Hardly back from America in her home village, the young mountain guide Andrea Stamm is called to a rescue operation. The wife of the contractor Baumberger has an accident. A murder? The whole village mourns, but Andreas's father Robert Stamm can not believe in an accident. The former police officer, who was sent against his will in early retirement, is convinced that Baumberger killed his wife. After initial hesitation, Andrea gives credence to her father's suspicions and begins to investigate. The television movie Steinschlag is an exciting Swiss crime drama based on the novel by Emil Zopfi.
A história se passa em 1964. As personagens Rosa e Romano decidem abandonar o povoado de Solino, no sul da Itália, e viajar para Alemanha. O casal chega a Duisburg, próximo a Düsseldorf, levando seus dois filhos Giancarlo e Gigi. Lá abrem uma pizzaria, que se torna um sucesso. Os problemas da família começam quando os filhos crescem e se adaptam à vida no novo país, enquanto os pais se mantêm fiéis às tradições.