DeWitt Bodeen

Nascimento : 1908-07-25, Fresno, California, USA

Morte : 1988-03-12


A Marca da Pantera
Após vários anos Irena Gallier, uma sensual e jovem mulher, encontra Paul, seu irmão, e descobre horrorizada que pertencem a uma tribo que, na hora do sexo, se transforma em panteras assassinas. Como está apaixonada, mas ainda é virgem, teme em se transformar quando estiver ao lado do diretor do zoológico Oliver Yates, o homem que ama. Paralelamente é assediada pelo irmão, que diz que a única relação sexual possível que diz que ela pode ter um relacionamento incestuoso com ele, assim como aconteceu os pais deles, que também eram irmãos e carregavam a mesma maldição.
O Vingador dos Mares
Billy Budd (Terence Stamp) é um marinheiro inocente e ingênuo da Marinha Britânica em 1797. Quando o sádico mestre de armas do navio é assassinado, Billy é acusado e julgado. O H.M.S. Vingador está indo para a batalha contra a frota francesa durante as Guerras Napoleônicas, e a sombra escura de dois recentes motins na frota inglesa preocupa o capitão Vere (Sir Peter Ustinov). Ele confia em seu cruel e muitas vezes sádico mestre de armas John Claggert (Robert Ryan) para manter o que ele acredita ser ordem e disciplina a bordo do navio. Quando um novo marinheiro, Billy Budd (Terence Stamp), é pressionado a prestar serviço, sua atitude inocente e feliz rapidamente conquista seus companheiros e os oficiais. No entanto, isso parece incomodar Claggert, que fica ressentido, especialmente após a promoção de Billy ao posto de Capitão do Cesto de Gávea. Então Claggert planeja injustamente denunciá-lo e, por fim, mente quando acusa Billy de conspirar com motim. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
12 to the Moon
A group of twelve international scientists are the first to land on the moon. In their exploration of the surface, they run into all kinds of trouble, including threatening messages from alien life forms residing on the moon. Just a short nine years before the historic moon landing, this film's understanding of the science of space exploration is fantastically simplistic, but this well-made science fiction film holds interest with a strong cast and intriguingly strange events, photographed with great style by John Alton. Ken Clark, Michi Kobi, Tom Conway, John Wengraf, and Robert Montgomery Jr. portray the intrepid scientists.
The Girl In The Kremlin
In Moscow 1953, four terrified women prisoners are brought before Joseph Stalin, who chooses the beautiful Dasha. He punishes her by shaving off her long hair. Moments later, a plastic surgeon leads Stalin into the operating room and transforms his face so that he is unrecognizable. He vanishes, but OSS agent Steve Anderson searches for him in Europe.
Mrs. Mike
This film is based on the novel, Mrs. Mike, which is based on the real life woman, Kathy O'Fallon Flannigan. A Boston teenager is sent to live with her uncle in frontier Canada because of her fragile health. She eventually falls in love with own of the few-if only-young, white males in the region. They marry and depart for the northern wilderness to set up house and home. The rest of the movie is about her struggles and joys of living and travelling in this rugged country.
The Miracle of the Bells
Additional Dialogue
The body of a young actress is brought to her home town by the man who loved her. He knows that she wanted all the church bells to ring for three days after she was buried, but is told that this will cost a lot of money. The checks that he writes to the various churches all bounce, but it is the weekend and, in desperation, he prays that a miracle will happen before the banks reopen. It does, but not in the way he hoped.
I Remember Mama
Norwegian immigrant Marta Hanson keeps a firm but loving hand on her household of four children, a devoted husband and a highly-educated lodger who reads great literature to the family every evening. Through financial crises, illnesses and the small triumphs of everyday life, Marta maintains her optimism and sense of humor, traits she passes on to her aspiring-author daughter, Katrin.
Night Song
A socialite pretends to be poor and blind in her plan to help a blinded pianist.
The Enchanted Cottage
A homely maid and a scarred ex-GI meet at the cottage where she works and where he was to spend his honeymoon prior to his accident. The two develop a bond and agree to marry, more out of loneliness than love. The romantic spirit of the cottage, however, overtakes them. They soon begin to look beautiful to each other, but no one else.
A Maldição da Pantera
Amy, the young, friendless daughter of Oliver and Alice Reed, befriends her father's late first wife and an aging, reclusive actress.
O Canário Amarelo
A socialite poses as a Nazi spy to mask her activities as a British agent.
A Sétima Vítima
Quando sua irmã mais velha Jacqueline desaparece, Mary Gibson é forçada a deixar sua escola particular e viajar para Nova Iorque para procurar por ela. Ingênua, ela não está completamente certa de como encontrá-la. Eventualmente ela conhece Gregory Ward, marido da irmã e um misterioso psiquiatra, Dr. Louis Judd que afirma saber o paradeiro de Jacqueline. O que ela não percebe é que sua irmã se envolveu com adoradores do diabo que agora querem eliminar-lhe por ter revelado a sua existência.
A Pantera
Serbian fashion designer Irena Dubrovna and American marine engineer Oliver Reed meet in Central Park, fall in love, and marry after a brief courtship; but Irena won't consummate the union for fear that she will turn into a panther compelled to kill her lover, pursuant to a belief harbored by her home village.