global warming, and the refugee crisis in an inhospitable world.
The Penitent - A Rational Man
A psychiatrist, Charles, has his career and life become derailed after he refuses to testify on behalf of a former patient who had become clinically violent and unstable, resulting in the deaths of multiple people following a tragic breakdown of his mental complications. The patient then claims that Charles will not testify in court or to the police because the patient is openly part of the LGBT community. Further, the patient claims that Charles has recently gone through a religious conversion in his own personal identity which has resulted in a fully prejudiced reassessment of the gay community as a whole. Charles claims that the basis of these accusations are false and due to a misunderstanding. The resulting recriminations put Charles's entire career at risk and threaten to end his practice permanently.
National Theatre Live: Consent
Why is Justice blind? Is she impartial? Or is she blinkered? Friends take opposing briefs in a rape case. The key witness is a woman whose life seems a world away from theirs. At home, their own lives begin to unravel as every version of the truth is challenged. Nina Raine’s powerful, painful, funny play sifts the evidence from every side and puts justice herself in the dock. Consent received its world premiere in a co-production with Out of Joint at the National Theatre in April 2017. Age recommendation: 15+ (references to rape). This archive recording was captured on 9th May, 2017.
Equipe Assassina
Preso entre sua consciência e sua sobrevivência, quando membros de seu pelotão executam um plano criminoso no deserto desolado do sul do Afeganistão, Andrew deve enfrentar seus, até então, amigos.
Fúria em Alto Mar
Captain Forbes
Dono de métodos próprios nada convencionais, o Comandante Joe Glass (Gerard Butler) é o responsável por liderar uma delicada missão pelas perigosas águas do Mar de Barents à bordo do submarino USS Arkansas. O objetivo da tarefa é monitorar a atividade militar russa na região após outro submarino americano desaparecer naqueles mares. Enquanto isso, a situação política na região se acirra ao ponto de Glass ter de tomar decisões cruciais para impedir que se deflagre um conflito de escala continental entre as duas potências.
Johnny English Volta a Atacar
Esta nova aventura tem início quando um ataque cibernético revela a identidade de todos os agentes secretos britânicos no ativo, deixando Johnny English como a última esperança dos serviços secretos. Chamado de volta da sua reforma, Johnny English entra logo em ação para descobrir o hacker informático responsável pelo ataque. Homem com algumas capacidades e métodos analógicos, Johnny English tem que superar os desafios da tecnologia moderna para ter sucesso nesta missão.
Eric, Ernie and Me
Ernest Maxin
For over a decade, an ex-market stall trader from Liverpool called Eddie Braben wrote the scripts that made the nation take Morecambe and Wise to their hearts. But for Braben, it wasn't all sunshine. Beginning in 1969 with the birth of the 'golden triangle' of Eric, Ernie and Eddie, this film chronicles the grind that pushed the perfectionist Braben to the brink of exhaustion, culminating in the triumphant Christmas Day show of 1977.
Rei Charles III
Prime Minister Tristram Evans
O príncipe Charles esperou toda a sua vida para ascender ao trono britânico. Mas depois da morte da rainha, ele acaba detonando uma crise constitucional.
1066:  A Year to Conquer England
Harold Godwinson
Drama-Documentary in which historian Dan Snow explores the political intrigues and family betrayals between Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Normans that led to the Battle of Hastings.
Um Pouco de Caos
Monsieur De Barra
O Rei Luís XIV incumbe o famoso arquiteto André Le Notre de projetar os jardins do Palácio de Versalhes. Ele contrata a bela e arrojada paisagista Sabine de Barra para auxiliá-lo, dona de um estilo oposto ao seu. Aos poucos as desavenças entre os dois desaparecem, a relação profissional logo torna-se mais íntima e fofocas chegam aos ouvidos da mulher de Le Notre.
Churchill's First World War
Winston Churchill
Drama-documentary about Winston Churchill's extraordinary experiences during the Great War, with intimate letters to his wife Clementine allowing the story to be told largely in his own words. Just 39 and at the peak of his powers running the Royal Navy, Churchill in 1914 dreamt of Napoleonic glory, but suffered a catastrophic fall into disgrace and humiliation over the Dardanelles disaster. The film follows his road to redemption, beginning in the trenches of Flanders in 1916, revealing how he became the 'godfather' of the tank and his forgotten contribution to final victory in 1918 as Minister of Munitions. Dark political intrigue, a passionate love story and remarkable military adventures on land, sea and air combine to show how the Churchill of 1940 was shaped and forged by his experience of the First World War.
Muito Barulho por Nada
Don Pedro
Two young lovers, Claudio and Hero, are to be married imminently but the devious scheming of a resentful Prince looks set to thwart the nuptials. Meanwhile, marriage seems inconceivable for reluctant lovers Beatrice and Benedick whose endless witty sparring threatens to keep them apart forever. Directed by Josie Rourke, Artistic Director of the Donmar Warehouse, Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare’s great plays and reminds us all of the failings and triumphs of the human condition in our never ending search for perfect love.
Sleep With Me
A couple are torn apart when a French woman enters their loves and pulls them into personal a game of lust and obsession.
Doctor Who: O Planeta dos Mortos
DI McMillan
A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.
Tinha Que Ser Você
Josh Hillman
Em Londres para o casamento de sua filha, um compositor de jingles perde o avião para Nova York e, assim, perde o emprego. Enquanto afoga suas mágoas no bar do aeroporto, Harvey conhece Kate, uma funcionária do governo britânico que está presa em um ciclo interminável de trabalho, chamadas de telefone de sua mãe e encontros com homens desconhecidos. A ligação se forma entre o casal infeliz, que em breve se apaixonam.
O Retorno da Maldição - A Mãe das Lágrimas
Michael Pierce
Em Roma, uma bruxa demoníaca, a Mãe das Lágrimas, é acidentalmente liberta. Bruxas de todo mundo vão prestar-lhe homenagem e a jovem Sarah deve usar seus poderes paranormais para impedir que o mundo seja dominado.
Shiny Shiny Bright New Hole in My Heart
Drama about a woman who works as a personal shopper in a glamorous department store who becomes seduced by the opulent lives of her clients, with devastating consequences.
England Expects
The story follows former football hooligan Ray Knight (Steven Mackintosh), a normal everyday family man who works as a security guard at a financial trading company in Canary Wharf, the symbol of corporate wealth which looms high over the impoverished communities below. Newfound social responsibilities are trampled underfoot when Ray's racist past is revived amid tensions between Whites and Asians jostling for position on the council housing list. Among those who are wanting to be rehoused in a new development is Ray's alcoholic ex-wife Sadie (Camille Coduri), and his teenage daughter Nikki (Sadie Thompson). After a failed attempt to rehouse Sadie and Nikki, and soon discovering that Nikki is involved in heroin addiction, Ray's anger drives him to re-join a BNP organisation led by his old friend Larry Knowles (Keith Barron).
Dr. Glen Morrow
Young medical professional couple set out to prove that gender is not a factor in the ability to do a job well. Hilarity ensues as they swap jobs, clothes, and gender, in order to see what life is like from a different perspective.
O Último Batalhão
Nelson Holderman
Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, o jovem advogado nova-iorquino Charles White é promovido a major e enviado ao combate à frente de um batalhão formado por quinhentos outros nova-iorquinos e caipiras do interior do país. O resultado foi a concessão de 3 medalhas de honra.
Assassinato no Expresso-Oriente
William MacQueen
O célebre detetive belga Hercule Poirot é incumbido de desvendar um assassinato ocorrido dentro do luxuoso Expresso Oriente. Contudo, à medida que o confinamento dos passageiros se perpetua fica claro que o crime ocorrido no vagão tem raízes mais sinistras do que ele imaginava.
Sharpe's Regiment
Captain Carline
Told his battalion is to be split up due to lack of recruits at home, Sharpe and Harper return to England to investigate. What should have been a simple query turns politically explosive as they come nearer to exposing profiteering on the home front that could jeopardize the Wellington's war.