The fact that Rudolph Moshammer is a dazzling figure and the most prominent fashion designer in Munich is no longer enough for his silent partners and financiers. So it happens that he is looking for a seductive woman to sell and - to the horror of his mother - brings on the young pedicurist Evi from Augsburg, of all places. With Evi's help, Mosahmmer wins the hearts and purses of the truly rich - if it weren't for his mother, who is scheming in the background. A fictional story that tells of beauty and money, but also of the friendship of two outsiders in Munich in 1983.
Jonathan (Elijah Wood) é um jovem judeu americano, que vai até a Ucrânia em busca da mulher que salvou a vida de seu avô na 2ª Guerra Mundial. Ele é auxiliado nessa viagem por Alex Perchov (Eugene Hutz), um precário tradutor que mais atrapalha do que ajuda, e pelo avô de Alex, um motorista mal-humorado que anda sempre acompanhado de seu fedido e desobediente cachorro, batizado de Sammy Davis Jr. Durante a jornada o inusitado quarteto descobre segredos sobre a ocupação nazista e a cumplicidade do governo ucraniano da época.
In 1990, Alan Levy, Editor in Chief of the Prague Post, proclaimed that Prague was the "Left Bank of the 90s," -- the new European haven for American artists. Levy's herald rang out like a clarion call, summoning expatriate North Americans from Nova Scotia to the Golden Gate.