Charles W. Fries

Nascimento : 1953-09-15,


Charles W. Fries is an American film and television producer. He formed Charles Fries Productions in 1974.


A Iniciação de Sarah
Executive Producer
A sorority girl unwittingly becomes the focus of a battle between good and evil.
Assassinos Cibernéticos
Executive Producer
A história se passa no ano de 2078, no planeta Sirius 6B, local de minas de exploração de metal. Após ano de guerra contra N.E.B., os mineiros e cientistas criaram uma aliança e construiram os “screamers”, robôs com inteligência artificial, pequenos e velozes. Mas essa arma começa a se desenvolver independente do controle humano, e inicia uma nova missão: acabar com toda forma de vida.
Woman on the Ledge
Executive Producer
Three longtime friends each struggle with a major life crisis threatening to destroy her.
Missão Tubarão: A Saga do Navio Indianápolis
Executive Producer
True story of the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, its crew's struggle to survive the sharks and exposure, and the captain's scape-goat court-martial.
Estranha Vingança
Executive Producer
Daniel Emerson é absolvido do estupro da pianista clássica Gaily Morton, e parte da culpa pela absolvição está no testemunho dos amigos de Daniel Norman, Oscar, Toby e Craig, que todos ajudaram Daniel a estuprar Gaily. Ainda devastada pelo estupro e incapaz de lidar com a absolvição, Gaily comete suicídio pulando do topo do prédio da corte assim que o julgamento termina, para horror de seu irmão Albert, que é um cientista. Cinco anos depois, Daniel tornou Norman, Oscar, Toby e Craig parceiros em seus negócios, o que força os proprietários e suas casas a sair do caminho para abrir caminho para desenvolvimentos maiores. A essa altura, depois de cinco anos trabalhando com o corpo de Gaily, Albert transformou Gaily em um ciborgue que está programado para se vingar de Daniel, Norman, Oscar, Toby e Craig.
Executive Producer
Two aliens arrive on Earth trying to kill each other. This is not easy, since they seem to be able to regenerate lost body parts and survive bullet wounds. Both of them happen to meet a young pathologist Dori Caisson, and each alien tells her that he is a peacemaker (an intergalactic cop) and that the other one is a bad guy. Whom can she trust?
Phantom of the Mall: Eric's Revenge
Executive Producer
A young man named Eric apparently dies in a suspicious house fire after saving his girlfriend, Melody. One year later, a new mall is constructed atop where Eric's house once stood, where a shadowy, uninvited guest is preying on the mall's crooked developers.
O Sacrifício Final
Executive Producer
A peculiar and disturbing case catches the attention of the police when a young mother and her children, all severely injured, show up in a hospital's emergency room.
The Neon Empire
Executive Producer
New York mobster Junior Moloff begins plans to transform Las Vegas into a mecca of prostitution and gambling.
The Case of the Hillside Stranglers
Executive Producer
The chilling true story of the "two of a kind" killing cousins, Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, better known as the Hillside Stranglers.
Confusões em Beverly Hills
Executive Producer
Com uma vida cercada de luxo e dinheiro, Phyllis Nefler é uma dondoca de Beverly Hills, mas está disposta a provar ao marido que não é um poço de futilidade. Para isso, ela se torna a líder do grupo de bandeirantes do qual sua filha adolescente faz parte. Em excursões por Los Angeles, ela e as garotas descobrem que existem coisas mais interessantes do que fazer compras, ir ao salão de beleza e desfilar com roupas de grife.
Comando de Heróis
Executive Producer
A Marine patrol stops at Firebase Gloria at the start of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam war. With the firebase attacked, the patrol remains to help defend it. The Marines barely hold off the VC (Viet Cong), but in the end, hold the base.
Grievous Bodily Harm
Executive Producer
A schoolteacher (John Waters) becomes obsessed with the idea that his wife (Joy Bell) did not die in a car accident, as everyone else thinks.
Double Standard
Executive Producer
The true story of a judge who lives a double life, and stays married to two women for more than 15 years.
Drop-Out Mother
Executive Producer
A successful female executive makes the transition from big business to becoming housewife and mom.
O Jardim dos Esquecidos
Executive Producer
Após a morte de seu marido, uma mãe leva seus filhos para morar com os avós em uma enorme e decrépita mansão. No entanto, as crianças são mantidas escondidas em um quarto logo abaixo do sótão, visitadas apenas por sua mãe, que se torna cada vez menos preocupada com eles e sua saúde debilitada, e mais preocupada consigo mesma e com a herança que ela planeja reconquistar de seu pai moribundo .
Deep Dark Secrets
Executive Producer
A woman finds hidden truths when her husband disappears and is presumed dead.
Luta Pela Vida
Executive Producer
Jerry Lewis plays an Ohio optometrist who has a six-year old daughter with epilepsy. He fights to get the FDA to approve a drug (at that time only available in England) for use in the U.S.
Executive Producer
History professor Scott McKenzie makes an anachronistic discovery in a photograph from the Old West and he is soon joined by beautiful time-traveler Georgia in a time-skipping adventure to stop her colleague from the future from erasing her from existence.
Em Ritmo de Skate
Executive Producer
Na Califórnia, onde será realizado um campeonato de skate chamado de 'O Massacre', Corey Webster conhece Chrissy em uma festa e fica com ela. Mas a moça é irmã do líder da turma adversária e a luta entre os dois é inevitável e vai ser sobre skates, com cacetes de borracha e numa estrada deserta
Chuva de Chumbo
No aeroporto, jovem troca, acidentalmente, sua mala pela de um traficante, contendo milhões de dólares em drogas. A polícia e o criminoso perseguem o rapaz, que encontra em uma atriz a única aliada para provar sua inocência.
Executive Producer
The Charters family falls into despair over their drug-addicted son Gary. They discuss his problems through the "Toughlove" program in searching for answers.
Executive Producer
In this made-for-TV drama, Angie Dickinson stars in three separate vignettes as a woman whose life is dramatically affected by the emotion that gives the film its name.
Crimes em Chicago
Executive Producer
A musician living in an apartment building likes to check out the residents of the building opposite him--until he finds out one day that an attractive woman in that building is checking him out. He strikes up a relationship with her. Soon afterwards a string of serial killings occurs in the neighborhood, and suspicion begins to fall on the musician.
Executive Producer
Four strangers are thrown together in a carpool when a bag of money, almost a million dollars, falls from a Brinks truck into their path. Because of circumstances, they are unable to turn in the money, and they struggle over what to do. They are pursued by thieves, the mob, and the police.
Executive Producer
Nominated for two primetime Emmy Awards in 1984, this made-for-TV movie follows the true story of American boxer Jack Dempsey, who became a media sensation in the 1920s as the world heavyweight champion. Based upon the book by Jack Dempsey and Barbara Piatelli Dempsey.
Cocaine: One Man's Seduction
Executive Producer
A 47 year old real estate salesman gets trapped in the insidious web of cocaine addiction.
A Marca da Pantera
Após vários anos Irena Gallier, uma sensual e jovem mulher, encontra Paul, seu irmão, e descobre horrorizada que pertencem a uma tribo que, na hora do sexo, se transforma em panteras assassinas. Como está apaixonada, mas ainda é virgem, teme em se transformar quando estiver ao lado do diretor do zoológico Oliver Yates, o homem que ama. Paralelamente é assediada pelo irmão, que diz que a única relação sexual possível que diz que ela pode ter um relacionamento incestuoso com ele, assim como aconteceu os pais deles, que também eram irmãos e carregavam a mesma maldição.
The Ambush Murders
Executive Producer
An African-American political activist is wrongfully imprisoned for killing two white policemen; he is unwary of yet another white lawyer who claims that he will help free him.
Executive Producer
Best friends compete for the title of "Miss Twirl" (similar to a Miss America contest with the primary category of competition being (what else?) twirling!). The real test, however, is whether their friendship will survive through the contest with the pressure and interference from their parents to win.
Spider-Man: The Dragon's Challenge
Executive Producer
Spider-Man goes to China to help an official accused of World War II treachery. Two episodes of the TV series "Spider Man" edited together and released as a feature.
Bitter Harvest
Executive Producer
A farmer's herd sickens and dies, then his family and neighbors fall ill, so he bucks the state agricultural establishment as he pursues the politically-explosive investigation of how his farm, family, and friends came to be poisoned.
A Alegria Não Pode Parar
Executive Producer
Baseado em uma história real, Mickey Rooney interpreta o palhaço Jack Thum. Thum e sua esposa cuidaram de dezenas de crianças indesejadas. Quando Thum percebe que ele tem um câncer terminal, ele desmorona e sua esposa deve ajudá-lo a recuperar sua força inata e lidar com a realidade.
High Noon, Part II: The Return of Will Kane
Executive Producer
Former Marshal Will Kane and his Amish bride, Amy, return to Hadleyville a year after he resigned and find the town in the grip of a bounty-hunting marshal and his two trigger-happy deputies.
A Cry for Love
Executive Producer
Divorcee Susan Blakely, with no alimony and two kids to support, begins turning to amphetamines. While at her lowest ebb, she meets an alcoholic and three-time loser in marriage -- who, incredibly, turns out to be the ideal man!
The Children of An Lac
Executive Producer
Based on the true story of film actress Ina Balin and her efforts with American Red Cross volunteer Betty Tisdale, as well as a compassionate Vietnamese woman running a Saigon orphanage, to rescue as many children as possible and fly them out of the country before South Vietnam's fall in the spring of 1975 through the An Lac baby-lift.
For the Love of It
Executive Producer
An entrepreneur discovers a Russian plan for taking over the Middle East. He wants to use it to create a new video game but the KGB, the CIA and the FBI have different ideas.
Executive Producer
In an attempt to be rehabilitated, a rapist goes to therapy while in prison.
The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan
Executive Producer
Hoping to repair their marriage, Jennie Logan and her husband move into a beautiful Victorian manor. When Jennie tries on an antique dress she finds in the attic, she is transported back one hundred years, where she meets the house's previous owner, David. As her feelings for David grow, it becomes clear that Jennie is not only torn between two men and two times, but she also faces danger in both worlds.
The House on Garibaldi Street
Executive Producer
When Israeli officials learn that Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann may be living in Argentina, they send a team of secret agents to apprehend him.
Executive Producer
After an innocent country girl is violently raped, her family is killed in a car accident before she can come to terms with what happened. As her feelings of shame grow into self-degradation, she turns to prostitution
E seu nome é Jonas
Executive Producer
Depois de passar três anos em uma instituição para deficientes intelectuais, menino tem diagnóstico de que possui apenas surdez e assim família busca aprender a se comunicar usando a língua de sinais
Spider-Man Strikes Back
Executive Producer
At the New York State University, one of Peter Parker's tutors has accidentally given three students all the materials they need to create an atomic bomb. While Peter Parker tries to find out what's happened, the police suspect him of the crime, and Peter has to deal with an attractive journalist determined to get an interview with Spider-Man. Then dastardly millionaire Mr. White shows up, and will stop at nothing to get his hands on the atomic bomb. Spider-Man must defeat this scheming villain and stop him blowing up the World Trade Centre.
Um Anjo em Apuros
Executive Producer
Heavenly Mrs. G. (Nancy Walker) will level Las Vegas if an angel (Billy Crystal) cannot find six good people there within a week.
Are You in the House Alone?
Executive Producer
A beautiful high school student becomes the target of a terror campaign that eventually leads to devastating consequences.
Executive Producer
Peter Parker é um jovem comum como qualquer outro, mas quando uma Aranha Radioativa o pica, ele ganha Super Poderes! Seu primeiro inimigo é um Homem que Hipnotiza as pessoas para cometerem suicídio, e apenas o Homem Aranha pode detê-lo.
Night Cries
Executive Producer
A young woman whose baby died in childbirth refuses to believe it and has dreams that her child is still alive and in danger. A scientist who is conducting experiments about dreams tries to help her.
A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story
Executive Producer
Legendary ballplayer and humanitarian Lou Gehrig and his relationship with his stalwart wife, Eleanor, are portrayed in this film that focuses on the Hall of Famer's life off the baseball field. Featuring unflinching looks at the Gehrigs' relationship, as well as Lou's feud with Babe Ruth. This film is for anyone interested in baseball. [imdb]
Intimate Strangers
Executive Producer
The pressures of problems at home and at work are taking a tremendous toll on a middle-aged husband, and he begins to take it out on his wife.
Halloween with the Addams Family
Executive Producer
The original TV Addams Family members prepare for Halloween.
The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald
Executive Producer
The bizarre story behind the man accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy and what might have happened had he been brought to trial.
Executive Producer
Story of the various joys and crises of neighbors who share terraces in a high-rise apartment building.
The Spell
Executive Producer
A distraught mother must cope with her embittered daughter who has the ability to cause "accidents" to happen.
Night Terror
Executive Producer
A housewife flees from a policeman's killer on the road between Phoenix and Denver.
Stalk the Wild Child
Executive Producer
A young boy who had been abandoned as a child and raised by wild dogs is taken to a university where a team attempts to teach him civilized behavior.
The Million Dollar Rip-Off
Executive Producer
An electronics genius, who is an ex-con, and four of his lady friends devise a plot to steal millions of dollars from the Chicago Transit Authority. A detective, who had been keeping tabs on him since he got out of prison, suspects that he is up to something and tries to catch him at it.
Twin Detectives
Executive Producer
Identical twin brothers who own a detective agency hatch a plan to expose a phony group of psychics, but soon find themselves involved in a murder.
Hey, I'm Alive
Executive Producer
After their plane crashes, an older man and a young woman survive 49 days lost in the Yukon.
Someone I Touched
Executive Producer
A woman learns that her husband has been unfaithful and that he has acquired a venereal disease. Then she learns that, after years of trying, she is finally pregnant
The Secret Night Caller
Executive Producer
A man who is the pillar of his community has a secret - he has a compulsion to make obscene telephone calls.
The Hatfields and the McCoys
Executive Producer
A retelling of the famous feud between two mountain families, the Hatfields and the McCoys, in rural Kentucky in the late 1800s.
Executive Producer
Wealthy widow Helen Mercer hires a young woman, Gretchen Addison, to act as her personal assistant and companion. Unfortunately, Helen is a poor judge of character, as Gretchen is part of a murderous extortionist duo with her boyfriend, Jay. However, Gretchen has second thoughts when she develops genuine affection for Helen. When Gretchen informs Jay that she wants to call off their plot, he refuses and carries on with the plan. Now both Helen and Gretchen may be in grave danger.
Punch and Jody
Executive Producer
When a woman dies in a car accident, her former husband (a traveling circus worker) learns that his wife was pregnant when she divorced him many years earlier. The now teen-aged daughter enters his life. Can they form a relationship?
Strange Homecoming
Executive Producer
A small-town sheriff is surprised to see his brother show up in town, a man whom he hasn't seen in 20 years--and who has graduated from petty thievery to murder.
Terror on the 40th Floor
Executive Producer
A number of business people, keeping the Christmas Eve office party going longer than was originally intended, are beset by a fire that starts in the basement of their office building and creeps up at them from floor to floor.
Chosen Survivors
A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, nearly two miles below the surface of the Earth. There they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been "chosen" by computer to survive in the shelter in order to continue the human race. The shelter is designed to allow the people to exist underground comfortably for years, but they are faced with a threat nobody could have predicted: a colony of thousands of bloodthirsty vampire bats finds a way into the shelter and launches a series of vicious attacks where they claim the humans one by one.
Catch My Soul
Executive Producer
Screenwriter John Good's rock & roll adaptation of Shakespeare's Othello who is a wandering evangelist who happens onto Iago's remote commune. There he marries the lovely Desdemona much to the chagrin of Iago, who also loves her. The conniving commune leader then manages to quietly pressure Othello until murder and tragedy ensue. Songs include: "Othello", "Working on a Building," "Eat the Bread, Drink the Wine," "Book of Prophecy," "That's What God Said," "Chug a Lug," "Open Your Eyes," "Lust of the Blood," "Put Out the Light" and more.
O Grito do Lobo
Executive Producer
A big-game hunter comes out of retirement to help track down a killer wolf, and begins to suspect that it isn't a wolf but an animal that can take human form.
Message to My Daughter
A confused teenager discovers a stack of tapes recorded years earlier by her dying mother.
Let the Good Times Roll
Executive Producer
Documentary of a 1950s rock and roll revival show, with split-screen editing to rival Woodstock.
A Cripta dos Sonhos
Executive Producer
Uma antologia de cinco histórias de horror compartilhadas por cinco homens presos no porão de um prédio de escritórios.
Class of '63
Executive Producer
A jealous husband uses a college reunion to gauge whether or not his wife is still in love with her old flame.
Go Ask Alice
Executive Producer
A 14-year-old girl in late 1960's America is inadvertently sucked into an odyssey of sex and drugs. She eventually seeks help.
Sand Castles
Executive Producer
A young man who dies in an auto accident returns from the dead to meet up with the young woman who tried to save him.
Contos do Além
Executive Producer
Cinco estranhos vão a uma excursão para ver cavernas antigas e se perdem do grupo, mas encontram o sinistro guardião de uma cripta que conta como cada um deles morreu através de cinco histórias.
Heat of Anger
Executive Producer
A woman attorney and her young associate defend a wealthy contractor accused of murdering an ironworker who was having an affair with the contractor's daughter.
Future Shock
Executive Producer
“Our modern technology has achieved a degree of sophistication beyond our wildest dreams. But this technology has exacted a pretty heavy price. We live in an age of anxiety, a time of stress. And with all our sophistication we are in fact, the victims of our own technological strength. We are the victims of shock … of future shock.” No, this isn’t a quote from a Huffington Post column on the Facebookization of modern communication. Nor is it pulled from an academic treatise on the phenomenologies of post-industrial existence. This statement was made by Orson Welles in the 1972 futurist documentary Future Shock, and, unlike some of the more dated elements of 1970s educational films, Future Shock remains shockingly current in verbalizing the concerns and anxieties that come along with rapid societal and technological change. (Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive)
She Waits
Executive Producer
When a newlywed woman is taken to her husband's hometown to meet his mother, she is possessed by the vengeful spirit of his previous wife.
The People
Executive Producer
A young woman is assigned to teach school in a secluded valley whose inhabitants appear stern, secretive and anti-pleasure. Following two children who disappear to play in the woods, she finds that this is actually a community of extraterrestrials with mild paranormal powers who are attempting to repress and deny their heritage for fear of arousing prejudice and hatred in their human neighbors. Based on a series of novels by the late Zenna Henderson.
Murder Once Removed
Executive Producer
Television thriller in which a scheming doctor murders once for love and then has to kill again to cover it up.
A Tattered Web
Executive Producer
A detective discovers his son-in-law is cheating on his wife. He confronts the other woman and accidentally kills her, then tries to pin the crime on a local derelict.
Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring
Executive Producer
Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their disapproval of her actions. They refuse to even try to understand. She must also deal with an ex-lover, and a beloved young sister who is following in her footsteps, wanting the idealistic hippie life but making some rash decisions in the process.
Last Hours Before Morning
Executive Producer
An ex-cop, now a private detective, investigating a gambler's murder finds that there may be a connection between that crime and the jewel robbery at a beautiful movie star's home.