Jennifer Augé


Small Country: An African Childhood
Gabriel, aged 10, lives in a comfortable ex-pat neighborhood in Burundi, his ‘small country’. Gabriel is a normal kid, happy, carefree and having adventures with his friends and little sister. Then in 1993, tensions in neighboring Rwanda spill over, threatening his family and his innocence.
Em Toda Parte
Yvan sente-se perseguido por um crescente antissemitismo, e ele costumava ouvir que ele exagera, que ele é paranoico. Durante as sessões com o seu terapeuta, Yvan, então, fala sobre o que o preocupa: a sua identidade, sobre ser francês e judeu hoje. Mas esses encontros são também, e sobretudo, uma espécie de fio vermelho que liga uma série de histórias curtas que tentam desconstruir, de modo tragicômico, os maiores clichês antissemitas que perduram na sociedade.
A Família Bélier
Paula é uma adolescente francesa que enfrenta todas as questões comuns de sua idade: o primeiro amor, os problemas na escola, as brigas com os pais… Mas a sua família tem algo diferente: seu pai , sua mãe e o irmão são surdos e mudos. É Paula quem administra a fazenda familiar, e que traduz a linguagem de sinais nas conversas com os vizinhos. Um dia, ela descobre ter o talento para o canto, podendo integrar uma escola prestigiosa em Paris. Mas como abandonar os pais e os irmãos?
Nova York, Eu Te Amo
Onze curtas de diferentes diretores mostram que, em Nova York, o amor está em toda parte. As histórias se passam em bairros específicos da cidade, tecendo uma colcha de retalhos do que é a vida na metrópole mais emblemática de nosso tempo.
A Crime
Vincent's life is on hold until he finds his wife's killer. Alice, his neighbor, is convinced she can make him happy. She decides to invent a culprit, so that Vincent can find revenge and leave the past behind. But there is no ideal culprit and no perfect crime.
Blueberry - Desejo de Vingança
Em pleno velho Oeste vive Mike Blueberry, um dedicado policial federal com forte vínculo com os índio da região. Seu rival, Blunt, é um misterioso assassino, que há vinte anos matou o grande amor da vida de Blueberry e que agora retorna para assombrar o policial. Blount, deta vez, está atrás de um tesouro escondido numa secreta mina de ouro localizada em território sagrado indígena. Para enfrentar seu antigo inimigo, Blueberry contará com a ajuda do índio Runi e de Maria, uma garota boa de briga. Agora a situação está armada, e os rivais se enfrentarão pela última vez. Blueberry finalmente terá a chance de consumar sua vingança, mas terá para tanto que encarar novamente seu trágico passado.
Three Blind Mice
Thomas is a talented computer programmer living in a vibrant, urban metropolis. Lonely and unsure about life, he finds solitude in the world of internet chat rooms, webcam sites and virtual communication. One evening, Thomas witnesses the brutal murder of a webcam friend and in a vain attempt to protect her he becomes the prime suspect in the homicide. Determined to prove his innocence, Thomas teams up with Claire, a specialist in internet crimes to uncover the truth. To expose the murderer, Claire and Thomas decide to set up their own webcam site using Claire as the cyber bait. Somewhere down the line the truth becomes blurred and Thomas no longer knows where to turn or who to trust. As his life starts to spiral out of control, he has to face the terrifying reality that he could be the next victim.........the virtual nightmare has only just begun.
My Wife Is an Actress
A "normal" guy who is married to a hot actress gets worried that she is involved with her costar. This worry turns into jealousy and causes problems in their relationship. This is a story about trust and a comedy about the actions between men and women.
Empty Days
An executive and a dowdy working-class woman, both unemployed, married and parents meet at a supermarket. They become friends but find it hard to accept that they may be in love with each other.
Love, etc.
A triangle: love, obsession, and choice. Pierre, a ladies' man who has little cash and no fixed residence, describes his best friend Benoît as the world's oldest 32-year-old. The shy, well-employed Benoît's life changes when he answers the personal ad of Marie, a 25-year-old who restores paintings. He's attracted to her and she likes his steady calm and his honest attention. They're soon a couple, and they include Pierre in their dinners, outings, and trips. What will happen when Pierre realizes that he too is in love with Marie?
A lonely man talks to his camcorder and tells it everything he'd have liked to do if he hadn't fallen ill.
Un Air de Liberté
High school life chronicles set before, during and after the events of May 68.
Basements is the title for the omnibus film that brings together two plays by Harold Pinter - The Dumb Waiter and The Room - each, once again, set in a single location.
Além da Terapia
Manhattanites Bruce and Prudence are each looking for a meaningful romantic relationship and have been encouraged by their psychiatrists to find someone through the personal ads. Their first meeting is disastrous, but they begin to hit it off during their second date. However, Bruce's bisexual, live-in lover does not want to share Bruce and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep him to himself.
The General of the Dead Army
In the early 1960s, nearly 20 years since the Second World War ended, an Italian general, accompanied by a priest who is also an Italian army colonel, is sent to Albania to locate and collect the bones of his countrymen who had died during the war and return them for burial in Italy. As they go deeper into the Albanian countryside they find they are being followed by another general who is looking for the bodies of German soldiers killed in World War II.
Lillian Gish
Assistant Editor
New York, summer 1983. Jeanne Moreau goes to meet Lillian Gish to film a portrait of her. The star of American silent films invites her to her apartment and discusses her career from its beginnings on film in 1912. She remembers the conditions on stage when she was a child, the first Hollywood blockbuster, D. W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation (1915), and her passion for cinema guided by an inexhaustible curiosity.