Jürgen Holtz

Jürgen Holtz

Nascimento : 1932-08-10, Berlin, Germany


Jürgen Holtz


Alter Geistheiler
Erik tem é própria oficina de moto em uma cidadezinha sonolenta. Ele pode ter a palavra dizendo "canalha" tatuado em seu braço inferior, mas ele ainda cria uma impressão de um bem-comportado médio Joe. Seu relacionamento com sua namorada Julia está indo bem e sua filha Linda gosta muito de seu novo pai. Mas de repente o misterioso Henry aparece e começa a segui-lo como uma sombra sinistra. Quanto mais Erik tenta se livrar de seu diabólico hóspede, mais Henry se intromete em sua vida. Mas então, quando um gangster violento chamado Keitel entra na briga e ameaça não só Erik, mas Julia e Linda, o mundo aparentemente ideal Erik começa a correr fora dos trilhos.
Das System - Alles verstehen heißt alles verzeihen
Freundschaften und andere Neurosen
Herr Kutschera
You're Not Alone
Herr Klotz
Master painter Hans Moll and his wife, the television announcer Ms. Wellinek and her husband, and the German-Russian Jew Yevgenia have many things to live on: food, drink, an apartment. What they do not have is work. They all discover the yearning for a chance to start all over again and bring themselves back to life.
No Commercial Potential
Jürgen Holtz
A short documentary about the making of Ari Folman's film Made In Israel. By featuring interviews with the director Ari Folman and the cast, it takes you to a behind-the-scenes journey from pre-production to shooting, editing, and screening.
Harry Tisch
Adeus, Lênin!
Mr. Ganske
A mãe de Alexander, fiel devota do socialismo na antiga Alemanha Oriental, tem um ataque cardíaco ao ver o filho em uma passeata contra o sistema vigente. Quando ela acorda do coma, após a queda do muro de Berlim, o médico aconselha a Alexander que ela evite emoções fortes, pois outro ataque tão cedo seria fatal. Com o peso na consciência pelo estado atual de sua mãe, Alex faz de tudo para que ela continue vivendo em uma ilusória Alemanha socialista, mudando embalagens de produtos industrializados e até mesmo inventando documentários televisivos para preencher as brechas do dia-a-dia do recente capitalismo no país.
Made in Israel
Egon Schultz
Two pairs of assassins are sent by a holocaust survivor's son to bring the last Nazi for a show trial in Israel.
Opferlamm - zwischen Liebe und Hass
Walter Grosche
Else – Story of a Passionate Woman
Daniel Kirschner
Der Prinzgemahl
Wilhelm Mehrwald
Der rote Schakal
Professor Franke
Der andere Wolanski
Dicke Freunde
Erick Mielke
The Threepenny Opera
Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum
The Threepenny Opera proclaims itself "an opera for beggars," and it was in fact an attempt both to satirize traditional opera and operetta and to create a new kind of musical theater based on the theories of two young German artists, composer Kurt Weill and poet-playwright Bert Brecht. The show opens with a mock-Baroque overture, a nod to Threepenny's source, The Beggar's Opera, a brilliantly successful parody of Handel's operas written by John Gay in 1728. In a brief prologue following the overture, a shabby figure comes onstage with a barrel organ and launches into a song chronicling the crimes of the notorious bandit and womanizer Macheath, "Mack the Knife." The setting is a fair in Soho (London), just before Queen Victoria's coronation. In this production, Weill champion HK Gruber led the Ensemble Modern in a performance of Weill's complete original score, the first time it had been heard in Germany in many years. This production was broadcast on German television (3sat).
Liebe, Tod und Eisenbahn
A horror comedy directed by Gert Steinheimer.
Rosa Luxemburg
Karl Kautsky
Militante marxista, Rosa Luxemburgo foi uma das mais proeminentes representantes do partido social-democrata alemão. Em 1915, ela rompe com a sigla por esta ter apoiado a participação da Alemanha na Primeira Guerra e passa a lutar contra o conflito.
Die letzte Rolle
Karl Tietz
The Airship
Franz Xavier Stannebein, a young boy at the turn of the 20th century, wants to do nothing more than fly. He carries this dream through his years at an orphanage and into adulthood as a merchant in Spain. He eventually invests everything he has into building his own version of an airship. He later meets some industrialists in Germany who want to support his idea, and they ask him to build an airfield in Spain. When he sees the Nazis use the field during the Spanish Civil War, however, he feels betrayed and goes to Germany to protest. There he is thrown into an insane asylum in Leipzig. After WWII, his grandson and other survivors of the family searches for him, only to find the empty asylum... Based on the novel Das Luft-Schiff. Biografische Nachlasse zu den Fantasien meines Grossvaters (1974) by Fritz Rudolf Fries. The non-camera animation in the film was created by internationally known director Lutz Dammbeck.
Suturp - eine Liebesgeschichte
The Light on the Gallows
Europe in 1793. For years, England and France have been at war with each other. Now, France sends three men to the British colony of Jamaica to organize a slave revolt. The envoys are Debuisson, the grandson of a Jamaican rum manufacturer, who knows the island very well, his old friend Sasportas, and the sailor Galloudec. After having established contact with the fragmented rebel groups, they receive the surprising news of Napoleon′s takeover in France. Whereas Debuisson, who by now has gotten used to his role as a rich heir, wants to wait for new instructions from home, his companions are determined to press ahead with the revolt. When a slave kills a British guard, the situation escalates.
Ein Feigenblatt für Kuhle Wampe
Unterm Birnbaum
Abel Hradscheck, the owner of an inn in the Oderbruch country, faces financial ruin. For this state of affairs, Ursula, his wife and former actress, is by no means free of blame. She is a "newcomer" to the area and even after eleven years in the area, still a "stranger". A Cracow company announces that a money-collector is on his way to the innkeeper. Mr. Szulski arrives and the debts are settled - with money supposedly stemming from an inheritance. The next day, Szulski departs but according to the maid and the stable-boy, behaves in a very strange manner. Soon afterwards, his carriage is discovered in the Oder River, but there is no trace of the drowned man. Hradscheck's neighbor starts casting suspicion on the innkeeper. The Counselor of Justice, who heads the investigations has the spot under the pear tree dug out. A dead body is exhumed...
Das zweite Leben des Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow
Dieter Schildt
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow worked for the railways his entire working life. He took up service at the small station of Luege 34 years ago. Now, the line is to be electrified and Platow, who cannot cope with the new technology, has to work on a secondary local line. Georg, his son, a railway worker as well, is to attend a training course, but Georg refuses to go. Then his father comes to a surprising and highly unusual decision. He pretends to be Georg Platow, making himself twenty years younger than he really is and registers for the course.
Sechse kommen durch die Welt
The King of Malabunt has won another war, after decorating himself and his three wooden marshals, he dismisses his army with a low wages. One of his soldiers protest this and is thrown into jail, but he swears to someday return and take all the wealth of the king.
The Little Prince
Adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novella for East German television, produced in 1965/66, not shown until 1972.
The Zernik Murder Case
After meeting the woman on the train Erwin Retzmann kills her in the forest.
Denn ich sah eine neue Erde
Junge Frau von 1914
The Farmer's Clever Daughter
A farmer receives land from the king and discovers a buried golden mortar. He decides to give it to the king out of gratitude, but his clever daughter warns him that the king will surely want him to bring a corresponding pestle as well. When the king throws the farmer into jail for fraud, he bemoans the fact that he did not listen to his daughter.
Red Rowan
The Punch Bowl
It is the 65th birthday of Wilhelm Lehmann, foreman of a chemical company. All members of the large family are expected. Preparations are also being made in the company: Wilhelm is to be awarded the »Labor banner« and, as every year, the sons are responsible for the may bowl. But instead of family members, telegrams with rejections flutter into the house.